The Horrifying Truth

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It was Vix's spasms that woke me up.
Louis was smirking at me, seeing the Rolling Stones magazine on my lap with him on the cover. I blushed, realizing what I was holding, and I shoved it back in the seat, glancing to the isle of the plane. I think the lady serving drinks gave the three girls behind us some root beer, which is the worst thing that could happen.
The ice cubes in Vix's empty cup made a rattling noise as she bounced, full of caffeine. Moon was chugging the rest of her sugar-filled drink, and Diamond was regretting she was in the middle of the two. I realized I had to use the bathroom, so I poked Louis on she shoulder and let him know.
I stood up in the isle, wobbling a little, sighing as I dragged my feet to the bathroom, hoping my feet were taking me the right way. I pushed open the door to the small room with a sink and toilet, then shutting it behind me.
As I was washing my hands, I heard a female voice outside in the pilot section.
"Wing B hit something..." She was talking in a quiet tone, nervous. I turned the water off, leaning against the wall closest to the pilot zone.
"You guys are driving too low! We're going to crash if you don't do something!" She was panicking. My heart rate increased. What was happening?
"Do you think we should evacuate?" A man's voice whispered.
"Don't tell the passengers; they'll panic."
"But don't you see!? Remember we have Louis Tomlinson on the plane, and his husband." My blood went cold. "If they die because of this, it's all our fault. His fans will be pissed."
"If we tell the passengers, they'll panic!"
"At least they'll be safe!"
"How damaged is the wing?"
"A whole engine was busted."
There was another whack, and I heard the people gasp. I froze, not moving from the bathroom wall.
"We're above the freaking Appalachian Mountains. This is the worst place we can possibly crash!" I heard the female hiss to the two male voices.
"Well, what are we going to do!? Nothing? Something?"
"Just-- we'll figure it out soon."
"We don't have time!"
I opened the bathroom door, and when I did, they froze and stared at me. I just gave them a glance and turned, walking back to Louis, who looked a little unsettled.
"Did you feel that?" Diamond whispered, looking around nervously. Moon was staring at the clouds, and she gasped.
"What?" I snapped and dove down in my seat, leaning on Louis to see out. The sight made my heart stop and my entire body froze in fear.
The plane was only a few thousand feet from completely smashing into a giant mountain.

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