All I Know...

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I couldn't describe how good a steaming hot shower felt. Especially with Louis holding me close...
His warmth plus the hot water made me more comfortable than ever. Louis gripped my hand and stepped into the shower, dragging me in, too. He turned around and faced me, making my heart skip a beat. Our fingers interlaced, and Louis leaned forward, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. I moaned gently into his mouth as he pinned me to the wall and stepped closer. He was so close, my head was almost all the way bent back from how tall he was. He bent down slightly to make the kiss deeper, and I felt my heart pounding steadily as he squeezed my hands.
"Harry..." Louis panted after our kiss, "All I know is that I love you so... so much... and... and I'm crazy about you... I'm just ecstatic you're safe..."
I blinked slowly, tears leaking out of the corners of my eyes. I was absolutely touched from his words, even though he tells me how much he loves me every day.
"You're my entire world..." he finished, and gently kissed me again. It was shorter this time, but still with just as much passion.
"Hopefully..." I murmured after that kiss, "Nothing else will happen, since he's gone forever." The words relieved me so much; We were finally safe. Eleanor was dead, and Louis never had any other close girlfriends other than Cheeks, who is a close friend even today.
Louis slowly rubbed circles of hot water and soap into my skin. I sighed softly as bubbles surrounded me, burning hot water soothing my skin. My heart was pounding as he gripped my hips for a moment, then continued to slide his hands around my soapy body. I smiled contently and got my own hands covered in soap. Gently, I placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly dragged my hands down, getting his body covered in soap. I blushed as he pulled me close and pressed our bodies together, making each of us even soapier.
Louis then got shampoo, then poured a ton on his hands. He then slid his fingers in my hair and rubbed, lathering every strand in tons of shampoo. I smiled at him as he stared into my eyes, a light blush on his cheeks.
"You wash hair r-really good..." I whispered, and Louis chuckled, running his fingers deeper into my hair. I moaned lightly, smiling and biting my lip a little. It felt like a head massage... Louis then pulled my hair a little, and turned me around so I was right under the faucet. The soap slid off of my body, the bubbles crowded around the drain on the floor. My curls now flattened and  stuck to my face from being so wet, and I giggled a little in contentment.
I washed Louis' hair as well, and we ended up playing our favorite little game, as we call it. Now, I was curled up in his arms in bed, slowly falling asleep. But, in his arms, I felt a presence. Not a ghost, but like someone was behind me, or near me.
"Louis..." I murmured, feeling a little strange. He shifted, making a small noise.
"I feel a presence," I whispered, and Louis sat up, looking around the room.
"Nobody's here, Hazza," he replied, pulling me close. "It's probably just from the house. Eleanor's  dead, baby. We're safe."
But something was telling me we weren't safe just yet...

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