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I could feel it.
The sinking feeling; both engines on the plane were busted and not working. The plane was slowly sinking, but soon it would be raging down at thousands of miles per hour.
"Attention, Passengers," the female voice came from the speakers. "The plane's engines are both completely busted and we are going to have a rough landing. We are above the Appellation Mountains and sinking; just do not panic and we will get everyone out safely."
Vix was trembling. I've never seen her so scared before. Diamond looked as if she was about to burst to tears, and Moon was whimpering. Louis instinctively grabbed my arm and squeezed. "As long as you get back safe," Louis whispered and pulled me closer.
"I don't want you to be hurt, though!" I retorted, looking into his eyes. The plane was going faster... faster... until everything was starting to shake.
"I love you, just hold on!" Louis shouted over the screams of babies, women, and even men. Especially Vix, Moon and Diamond behind us. Louis Kissed me, possibly for the last time. I felt tears streaming down my face as I kissed back. Louis and I were forcefully pulled apart from a lurch, and to make it worse, the seatbelt was suffocating me!
I found myself ripping the seat belt off and lunging forward. Hitting the seat in front of me, my breath was knocked out from me. Someone's suitcase slammed my side and jabbed my ribs, making me gag and sputter.
I had a chance to peek open my eyes and see out of the broken windows. Yes; windows were shattered from people pounding on them. Glass stabbed my feet, and I could still hear the three girls behind me. They were still safe... another bag came flying at me and hit me forcefully in the back of my head, I hissed from pain and tried to hold onto the seat in front of me.
"Louis!" I called out, hearing the screams increase. Panic started overwhelming me as I got no answer. I whipped my head in all directions as the plane shook harder and harder as it got closer to the ground. "Louis!" I screeched again, seeing my boobear gone.
"Harry!! HARRY"
Vix came scrambling down the aisle, grabbing onto my arm as the plane tilted down, the front going to hit the ground first. People were tossed down to the front of the plane, quickly piling on top of each other. I pulled Vix up and held her like she was my sister, more tears falling from my eyes.
"Louis..." My voice was hoarse; I couldn't scream any more. I crumbled into a miserable heap with Vix trembling in my arms. "Louis... Louis... Louis..." I repeated his name endlessly, my voice cracking as the plane got closer to the ground. My heart ached; I squeezed Vix for comfort.
"Harry, oh Harry..." Moon was by my side, and she whispered something I didn't want to hear. "Louis' gone... and the emergency exit door where he was is open..."
"He..." I sniffed, just to break into more sobs, the plane now violently shaking.
It was right when the plane slammed the ground when my head whacked the seat. Slowly, things started to leave. Who am I holding? Why am I crying? Who's Isaac, Niall, Liam... Zayn? Storm and Kubo? Moon and Diamond?
Just then...

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