Chapter 53

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Heyo to all your sexy faces!!! :D So today I just felt like expressing my love to ALL OF YOU. You guys are all so amazing!! There's so many things I would love to say to all of you but no words can express my feelings better than THANK YOU! Thanks for all the support, thanks for all the reads, thanks for all the comments, thanks for the vote, thanks to everyone who messaged me and became my closest friends (You guys know who you are) in this crazy world. I'm so thankful to have you guys in my life!! I can't even believe how amazing you guys are!! <3 I also just want to say a quick thank you to you Jo, thanks for the help on this chapter, if it wasn't for you I'd probably still don't know what to write!! ;)

This chapter is for ghoslene thanks for your comment my friend!! ;)

Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 53

P.O.V Olivia

My eyes fluttered open as I was someone gently shook me awake. I turned my head to see who it was and my gaze landed on Dylan. A frown took over my face as I pushed his hand away from my shoulder.

-“What!”, I asked harshly.

-“I think I should have the right to say something too”, he said sinking back in his seat before he licked his lips nervously. He would never give up, would he? I let out a loud sigh, turning my body in his direction.

-“Lets get this over with”, I said annoyed. He gave me a pleading look as his fingers ran through his mop of brown hair.

-“Olivia, all my life I was searching for a home. All those years I craved for a family, or even just for someone to love me and care about me. Maybe you didn’t have the perfect family but at least you had one. You had people to remind you to brush your teeth before you went to bed, someone to comfort you when you fell and scraped your knees. You had someone to protect you. I’ve never felt loved, no one cared about where I was at 1am on school nights. I wasn’t part of anything but foster care. No family or real friend because I was that weird kid who was never wanted and had no parents! I have been fighting with myself everyday of my life to try to believe that I have my place somewhere in this world. I was craving for someone to need me, for someone to care about my life. I want to belong. You and Louis are my only family, the only people who could give me everything I have ever wanted. YOU are everything that I‘ve ever wished for! I know I’m not Liam and I know I could never replace him but am I not enough as myself? Did becoming a star made you believe that no one is good enough for the amazing and wonderful Olivia Dickens! You are my sister, whether you like it or not. Nothing you can say or do will ever change that. I was always pushed aside! Now I’m begging you! Don’t be like everyone else Olivia! You’re the only sister I’ll ever have, you need to let me in!”, he exclaimed and I could see that he was trying to hide his frustration.  I shook my head no, throwing him a disgusted look.

-“This conversation means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me”, I said harshly seeing the hurt flash in Dylan’s eyes. I looked away from him, hating the feelings that he had awoken in me. Why was he making me feel guilty when none of this was my fault! The hate I had towards him only grew even more. Liam would never say that to me!

P.O.V Demi

I shifted and turned in my bed all night. Something felt wrong, but couldn't exactly pin point what it was. I had this weird feeling, that Olivia needed me, or maybe I needed her. I had always been independent in relationships before, but something about Olivia made me different. Good different for sure, but it was terrifying to know that I depended on someone like that. I grabbed my phone to check the time, it was 6h30. I dialled Olivia's number and pressed the phone against my ear, letting my head fallback on the pillow. 

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