What To Do In An Emergengy On An Elevator

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"Okay, just, over this way..."

Louis led me to a Car. "Where are we going and why are you so dressed up!?" I was slightly impatient and anxious, but very excited. Louis was in a tux, his hair all gelled up, he looked gorgeous. I, on the other hand, looked like a slob. I felt embarrassed. "Please don't tell me we're going to some fancy party; I don't have anything nice on..."
"No, no, honey, no party." He stuck his hand under his tux and felt around for something. The item? Louis seemed to have felt it, gave himself a brisk nod, and slid his hand out. I looked at him with a quizzical look, wondering what he was planning to do with this item.
The trees and houses passed the car as we drove by.Isaac, Niall, Liam, and Zayn who seemed to know what was happening. They even winked at Adam on the way out. What is this stupid secret nobody will tell me!?
"Louis, my birthday is--"
"February 1st, yeah I know it already past."
I thought harder. What could it be, what could it be?
"Are we going to Zayn's wedding or something? Is he already there?"
"No, if Zayn was getting married today you'd know."
I sighed and laid back in my chair, thinking. "Anybody's birthday except mine?"
"Then what!?"
"You'll see."
I stared at Louis, impatient. What is he doing!?
"Did somebody die?"
Frustrated, I shut my mouth. I might as well just wait if he won't tell me. I decided to stare at the window, at the houses, the people, the animals, the plants. Where are we going?
Finally, the car stopped in front of this huge building, but behind it was a beautiful forest. It's a sunny day, and very beautiful. Maybe this unknown event is outside...
Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me, blushing, out of the car. "Just to this building to get there first..."
After Louis talked to some people to get through, we stepped into the elevator to go up. As we stepped in, I gasped as elevator kid was there.
"In case of emergency, do not run, walk!" He crisply told Louis and I. "Only press this little button with a bell if you are stuck. If there is a fire in this elevator in the next few minutes, you're out of luck, too bad, you DIE." Wow, harsh.
"In case the elevator crashes over an ocean, under your seat you'll find a cushion. Pull the red strap and a life vest will come out. Then you must abduct the elevator immediately." I wanted to say we aren't on a plane, but he went on.
"If we are too high in the air you can put these oxygen masks on. Just breath in, out. In, out. It'll work in no time." He pointed above us, to reveal... nothing.
"The little seat-belt button will be on in a few moments. Always keep your seatbelt on when the picture is lit! When the elevator is at a safe height and at a smooth part of the clouds you are free to take off your seat belts and move around the elevator."
With a nod, he went on. "When we come to that safe level, you may use the restrooms over there," he pointed to the wall, "and we will serve you crackers and any beverage. You have to be 21 years old to drink any alcohol. You must have a valid ID with you to do so."
How much does he have to say!? "If we have to exit, please, if you are sitting next to the little red lever under the nearest window, pull it up and turn, then we can get off the elevator all safe and sound."
He got an innocent smile across his face. "Please make sure you keep your arms and legs in at all times during your ride. Have a nice time!"
We walked out of the elevator, the kid nodding and smiling at us. "That was..."
"...Weird?" I finished Louis' sentence. Louis nodded.
With a smile, Louis grabbed my hand. "We're almost there."

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