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I groaned and my eyes opened slowly. My head hurt like hell, but a cool, wet rag was spread across it. Louis was hovering over me. His eyes were full of worry. "You're awake," he sighed of relief.
Liam was there too. "If you remember, you smashed your face into a closed door." Everything was spinning, and finally it all came into focus. "That's one nasty bruise you have on your head," Liam informed me as he lifted the rag slightly. Heat burned my head as the rag was lifted off. "Ow," I exclaimed and Liam carefully put the rag back. "Sorry," he apologized. The relief of cool water came back to my skin.
Louis placed his hand on mine and looked at me, unsure if I was okay. I gave him a reassuring smile and he sighed. "You had me scared out of my skin," Louis whispered. Liam nodded. "Literally," he added, "The second you slammed into the door, Louis shot out of his seat and flew down to you like a torpedo. It was like, first he was sitting next to me, and then I blinked, and he was kneeling beside you, one hand on your forehead, the other laced in your fingers. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen."
I blushed, picturing myself sprawled out onto the ground. "After we all stood up, Louis picked you up in his arms and carefully laid you down in bed." Liam went on. "You've been passed out for a few hours, you know." I gasped and almost sat up, but Louis shook his head and moved his hand to stop me from sitting up and knocking the rag from my head.
"Anyway, Louis was pacing for a good half an hour. He was sweating so much he had to completely re-do his hair. But it didn't take him long. By then he rushed over to you and sat down. About five minutes later you woke up." Liam finished, but also told me something that made my heart blow. "He cares about you, Harry. He really loves you. I can see it in his eyes."
Louis was staring at me the whole time, smiling. Our eyes were locked and I squeezed his hand tighter. "What Liam said is defiantly true." Louis murmured with a shaky voice. He was trembling. "You are really getting worked up about this, Louis. It's just a bruise. I'll be fine." I told him after dreamily gazing deep into his ocean eyes.
I sat up and felt extreme pain in the back of my head. I winced and Louis sawmy eyes shut as the stinging dug deeper in my nerves. I also bared my teeth slightly as the pain burned into me. His calmed expression turned into worry again and he leaned forward.
"Why do I have this stinging in the back of my head too?" I snarled as my forehead and the back of my head felt like they were squeezing together, trying to make my brain pop. "Your head also slammed the floor as you fell. Thank god you didn't bust your head open, your head really whacked the ground hard," Liam made the 'hard' dramatic.
Louis swiveled his head to her. "If that happened, I would cancel the concert tonight," he strongly stated. I gaped. "Louis, you wouldn't have to--"
"No, Harry, I WOULD. You're more important to me than some concert."
I was silent.
Liam smiled. "I'll let Zayn and Niall know you're okay and leave you two alone." He stood up without another word. Louis and I watched him until the door was shut. Louis turned to me. "I was so worried about you, baby. Don't scare me like that ever again!"
Before I could say anything, Louis leaned forward and kissed my my lips even more. "I love you too much for you to get hurt," Louis whispered to me. He was very serious. I sighed. "I'll be more careful... I love you too..." I kissed him first this time.
"What about the concert tonight?" Louis asked after a long fifteen minutes of passionate kissing. I shrugged. "Lou will put some makeup over the bruise, no big deal." Louis placed his hands on my shoulders. "Alright, then, Hazza, but just don't head bang or do anything that'll hurt your head." I smiled. "You sound like a doctor." Louis and I went into the bathroom . Lou did a makeup job over my foreheads me left, with Louis standing by my side, making sure I was okay.
"Are we ready for a concert?" I said to Louis, who was impatiently standing next to me.
Louis snickered. "Hell yes.

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