Cinnamon Rolls

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"And they're alive!" Zayn announced and I laughed. Louis played with my bangs and pushed my wheelchair to the table. I couldn't wait to get into crutches. I'd finally be able to play my bass guitar again.
A pang of sorrow stabbed at my heart. I missed singing. It seemed like ages ever since I've sang a single note with Louis how our voices sound together  the heavenly music flow through my ears.
Before I knew it, a plate of cinnamon rolls with icing dripping off the sides was placed before us all. The luscious scent drifted into my nose and I eagerly grabbed three of them.
"Whoa, Harry, we're hungry too!" Liam complained as the three brown rolls with the most icing plopped on my plate. I raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm injured. The injured go first."
She gaped. "Oh no you didn't!" Niall snorted and cracked up in laughter. Zayn joined in seconds later and then Louis. Liam sounded like a high school girl. He soon started laughing too, and by then Niall had tumbled out of his chair and was rolling around on the tiled ground. I, too, was laughing at the scene.
Eventually we all shut up, stuffing icing-filled rolls into our mouths. After I had swallowed my last one, I remembered Josh had told me the day of the accident that he was leaving the band. So I thought I'd bring it up

"Hey guys  did Josh say anything about leaving the band"

"No" they all said. Louis looked at me weird.

"Why Harry?" He Asked

"Cause he told me to tell you guys about his friend I can't remember his name but he told he was coming in a few weeks which by now means in a few days"

"Wow i can't believe he didn't tell the rest of us." Liam said

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