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  My head was rested on Louis' shoulder, against his warm body. My sides were rising and falling as I slowly drifted into sleep, the soft crackling of the fire warming me and Louis on this cold, snowy night. Louis'hand was gently stroking my hair as I fell asleep, and I smiled a little before the darkness took over.

I jerked awake, my eyes wide as I shot my head up. We were still on the couch, the fire very dim now, the sky pitch black. I turned to Louis slowly, raising an eyebrow. Fear seized my heart as I saw his face. He looked like he saw a ghost! All of the color was drained from his face, he was a chalky white. His oceany eyes were huge, tears glazing the surface. He was shaking as he held me, his nails digging a little into me. I gasped lightly and hugged him closer, looking him in the eyes.
"Louis, what the hell happened to you!?" I hissed, trying to keep eye contact with him. He kept constantly darting his eyes around behind me, and pulling me a little closer every few seconds.
"H-Harry... I think someone's in the house," he whispered, his voice shaking with fear. My eyes widened and I froze, becoming alarmed.
"Are you sure it isn't the girls coming home?" I said softly, narrowing my eyes a little. I could tell his throat was dry; he kept constantly swallowing. I gently raised a hand and held the side of his face for reassurance.
"I'm positive, baby," he choked. "I think I saw a woman..." A woman? Oh, damn. This was creeping me out. When Louis' scared, it means you are scared. Louis' only fear is losing me or the girls, and obviously fire and planes due to the terrible incidents. But when he was this scared? Gosh... I was becoming scared myself. Really scared. And I haven't seen anything yet.
Just then, a soft and dry chuckle was heard in the kitchen, which was black. We both tensed, not even breathing. I whimpered lightly and snuggled into Louis, shaking in terror. What was that? Was that the woman?
"W-Who's there!?" Louis called, his voice echoing gently. Another soft laugh.
"You know who I am."
Our eyes were glued to the kitchen, but there was no movement. Her voice seemed so close, but she wasn't anywhere in sight. My heart was hammering my chest in fear and anxiety. Did this woman have a weapon? Was he going to kill us? How did she even get in!?
Just then, there was a gasp, and a slam. I whipped around, feeling Louis' arms go limp around me. He slumped over, and there stood a girl with a frying pan, with long and slightly curly brown hair .
"LOUIS!" I screeched, tears forming in my eyes as I clamped a hand over my mouth. The woman smiled a crooked smile, his hazel eyes narrowing. He tightened his grip around the pan, blinking as she stared at me silently. I looked up at her in fear, my arms shaking, tears forming in my eyes. Louis wasn't here to protect me anymore... smart move, random woman. First she knocks out Louis, and do who knows what to me...?
She laughed coldly, and before I could react, she raised the pan. I choked out in fear as it came flying down. The metal made contact with my head, and I gasped loudly as the pain eased in and I collapsed. I just heard some soft chuckles before everything went dizzy, then faded into black.  

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