Crazy Things

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(This Chapter is from Louis' Eyes)

"No..." I choked, staring down at the ring. "Oh my god..." Harry would NEVER take off his ring. If it's off, he must be dead, there's no way...
"Oh, Jake, H-Harry's gone..." I felt tears roll down my cheeks, and Jake was awake from his cat nap. "He's gone!" I wailed, squeezing the ring in my palm. "Why..."
Jake darted his head toward the front of the cave, and I looked to where he was through a blurred vision. I choked on my own breath at the sight. The clouds were green, and swirling around like a whirlpool. This is not just any mini tornado... this will be bad... Jake crouched into a small heap, honestly scared of what may happen.
The wind picked up speed second by second, and Jake guarded the cave entrance, seeing I was tired. I fell asleep, sniffing away tears, watching the back of Jake's head, his ears upright and alert.

"Wake up! Holy shit, wake UP!"
I cracked open my eyes, groaning and sitting up. "The hell..." I grumbled, looking around. "Oh no..." The cave was gone. All that was left was crumbled rock, and my pile of glam was also missing, but Harry's ring remained in my palm and wrapped in my sweaty fingers. Jake was gone. But someone else was here. I lifted my gaze to the person I last expected...
I got slammed to the ground, a hyper Moon on top of me, hugging me to nothing. "My god! You're ALIVE!" Moon gasped and let me sit up, and I was speechless. This couldn't be happening! "And you are too!" I replied, smiling and happy to have someone to talk to who would actually talk back!
"Great news," Moon rushed, and I nodded, anxious to hear. "Vix is alive, and so is Diamond!" I smiled, happy to know my biggest fans didn't pass with the other helpless people in that crash. "And the best part..."
"Harry's alive."
"O-Oh... my... god..." I chocked out, and slowly edged into joyful laughter. My baby! He's... alive!! "My Hazza survived!" I called in pure happiness, Moon with a big smile on her face at my reaction. I spun around, the ring secure in my hand. Moon giggled and watched me spin like a child. "Bad news, though," she added quickly. "I have no idea where they are now, but I do know they are on this mountain!"
"We'll find them, I know it...!" I was full of confidence, achievement and realization. We WILL find Harry, and I know it. We will.
"Well, let's get searching!" I exclaimed and helped Moon up. She lost all of her weight; you could see her ribs. She was as skinny as Harry for Christ's sake. I led her out of the screwed up pile of crushed rocks and down the pathway Jake always led me through. "Is that Harry's ring?" Moon asked after about 10 minutes. "Yes," I responded simply. "He's mourning about it," she said quietly. "A cougar pounced on him and ripped it off of his finger, at least that's what he told us."
"Jake!" I laughed, turning to face her. "He was taking care of me!"
"A cougar?" Moon gasped and laughed. "Wow! That's so... different!" I nodded, smiling yet missing the cougar. "Before that it was a fox..."
"A fox?" Moon interrupted, but nodded for me to go on. "She was carried away by an eagle, and apparently that eagle stole Harry's phone, and then the fox which I named Jay got me the phone, and here it is!" I finished, whipping out the black iPhone. Moon's mouth was wide open, gaping. "W...What?" I said flatly, waiting for an answer from the shocked looking girl.
"We found an injured fox and named her Jay! There were tears in her muzzle, and she's following Harry around! And Harry says he wants the iPhone back." I laughed, knowing Harry would say something like that. "Jay's still alive? That's amazing!" I laughed, happy to know the small fox lived through the eagle attack.
We were both silent for a long time, exploring the mountain and trying to find Harry, Vix and Diamond. After 20 minutes of silence, Moon started singing.
"Macaroni, macaroni, macaroni, macaroni, put the cheese in the noodle and whataya get," she repeated in an impossible speed over and over. It was around the 47th time I yelled, "Shut up!" at her, and she stopped dead, but seconds later she peeped one last time, "Macaroni." Fuming, I turned and just screamed, making her snicker a little. It was pretty funny, to be honest.
We searched most of the mountain by now, but still no luck. Plus, the skies were darkening, the stars starting to appear. Still there was no sign of Jake.
"We should find somewhere to live for now," I pointed out, and Moon agreed quickly. We found an abandoned den and decided to sleep there for the night. After a long sigh, I said goodnight to Moon and slid into a deep sleep.  

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