-”We’ll have to go out sooner or later Olivia”, Demi said quietly. I squeezed her hand tightly feeling a shiver run down my spine. “Talk to me.”, she pleaded.

-”That’s Liam”, I huffed on the verge of tears.

-”What?”, she exclaimed looking horrified, “But, but, but you told me that he, he died!”, she stuttered.

-”He died! I was there when they buried him. I saw him lying in his coffin. He died, he’s dead”, I said shaking my head in disbelief as the sickening feeling made it’s way back to my stomach. 

-”That’s so fucked up Olivia!”, Demi exclaimed squeezing my hand reassuringly.

-”I’m glad you’re here with me”, I said chewing on my bottom lip nervously.

-”Me too”, she said pecking my cheek again, “do you want me to go talk to your dad alone?”, she asked. 

-”That’s really sweet of you baby, but no, we’ll do this together”, I said feeling the nerves kick in. Demi opened the door holding my hand and slowly dragged me back to the living room where the boys were talking quietly. Every thought that was going though my head drove me crazy. I took a seat next to Demi refusing to look at Liam. How could I feel so much hatred towards the one who used to be my everything.

-”What is he doing here”, I asked bluntly running my hand through my hair.

-”Can I start from the beginning?”, my dad asked.

-”I don’t care about your fucked up story! I wanna know why he’s not buried in the ground!”, I exclaimed harshly.

-”Baby, baby! Calm down, trust me, you want to know”, Demi said calmly forcing me to look into her eyes. “I’m right here with you and I’m not going anywhere. It’s us against the world remember?”, Demi said quietly and I nodded slowly holding my tears in. ”Go on Louis”, Demi said.

-”This is not Liam”, he said giving me a gentle look.

-”What the fuck Louis! I think I can remember my fucking brother!”, I replied frustratedly. He wasn’t going fast enough. He had to spill out the story quickly or else I would probably go insane. I wanted to rip my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs. 

-”Olivia, calm down, this is your brother!”, he replied, “But just stay quiet and listen to me. And don’t interrupt, you’ll ask question after.”, he said. “This here, is Dylan”.

-”What!”, I asked confusedly forcing myself to not run out the door.

-”In the past, I did a lot of things that I’m not proud of, but it made me the man I am today and I will forever be grateful for that. Before Liam’s birth, I cheated on your mother”, my dad sighed visibly uncomfortable, “Long story short, Elizabeth, that’s her name, got pregnant with Liam and Dylan. I felt so bad for your mother, it actually made me physically sick. I told her everything because the guilt was eating me alive and she told me that she would only forgive me if I brought the kid home to us. I didn’t understand at first, but I know your mother wanted Liam because we had tried to have a baby and it wasn’t working out. I talked to Elizabeth and she accepted to give me the baby. She was young and still in University, so it was an easy yes for her. When Liam was born, we took him home with us and I never saw Elizabeth again. Of course I didn’t know anything about Dylan’s existence. I guess that Elizabeth thought it would be too hard to raise twins on her own and decided to give up Liam but keep Dylan a secret. Elizabeth died, when Dylan was four while she was giving birth to her second child who also passed away along with her. Dylan was put in foster care because he had no one left.This year Dylan had started to look for his father and that’s how he found me. We’re his family Olivia. Dylan is Liam’s twin”, my dad smiled sadly.

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