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I searched the derby for Moon, the only one missing right now. Vix and Diamond were searching as well, calling, "Beluga whale? Beluga whale...?" The tornado ended, and thankfully we found shelter so none of us were hurt, but Moon went missing. Vix was getting worried, and Diamond said they'd find her.
"She's gone," Vix repeated, starting to shake. "We can't lose Moon, why Moon..." She tossed wood and rocks around, trying to find any evidence she was alive. I was also starting to worry... Moon wouldn't wander off for this long, she must be hurt. And that wouldn't be good at all, seeing I was already mildly injured from the cougar.
Diamond randomly burst out crying, and so did Vix. "Moon!" They wailed, hugging each other and trembling. "No!" I sighed sadly, thinking of the fangirl and how crazy she used to be. But she can't be dead. She can't be! "We'll find her," I called to the crying girls. "I promise!"

A months passed.
Now it's mid November, and Vix turned 13 recently. Moon is still missing, and Jay the fox went missing during the tornado. We don't know what happened to her, but she was probably still alive. All of us sort of got used to not having Moon around, though we still searched for her as much as we searched for Louis. Vix and Diamond still mourned over their loss, and so did I.
"What if Moon and Louis are in the same place," Vix snickered. "Moon would annoy the crap out of poor Louis." Diamond agreed silently as she played with a butterfly fluttering in our cave. We found an abandoned cave on the side of the mountain, and we took refuge there for a while. Every now and then we'd listen for singing, Louis'amazing vocals, but we got nothing.
Until today.
"Do you hear that?" I whispered, shivering against the crisp November wind. I heard echoing, silent and fading away slowly. And that's when Vix gasped, and Diamond's eyes bugged. "It's Louis again!" Vix cheered and dashed out of the cave, Diamond right behind her. Excitement rushed through me as I leapt to my feet and followed the girls. The singing was gradually getting louder!
"He's closer now!" Diamond shouted back at me, and I smiled in joy. What if we find Louis today? I know he's alive, and we'll find him sooner or later. I'm not giving up on him, and I'm not giving up on love. My heart skipped a beat just remembering the sweet lyrics of Never Stop, our wedding song.
"Louis!" I called first, then Vix and Diamond repeated me. We screamed and we shouted; we wailed and we yelled, but no answer came back. Only singing and soon just silence and the wind. Disappointment washed over me, knowing we weren't finding Louis today.
"We lost him!" Diamond growled and kicked a rock. "We were so close!" Vix sighed and nodded sadly. "We'll find him eventually..."
The next second it started to snow. Lightly, not a snowstorm, just a gentle fall of cloud-like flakes. The ice crystals dotted my hair, making me three-toned. My bangs were longer than ever now; they went down to my neck! The hair in the back of my head was thick but not long. Sort of how it was like when it was blonde; pretty thick. Thick when Louis'fingers laced into the strands, tugging lightly as we kissed, stroking gently when we touched... just thinking of his hands made my heart sink. I missed my baby so much... I can't wait until we meet again...
"We'll find him and Moon soon!" Vix sounded determined to find her friend and my husband. On the other hand, I felt doubtful and desperate. I just wanted Louis... just Harry, and my heart would leap with joy. I love the swaying feeling when we kissed, the floaty, bubbly feeling when we touched, the hot flames when we played our game of tic-tac-toe, and best of all that warm, peaches and roses feeling when he said 'I love you.'
"We're finding him within the next month," I spoke up, and Vix and Diamond looked up to me. "We're going to find them both by Christmas. And I mean it."  

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