It's Me I'm A Freak

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The seat belt button flicked off, signaling we were high enough in the air to move around and be safe. As soon as the light was dim, Vix flew up from the seat behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, screeching, "Little Orange!!" I yelped in surprise, flinching at the movement.
"What was that about...?" I choked out as Vix's grip tightened. "I've always wanted to hug you!" Vix squealed excitedly. "I have you as my background on my laptop! See!" Vix dove back behind me and was actually silent for a moment. Only heartbeats later she popped up behind me, shoving her laptop in my face. I saw myself in a white shirt, a blazer eyeline and near my arm was my name, written as 'Harry! :3'
"Wow..." I tilted my head to see my face clearer, laughing at the screen. "Don't you usually have Louis as your background?" Speaking of him, the brunette haired man next to me was fast asleep.
"Yeah," Vix chirped. "But change is fun!" She bounced, and Moon suddenly exploded from the seat with her laptop, the exact same picture as her background. "I guess you'd call this addiction?" Diamond peeped and Vix giggled. "Obsession!" She corrected.
"Huh?" Louis' eyes flickered open from Moon shaking him violently and whispering, "Pants are dumb! Take them off!" I looked over to Moon, confused. "Pants... off?" I narrowed my eyes, making the situation dramatic for the fangirls to have fun. "He's mine! Only I'm allowed to strip him!" I playfully growled and pushed Moon away, making her moan and fall back in her chair.
"No! I wanna!" Vix pouted and pulled Louis' hair, making him swat her hand. "My hair!" He hissed, rubbing his head. I burst into laughter, making the people in front of us turn around and glare at me. I held my hand in front of my mouth, holding in the laughs.
Vix made a growling noise from the back seat, so out of curiosity I turned to see why she was snarling at someone. Moon was poking her with her shoe, and Vix was narrowing her eyes in anger, trying to push Moon away.
I wasn't surprised at all of what was happening with the two, since Vix and Moon always are doing something not-normal. I shook my head and stared to the back of the seat in front of me, at the magazine that read "Rolling Stone." Louis was on the cover... oh, wow!
I grabbed the magazine and grinned, glancing to Louis, who was gazing out the window at the drifting clouds and the bright sun. I flipped through the pages, reading the article about Louis revealing his sexuality.
Only a minute later I drifted off to sleep.

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