The Mysterious Trip

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Louis snuck inside our room, thinking I was asleep. Instead, I was sitting up on the bed, staring straight at him. I was really impatient. Why was he gone so long and yet every time I asked him where he was going he wouldn't tell me?
As he turned around, I raised an eyebrow and he jumped.
"So. Where were you?" I was really ticked off now.
"I can't tell you, sweetie."
"Because. I can't yet."
My eyes narrowed as Louis snuck something in his closet.
"What's that?"
Louis shoved the thing inside his closet and slammed it shut. "Nothing," He snapped. "Just... nothing."
"Then why are you acting so strange?"
Louis was silent. I nodded for him to go on. He swallowed. "No reason."
That's it. I'm PISSED. "Louis, WHAT in the world where you doing!?" I snarled at him harshly. Louis seemed very surprised. "I can't tell you!"
Why was I getting so worked up!? I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. Oh, how perfect, I thought miserably. Louis rushed forward and cradled me in his arms. I gladly took his open arms and sobbed into his chest. "Just tell me you're not seeing anybody else..."
"Harry! Why would you think that!?"
"Who knows what I think and why, Louis..."
I hugged him tight, only hoping for the best.
"Sweetie, it's okay, it's okay..." Louis spoke to me like I was a whimpering puppy who just got scared out of it's skin from a thunderstorm. Louis, with me in his arms, sat down on the bed and just held me. Finally, I calmed down and we were hugging each other in the darkness. "Harry, Hazzabear, tomorrow we're going to a nice building with a forest preserve in the back, it's amazing, you'll love it." He rubbed my back with his palm and I nodded and sniffed.
"Why are we going?"
"You'll have to wait and see," Louis whispered.

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