Romance At The Pool

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The elevator doors opened and we stepped in. The elevator kid, as I call him now, was staring at the corner, motionless. Facing the wall. What the hell?

When the doors opened we stepped out and the kid still stood like a statue. I snickered and Louis held the door open to the pool.I laughed as Louis tried to splash me. Instead the water whacked Liam in the head and he had to jump into the water and get him back. We were down at the pool, 'relaxing.' Yeah, right, I thought as I watched everyone splash each other in the face at least seven times. I was the one relaxing with a drink in the pool. Eventually Louis wore out and came over to me while Gemma, Rob, and Steven kept violently whacking each other with foam noodles they found floating around. I started snort-laughing while watching them. They looked like fourth grade boys at a water park. Louis saw it too and laughed with me.I took a sip of my drink and glanced to Louis. I stared at him unexpectedly, my eyes glued to his whole body. Louis has some sort of gravitational pull affect on me. Whenever I look at him for a second my eyes stay glued and when that happens his gravity pulls me forward until we are kissing. Not in public. Something about the public makes me stop moving forward, but when we are in private or with the band, it is irresistible. Unfortunately some of my desire to move toward him leaks out where other people can see, Louis was staring at me for a moment too. He smiled and said quietly but hearable under Gemma's, Steven's and Rob's rough playing, "You're totally checking me out." I got under a complete coat of bright red. "I-I am n-not!" I stuttered through shaking lips who can't get enough Louis. The smirk, THE smirk, found it's way to Louis' mouth. He looked at me with his eyelids slightly drooping, giving me the 'Really?' look. I got under ANOTHER coat of red.

"You know you are," Louis went on. I was so red I swear I was making the pool a hot tub, so hot it was bubbling and steaming without it even turning on. I felt like I had a fever with so much heat going over me. Louis knows when I'm not telling him the truth about his hotness. Just the look of me is so obvious. Fire truck red, heat flying off me at the speed of light, maybe even sweating.
"M-Maybe..." I finally answered. Louis edged closer, making me so tempted to lean and kiss him. Sadly... a little too tempted. I DID lean forward. My heart was pumping so much blood into me and that's probably why I was so red. My veins pulsed with anxiety, my eyes staring into Louis' oceans, our fingers starting to lace together underwater. The sun was setting behind Louis' head, his hair giving a slight glow at the tips, making him even more hot. Best of all, he had no shirt on. My eyes started to close and Louis' breath became closer to my skin.
Louis' power blocked out all sound around me, and it was very very silent. Even Gemma, Rob, and Steven's crazy game was drowned out. All thoughts left my memory and my lips loosened as Louis was barely a centimeter from my face. Something was nagging at me... what was it? Like a bug trying to bite me, it sat there, nipping. Trying to tell me something, but what? It bit me finally and I realized... when I'm about to kiss Louis, ALMOST all sound is drowned out. ALMOST. Not all!
I froze in the spot. My lips went numb. Louis' mouth met mine. My heart was racing. I kissed back and I was still red as I was when this whole thing started.
Snap out of it! My brain yelled and screamed at me. It's never this quiet! Wake up out of your little dreamy paradise! Wake up to the real world! It kept shouting demands at me and I insisted to ignore them. No, I love Louis and I'm sort of in the middle of kissing him, will you shut up!? My brain decided to give up but whipped one more thing to me. Fine, whatever, if you're okay with Zayn, Liam and Niall staring and gaping at you while you do it.

I retreated back as fast as possible and swiveled my head to Gemma, Steven, and Rob. They were frozen, gaping, staring. Holding their noodles in the air, motionless. Louis stared at me for a moment and then it whacked him in the face as well. He looked in the same direction. We were all quiet until Zayn broke the silence. "What were you two DOING!?" He exclaimed. I gulped and a heat wave flew through my body.

"Uh... we... we w-were..." I couldn't find the words. My heart was in my throat and still pounding at the same speed. "Erm... we... were j-just..." Steven rose an eyebrow and Rob's jaw was still wide open. "Just..." Where is the right excuse? There IS none! They saw us kissing with their own eyes, now there is NO way I could say anything other than our love for each other.
"Why don't we go back to the hotel room and explain it all?" Louis suggested, obviously making himself not stutter. Louis was the master of excuses. He could cover embarrassment in an instant. It's a good thing, too, because I'm the exact opposite.
Without a word all of us got our towels and dried off, and set off to the elevator. Not to my surprise at all, the elevator kid was there. He was sitting on the ground. Around him was a square drawn with chalk. "This is MY personal space." He announced to us. Gemma stared at him suspiciously and Louis was spacing out. Steven played with his towel and Rob nodded and drifted away from the elevator kid. I glanced to the kid who was sitting in his 'personal space.'
The doors opened and he glared at me as I walked out. The doors closed and I thought if that kid ever got off the elevator. No matter which one I took he was in it. Fishy. Maybe he has some weird, identical twin.
The second I closed the door behind me Gemma was obviously pissed off. "What is so secretive!? Will you guys blurt it out already?" I cast a look to Louis uncertainly. I couldn't tell them... I'd probably sound like a baby trying to talk for the first time. Louis scanned my mind and sucked in air.
"We're together."

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