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(This Chapter is from Louis' Eyes)

"Deadly well!"
I turned to Moon, who's eyes were bugging in an insane manner, her face in a twisted scowl. "WHAT!?" I gasped before bursting into laughter, Moon soon joining in. "Pony!" She grunted, making me give her a strange look. I was sort of used to her random outbursts, but some of them were so random I just had to laugh.
"Sing What Makes You Beautiful!" Moon demanded after gazing out into the valley below, a blanket of sparkling Christmas snow draped over the grass. "Sure?" I grumbled, clearing my throat and starting to sing.
"You're insecure don't know what for, your turnin heads when you walk through the door,Don't need make-up, to cover up,Being the way that you are is enough..."

During the song, Moon constantly swiveled her head around like a retarded parakeet, the beat of the song playing in her head. I snickered a few times while singing, Moon being even more and more demented after every note. Once the song was finished, she cheered and clapped, making me feel like a star once again.
"I haven't heard that in forever," she stated, leaning against a mound of snow. "We're getting back home soon, right?" She asked, glancing to me uncertainly. I honestly didn't know, but I shrugged. "I bet we are," I replied simply.
"Odd child," Moon poked me in the shoulder, making me raise an eyebrow and say, "And I'M the child?" Moon groaned like a wounded manatee and rolled to her side, moaning and wailing as she tossed and spazzed in the snow.
Soon we stood up and started to travel, searching for our lost friends and my lost lover. They were alive, yes, but you never know what could happen within the next few hours. The thought haunted my mind, hovering there and making doubtful thoughts pass through my head.
"ARRRGGHHH!!" Moon wailed and literally freaked out. She shook her head around spastically, her hair flying in all directions, her glasses flopping messily on her nose. When she stopped, she was breathing heavily, furious fire dancing in her eyes. "A bee... was annoying me..." She snarled through clenched teeth, her bangs dangling crazily in front of her eyes. I snickered and shook my head. "Pathetic..." I grumbled, making her groan and throw a handful of snow on my butt. She cracked up in laughter as I slowly and dramatically turned to her, my eyes narrowed in anger, my hands in fists. "I meant to hit your back!" She gasped through huffs of laughter. I smirked and chucked a huge pile of snow at her face, and when it slammed into her nose she squealed and fell over on her back, groaning in defeat and acting as if she died.
"Come on, weirdo," I called to Moon, who was still 'dead' on the ground, about four or five yards away from me. She hauled herself up while making a noise sort of like, "DerderderderderderderderDER!" My cheeks were actually hurting from laughing too much at how STRANGE she was.
Now Moon was right behind me, grumbling about dead fish and how she wanted to stab the bee that annoyed her multiple times. I just nodded my head and agreed to all of the profane things she mumbled, not even understanding half of the things she said about gorillas and cheese graders.
"Are we there yet?" She asked. "Where?" I turned to her, shrugging. "We're not really going anywhere..." Only seconds later she screamed something in french at me. "Tu es un banane!" Was what she yelled at me, and I had no idea what it meant. She muttered to herself for a few seconds, then said, "I called you a banana in french."
"Nice!" I retorted, and she snorted, soon distracted by a dandelion seed floating in the air. She batted at it like a playful kitten, and soon shooed it onto my head. Before I knew it, I was whacked in the head and shoved to the ground, face first in the snow.
"What the hell!?" I yelled at her through the snow, pushing the hyper girl off of my back and sitting up. "There was something fuzzy on your head!!" She whined, her lip curling into a pout. I shook my head, heaving myself to my feet. "That doesn't mean you shove them to the ground and attack them!"
"Sorry..." She groaned, sitting up and following me once again.
"Did you hear that?" Moon whispered after 15 minutes of traveling. "What?" I asked, stopping and listening.
"Oh, here we go again..." I trailed off, knowing it was Vix's voice. "We're going to chase after them and lose them like always..."
"VIX!" Moon called back, ignoring my complaint. "MOON! IT'S YOU!" Was the reply. "We're close enough!" Moon gasped, grabbing my arm and pulling. "Come on, I think we're meeting each other right now!!"  

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