Sleeping Alone

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For the first time in months, Louis and I were sleeping in separate beds.
The hotel bed was way too small even for me. I wanted to turn over, but moving hurt every bone in my body. I sighed and looked at Louis, who was curled up on the crappy hospital couch. Poor Louis. He looked very uncomfortable on the mint-green cushions.
I stared at him, his body slowly rising and falling. He could just go home and sleep on his own, comfortable bed, but instead he was staying here and putting up with me. I silently thanked Louis for loving stupid, crazy me. He could be with your normal, average, smart Eleanor, but instead he stayed with me. Of all wonderful people in the world... me.
Louis seemed to be twitching. He was dreaming. I started to get worried as Louis started to sweat. Trying to get up, I cursed under my breath. I couldn't get up. Louis looked like he was in a nightmare.
"LOUIS!" I sharply called.

He gasped and his eyes snapped open. The second his ocean eyes met my deep, green eyes, he sighed of relief. "I was having a nightmare from the accident yesterday." I groaned. "Not that..."
Louis sat up and came over to me. He smiled, and without another word started crawling on top of me. Louis was being so gentle, cautious and careful not to hurt me. Eventually he was on top of me completely, but he held himself up so he wouldn't smash my ribcage.
Louis' hair dangled above me and his nose was inches away from mine. My head steadily beat as I got lost in Adam's oceans. He reached out a hand and stroked my jaw. I swallowed.
Louis leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed back, grateful to be with Louis and just Louis.
He pulled away after a few moments and stared me in the eyes. "Have you thought of it lately?"
I nodded. "Almost all the time."
We were both silent, thinking of it. It would be wonderful. It would change both of our lives forever.
After more kissing, Louis slowly broke away from me. Just by Louis' face I could tell he needed some good sleep. I did too. Louis slid off the hospital bed and back to the cheap couch.
"Goodnight, Hazza."
"Night, Boobear."
"I love you... so much..."
"Me too... Louis, you have no idea how much I love you..."
Both of us drifted into sleep after our deep and serious conversation. Hopefully, Louis wouldn't have a nightmare again. If I could, I'd kiss him to sleep. But with this stupid casted leg, I can't. Sighing, I finally allowed my eyes to close.

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