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"Do you hear THAT!?" Vix pointed to the sky, giving me a hash look. I listened harder, and heard the song... Fever?
"It's Fever!" Diamond exclaimed and Vix nodded. "No music, which means its Louis!" My heart raced with excitement just by listening to the sexy lyrics of the song Louis claimed as dedicated to me. Louis dedicated most of his songs to me, anyways.
Once the song was over, everything was silent. "Well, that's weird," Diamond mumbled. "Usually there would be some sort of noise afterwards."
"There it is..." Vix poked Diamond, snickering and then saying, "It's Moon, no doubt about it!" I grunted, picturing the crazy fangirl spazzing out for some reason... The next thing we heard was, "DerderderderderderderderderderDER!"
"Watowatowatowatowato!!" Vix yelled back at the mountain, and the only response was her own echo. All of us were so silent that we didn't even breath; we caught a few words from the mountains. "tu es rendre!" Was the angry voice we heard; of ALL things, it had to be in French! "That was Moon calling someone a banana in French," Vix grumbled, still not moving, just trying to hear more proof that Moon and Louis were alive.

"LOUIS!" Vix screamed, and everything was dead silent.
"VIX!" Was the answer, and it was Moon's voice!
"MOON! IT'S YOU!" Vix replied, and we started to walk, soon faster, faster, and even faster so we were jogging, then running, then sprinting like it was the end of the world. "MOON!" Vix called again, and Diamond said the same thing. "VIX! DIAMOOOOOOOOND!" Was Moon's response, and her voice was getting clearer and louder by the second.
"TOMMY!" And I knew it was Louis' voice. My heart leapt in joy, and I yelled back, "LOUIS!" We were now in a game of Marco-polo, constantly calling each other's names and running faster by the second.
"Look!" Vix gasped and pointed up. "Y-Yes! WE'RE SAVED!" I yelled as I saw a helicopter come swirling down into the field we were running in. The snow scattered around, making the ice crystals look like confetti all around us. The helicopter... I have no idea how it even got here, but it must of been flying over the mountains and saw us running like maniacs across the field.
"Who are you?" A pilot asked us as he slid out of the helicopter door, adjusting his hat so it didn't fly away. The blades of the helicopter slowed down as we approached the new person, and for once I felt like a wild animal, nervous to come near the cleaner man. "Oh, gosh!" He gasped, and soon we were only feet away. "Are you Louis Tomlinson's 'dead' husband!?" I nodded, scratching some dirt out of my messy hair. "Obviously we're not dead..." I laughed, and he examined my body and the girls' bodies. Our clothes were torn up; we've been wearing the same outfits for around 5 months now, and we could not wait to change.
"We can't talk now; we just found Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles ALIVE!" Vix told the pilot in a hurry and turned to dash away, but stopped and gasped. So did the pilot; he snapped pictures and shook his head, muttering, "Unbelievable..."
I raised an eyebrow, curious of what everyone was freaking out about, and I literally wanted to scream and jump around like a crazy little kid.
Louis and Moon were only one mile away, running toward us and calling our names!!  

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