P2: Chapter 4♡♥♡

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For hours, I sat in the emergency waiting room, unable to concentrate on anything but Louis. Melissa was with me, but she had fallen asleep soon after we arrived. I wondered if he was okay. Or if he was even alive...

I looked up at the entrance to the hospital as the double doors swung open and in came Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. I gasped and immediately got up and ran to them. They appeared somewhat happy to see me, but also extremely worried. They all said hi and asked me how I was. Niall went to hug me and I gladly accepted his arms. Liam put a hand on my shoulder, and when I looked up, I noticed Zayn and Harry staring at Melissa.

"So what happened?" Liam asked.

I pulled away from Niall, just in time to see Harry walk over and nonchalantly sit next to Melissa, who was still asleep. He started to play with her hair, but she still didn't wake.

"My half brother Steven kind of lost his mind. I was at my birthday party, and then I left with... Louis. And we were walking in the park when my friend, Melissa, called and she told me Steven was there at the party. And so we left, and Louis tried to tell me to just let evetything be, but of course I didn't listen. So we were both trying to calm Steven down. And then he slapped me, and Louis punched him, and then," I was choked up from crying and could barely get the words out, "he had a knife, and he came at me, and Louis jumped on him and Steven... he..." I just couldn't finish.

Zayn, who had brought his attention back to me, said, "Saby, I'm so sorry."

I shook my head. "It's my fault... If anything happens to him it was all my fault! I just..."

"It's really not your fault," Liam protested. "He loves you, Saby. He wouln't just sit back and watch you get hurt-"

"And whose fault is it that he loves me?! Mine! I had to be weak! I let Lionel take over! And if I hadn't he wouldn't have met me!" I was sobbing uncontrollably then. I was hyperventilating as well, and when the boys tried to comfort me, I just pushed away and went to sit by myself. Liam looked hurt, and as much as I hate saying it, I didn't care.

The boys went over to sit with Harry, who was poking Melissa's arms, then her forehead and when her eyelids finally fluttered open, he waved at her and started saying hi. She blinked, rubbed her eyes, and opened them again.

Her jaw dropped. "You... you're... how... where..."

She looked curiously at the other boys, who gave her a friendly wave; she fainted on the spot.

Even though I found it relatively humorous, I couldn't laugh; I was beside myself. I should have listened to Louis. Why did I have to be so stubborn?

Melissa woke up again, still with a confused expression. Harry grinned cheekily. "Good morning, love."

This time, Melissa composed herself and said, "hi, Harry."

Her cheeks were possibly more red than Steven's had been. I watched as the other boys started conversation with her. Then my eyes gazed at the door behind the main desk, waiting for it to open to hear more news.

I eventually dozed off and woke up with Niall's face inches from mine.

"Boo!" he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Any news?"

He was obviously bummed out that I didn't hold as much reaction as Melissa, but he still smiled a little. "The nurse just came out; Louis will be fine."

I was suddenly wide awake. "What? How is he? Can I go see him?"

Niall exchanged a nervous glance with Harry. "I don't think so. I'm sorry, Saby."

"That's alright." I closed my eyes and leaned back in the hard wooden chair. "Wake me up when he's able to have visitors."

"No, Saby," his Irish accent sounded sincerely sympathetic but I opened my eyes to glare at him. "You need some real sleep. Maybe you and your friend Melissa should come to our place and we can all go see him tomorrow morning."

I shook my head. "I want to stay."

He sighed. "You know... that's exactly what Louis said when we were waiting to see you."

I looked away. "Why?" I whispered.

Niall shrugged. "Love is weird. "

I forced a laugh which resulted in a bright white smile from Niall.

"Okay," I said. "But we'll be here the exact second visitors are allowed in."

He shifted to get up and lazily walked over to everyone else. Harry was really flirting with Melissa, who appeared to be on the verge of drooling in awe. Liam and Zayn were off in the corner having a tender conversation, motioning now and again to Harry as he proceeded to give my best friend a back massage.

"Alright," Niall said. "Let's all go back to the hotel."

Melissa looked a little disappointed as everyone got up and started for the doors. I walked over to her and smiled. "You know you're invited, right?"

She opened her mouth to scream and then, realizing where we were, closed it and started jumping up and down.

"No... no you aren't serious! Shut up!"

Her giggles erupted through the waiting room and a nurse looked up at her, one brow raised in disapproval.

I lifted up a corner of my mouth in a half smile. "Come on. Let's go ."


Hey guys <3

So my friends just got accounts on here and I'd absolutely love for you guys to help them get started by following them (you won't regret it, they're amazing). Their usernames are The_Real_Slim_Sadie and Cora_R_Youman so please check out some of their stories (when they write some).

Also, I'd love for you all to read my autobiography, "14 Years," especially if you're feeling down, the last chapter could make you feel better which is what I want <3 If you ever want to talk feel free to send me a message

Thank you all for reading! I love you guys(:

When I'm In His ArmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora