koutetsujou no kabaneri

Start from the beginning

The story follows a group of survivors as they travel around the country, via train because their city was overran. The episodes extend over the time that they're traveling to other cities, our protagonist is harnessing his powers, and the world is falling into even deeper shit. Fantastic! As the protagonist acquires his ability and is trained by the heroine, I found it extremely cool on how much they touched onto the topic. Given the short time, I thought they had such a satisfying amount of the supernatural power added in. In fact I'd say they went into more overall depth with the powers for this anime than in AOT, and they had half the time!

I also found it very interesting how the "main" antagonist wasn't really the kabane, rather it was actual humans and how they are driven by emotion to do horrid things. As far as the actual story goes, it is without a doubt similar in many ways to the AOT series. However people need to stop and credit the story for what is it's own and how great it actual can be.

Second and thirdly we have Audio and visuals. Starting with audio; it wasn't bad. The opening had me pulled in, then kinda let me go. As the opening song started, it was really good, and I felt that it was building up to this hard rock chorus. It didn't. In fact where I think the chorus should have increased to a rock level, it actually stayed pretty much the same  or lowered. The opening was really nice until the chorus, which was a total disappointment. So not a great opening. The ending however did make up for that. The ending was actually really amazing and I really loved it.

Next is the visuals. This anime had a rather...interesting art style. Like AOT, both styles differ greatly from the standard A-1 pictures visuals that most anime use. The visuals weren't bad. In fact I think they put the characters and setting into a great light, that only further increased my praise for the anime. I can't exactly describe the style of art, but I'm sure you can see the difference of it in the images for this review that I used. If the art isn't to your liking, that's okay. But I think you'd be missing out if you skipped over this due to the visuals.

Lastly, what I've wanted to touch on the most in this review; the characters. Honestly I've wanted an excuse to talk about it's characters since I watched the anime. Personally, as a fan of both this and AOT, I'll say that I very much enjoyed the characters from both series. But koutetsujou no kabaneri has AOT beat by a mile with the characters. I thought the characters for this series were much more likable,  much more levelheaded, the characters for koutetsujou no kabaneri were just better for me. I mean shit, even Mikasa was removed from her "best girl" position by the conductor of the train in  koutetsujou no kabaneri. Seriously, that girl might be muscular, but she's sexy AF. Besides her, I found that most characters here had logic and reason behind their actions of present and past. More so than AOT anyway.

There isn't a whole lot more I can say, unless this was a YouTube video...

The main thing about the series is, I think it's pretty good. I'd like to encourage as many otaku as possible to at least give it a try. I don't want people assuming it's just a doppelganger and nothing more. The series is decently self sufficient and I think you shouldn't be so closed minded to ignore it for such stupid reasons.

Favorite character:


Favorite part:

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Favorite part:


Plot: 82

Op: 80

Character's: 80

Art style: 83

Enjoyment: 90

koutetsujou no kabaneri average: 83 (B level anime)

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