Any Cat Experts Out There

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"We need a pet."
I turned to A Louis, even though I couldn't see him in the darkness. The mattress made a squeaking sound.
"We need a pet," Louis repeated.
"...Like what kind of pet?" I asked, slightly curious as to what he was talking about. "I mean, sweetie, we've been married for a month, and our honeymoon is coming shortly, if we get a dog, we need to force Niall or Liam to watch it--"
"A cat!" Louis cut me short.
I snickered. "Like a cat?"
"Yeah!" Louis exclaimed, excited. "They aren't hard to take care of, they can talk once you teach them, they live for at least six years with good care, and they aren't hard at all when it comes to guests! Just put some new food out; there you have it! Nobody even notices."

Louis laughed and continued. "A cat is freaking perfect!"

Silence followed, and I thought, I have no idea how to take care of a cat, for Christ's sake. I thought of anyone who knew about cat. Liam? Hell no. She has a cat; but she probably feeds birds to her cat. Monte? I think his family has a dog. No luck with him. Zayn? Hmmmm...
"I'm going to call Zayn," I stated after a yawn.
"Why now? It's 2 a.m., Harry. He and his wife are probably sleeping..." Louis was right. At least he actually thinks before he talks, unlike me. "You're right; he'd probably be pissed if we called him now..." I thought more. Josh? Well, I remember him talking about a bad experience with a hawk eating his kitten when he let it outside when he was eight, so he probably would hang up the phone on me. My parents don't know anything about animals, and I doubt Louis' do either.
Alright, narrowing it down. Steven? I'm sure he owns a ferret, which also eats birds. Never mind him. Rob? Oh, he owns an old cat named Stumpy; I thought of the time in Mexico when we saw a billboard with a fat brown tabby cat on it, and Rob started a story about his cat. Gemma... didn't she talk about cats once?
I heard Adam's gentle breathing and could tell he fell asleep. I reached to my phone and dialed Gemma's number.
"Hey, Gemma, it's me, Harry."
" Harry what the hell why are you calling at 2:30 in the morning? Are you bored out of your mind or something?"
"No, no. I want to know if you know anything about owning a cat. "
"Why the hell are you asking something like that at a time like this?"
"Louis wants a cat for a pet and I think it was you who was talking about pet birds on our vacation."
"Oh, yeah! Well, I was thinking of getting one, but I never got the time and sort of lost interest. "
"It's okay, Gemma. Thanks for your help; but if you don't mind I need to go now..."
"Oh, no problem. It's alright; I was about to say the same thing. Talk to you later!"
"Sure, bye."
? No, I don't think so...
I scanned down the list and stopped.
The ringing stopped almost immediately. "Hi Harry you little Harry"
I made a scrunched up face from his weird answer. "Hey, E.K. What's up?"
"I'm on an elevator." I wasn't surprised at that answer at all.
"Why at 2:45 in the morning?"
"Because I have nothing better to do." Ellie's ALWAYS on an elevator.
"Isn't Krys pissed at you for being out so late?"
"Nah, she's with Nikki." Nikki?
"Her lover."
"Oh! Krys is...?"
"Yeah." So me and Louis aren't alone! I smiled.
"Awesome! I should meet her sometime."
Louis shifted next to me and was still again.
"So why did you call now? I need to call the psychic hotline and ask them if they know what floor I'm on, so I can creep out the other passengers." I heard a ding in the background; he was defiantly in an elevator. Oh, Ellie and his weirdness.
"Sure, but I need to ask, do you know anything about owning a cat?"
I could picture Ellie's face. "I did have a cat when I was four, but I barely remember it. It died very early, sadly, and Krys didn't want another one, so she got a cat instead. So no."
Crap, even Ellie doesn't know. "Alright; thanks anyways! I've got to go."
"Okay, bye!"
The line went silent. Who now? My eyes searched the list of people. I saw someone who I could probably ask...

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