Just Let Go

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  Nobody knows what day it is, but we're guessing 3 weeks passed, and it was late October, 2010. Halloween was coming soon; it used to be me and Louis' favorite holiday... we'd love to dress up.
Scars were still visible on my leg, where the bear trap snapped about a month ago, but I could walk now. Everyone lost a good half of their weight; I was surprised I lived through the weight loss, seeing anyways I didn't really HAVE any weight anyways...
The autumn weather is not a good thing for the situation we are in. Recently we found a newspaper tumbling around, and the main headline was, "Louis Tomlinson and Husband Harry Styles still Missing," and the date was July 3rd. That was around three weeks ago, so that;s how we got the day estimation.
"I found some food!" I heard Diamond call from outside of our den. First the den was going to be temporary, but it ended up being our home. Vix and Moon constantly went on patrols miles away from our site, looking for clues of Louis' existence. Diamond looked for food, and if it was raw or cold, I was in job of starting a fire and cooking it. I also went on patrols every now and then, but Vix and Moon didn't like taking me. They know I'll burst into tears if they find Louis' body anywhere.
Diamond came tumbling into the den, a bundle of food in her arms. Hamburgers, fries and hot dogs! "Wow, where did you find that!?" I gasped, lunging forward and taking one of the burgers, sniffing it to make sure it wasn't infested with maggots. It was good enough to eat! "It was just... there!" Diamond shrugged, smiling happily and sitting down, picking up a fry and inspecting it. "We need to wait for Vix and Moon to come back," I explained, and Diamond reluctantly set the french fry down. We watched the rain trickle down the ground gently, we might have watched it for hours before we heard Vix and Moon wailing somewhere off in the distance. Soon they came into view through the fog, and they tumbled into the den. "Food!" Vix wailed happily, and Moon saw what Vix was cheering about. "Real food!"
"I'll cook it," I chirped and grabbed two sticks, rubbing them together and failing terribly. Moon snapped the sticks from my hands and shoved them together furiously, making sparks fly in seconds. Vix clapped spaztically and Diamond giggled lightly. Soon the sticks were aflame, and I gathered damp leaves and twigs from outside to keep the fire going. Soon there was a nice, warm campfire around us, and we were all patiently waiting for the burgers to warm up.
"This is actually really good!" Moon gasped and hungrily ripped a chunk of beef from the food, chewing it quickly and going back for more. Vix agreed with a "Mmm-hmm!" and Diamond nodded while slowly taking a bite of a french fry. "All we need is a huge bottle of root beer," Vix sighed sadly and Moon agreed. "I haven't had root beer in months!" Diamond shook her head. "It'll make you guys too hyper, and you'll destroy the den..." Moon laughed in agreement. "Good point..."
"I remember something funny from one of your guy's interviews," Vix started a new conversation. I looked up from my food, hurt in my eyes just from hearing his name. "Louis once said if he was forced to he might become a cannibal!" Moon and Diamond bust out laughing, and I couldn't help but smile. "And..." Vix winked and Moon and Diamond, and they whipped out the thing I least expected.

A cake?

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" They shouted. 

"Anniversary? For what?" 

"The day you and Louis met on X Factor remember? Moon asked.

"Oh Yeah." 

"We literally just found this laying around somewhe...."
All of us went silent, and I wondered why. I listened intently, and my heart stopped.
"If I could fly...!"
"Holy SHIT!" I screeched, leaping to my feet and dashing out of the den. There's no doubt that that was Louis! It was echoing off somewhere....
I stopped dead and stared at the sky, drops of rain slowly dripping from the clouds. It was coming from the sky? Was this some sort of angel or what? I could still hear him singing, and it was RIGHT above me!
"HARRY!" I called, squinting my eyes as I tried to get a better view of the mountain above. "Of course! The mountains!" I gasped, and my three fans were right behind me, and heard what I said. "What now?" Vix grunted. and I turned to her, confidence filling my lonely eyes.
"We're going to climb that mountain."  

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