Never A Moment Of Rest

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(This Chapter is from Louis' Eyes)

"I made a new song," I told Moon, and she grinned from ear to ear. "Wanna hear it?" We sat on the edge of the mountain, letting the chilly November breeze brush our cheeks and make our fingers slightly numb.
"Yeah, sing it!" She bounced up and down, and I nodded. "It's called If I Could Fly," I explained, and took a breath in, starting to sing.
"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you I'd think I might give up everything, just ask me to

Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless

"But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye
Everything in me wants you back in my life
Can't let you go
Can't let you go

"It feels like the dawn of the dead
Like bombs going off in my head
Never a moment of rest
ye ye yeah!
Nothing kills more than to know
That this is the end of the road
And I know I gotta let go

"But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye
Everything in me wants you back in my life
Can't let you go
Can't let you go
Can't let you go
Can't let you go

"Wish I could just find a way
To have all your memories erased
'Cause constantly they're haunting me

"But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye
Everything in me wants you back in my life
Can't let you go
Can't let you go
Can't let you go
Can't let you go

"I can't let you go
I can't let you go..."
I finished the last lyric, my throat pleased with singing again. Moon clapped insanely and cheered. "That was amazing, even without background music!" She studied my face for a minute. "You're so different without all of the makeup!"
"Yeah... ha!" I laughed, glancing at her and winking. "You've been with Adam uncovered for a month now!" Moon giggled and poked me in the shoulder. "Tommy's 29 now. You're younger now!" I smiled, thinking of my husband. "He's a head shorter than you and yet he's older by four months!" Moon teased me and I grumbled.
"Look!" Moon gasped and I sat up, looking around in all directions. "It's snowing!" My eyes focused within seconds. "Oh!" I chirped, seeing the gentle flakes drape onto my bangs and stick, making me look like a reversed dalmatian. After the snow gathered around me for a few minutes, Moon scooped up a snowball. Only a heartbeat later my face was soaked with snow, and Moon was cracking up.
"It's on!" I challenged her, and tossed some snow at her head, making the perfect white sphere explode into a white frenzy. Soon we were in a violent snowball fight, chucking balls of ice at each other's faces and laughing every time we scored.
"That was fun," I sighed after the battle ended. I collapsed on my back, making snow angels and closing my eyes, enjoying the nice weather while we could.
"We should make a snowman later," Moon giggled and plopped down next to me, also making white angels in the freezing ice flakes. "I wonder if we'll see any reindeer this winter," was all Moon said before we drifted into silence, just letting the snowflakes collect on our faces.

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