"What the hell was that?" Henriksen took the walkie "Reidy? Reidy?!" I glanced at the Winchesters "What the hell was that? Come in? Reidy? Reidy?" we all heard the scream and Agent Henriksen headed out of the room. I was still looking at the Winchesters "Agent Mulder!" I hesitated but went after him. Entering the office, I saw Officer Melvin filling his rifle with bullets while Nancy tried to make a call.


"My men?" Officer Melvin questioned "Agent Henriksen-" but he didn't receive a reply

"What the hell's happening out there?" Phil asked

"I can't get a line." Nancy claimed "All the phones are out,"

"Henriksen! Four of my men!" Melvin shouted

"The Internet, my cell..." Nancy rambled "It's all dead. How can it all be dead," Melvin tossed the rifle to Phil when the lights went out. "Oh my God,"

"It's okay." I reassured her.

Melvin looked at her "We're gonna go, we're gonna go...right now,"

"Nobody's going anywhere." Henriksen claimed "Everybody calm down,"

"For once you're actually talking sense," I muttered

"Your partner is out there!" Melvin shouted at him "My men are out there!"

"I know. We go out there, we're asking to die too. Don't you get it?"

"Get what?"

"They're out there and they're coming in here. This is a siege. So this might be a good time for you to lock the doors and windows," the girl began to panic "Take a breath," I reassured her

"And maybe deal with this like trained professionals with some sense in their heads,"

"Oh for crying out loud Henriksen!" I shouted at him as I went to her as the men left the room "You okay?" She nodded but then shook her head "I wouldn't think so. Nancy, right? I'm gonna get you through this. You got my word. You got that?" she smiled at me tearfully and nodded.


I walked into the holding area with a first aid kit "How's the shoulder?" I asked

Dean took away the pad of toilet paper with a large blood stain on it "It's awesome." he said sarcastically as he tossed away the pad "I'll live. You know, if we get out of here alive,"

I looked back into the hall and headed towards them "Here...this might be a bit better than toilet paper," I took out a key and unlocked their cell.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Dean asked defensively.

"You sustained a bullet injury that went all the way through...unlike Agent Henriksen, I am a decent human being," I sat on the bench and took out a needle and thread. "Oh and here..." I handed Sam my necklace. The two looked at me questionably, causing me to roll my eyes "You two were talking about Deputy Director Groves being possessed, and you kept eyeing my necklace since you saw it. So my only guess is that you're going to use it for protection,"

"Who are you?!" Dean questioned but I didn't reply as I began stitching him up causing him to grunt.

"Don't be such a wuss," I told him

"We're like sitting ducks in here," Sam complained

"Yeah, I know. Would it kill these cops to BRING US A SNACK?!" I rolled my eyes and handed him the Snickers from my back pocket "Is this some sort of joke?" I shrugged, but stood up when Sheriff Melvin entered the room. "Well, howdy, there, Sheriff,"

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