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I gulped as Louis' face edged closer and closer. I felt... afraid. My foot stepped back, finding more space behind me. I moved the other foot back. I eventually was backing up, and Louis still came closer. Closer. Closer. Closer.
Horror gripped me as my heel bumped against a wall. Dead end. My fingers scratched the wall as Louis continuously came closer and closer. His eyes did their trick on me and I was instantly paralyzed. My face was letting off so much heat it was unbearable. My heart was in jail behind my ribs; trying to pound it's way through. I swallowed again.
He gave me the little smirk he made in our first music video What Makes You Beautiful as he edged even nearer to me.
"Dammit, Louis, The boys could be anywhe--"
My words were cut off not by a kiss, but he was SO close to me his chest was pushing mine into the wall. His toes were touching the wall and my feet were sliding forward, making me slowly edge down. I positioned myself so I was normal height again, and through that whole time our eyes never left each other.
I let out a shaky breath as he kept the smirk on. He knew I couldn't resist the smirk. Nobody could resist it. It was the ultimate hypnotizer, that along with the eyes... your body gets very tingly and then you can't feel anywhere Louis is touching you.

Louis' hand gripped my shoulder. The minute it did I shuddered and my neck hairs rose. He leaned forward and whispered, "Don't be afraid, Harry."
My mouth was slightly open, my lips tingling. Anxious, but startled. My heart skipped a beat and Louis' other hand came up and stroked my jaw and neck. His fingers left a flame-hot trail as they burned down my face. His index finger found my chin and he pricked my head up.
Now his finale. The finger on the chin, eyes direct, Louis with the smirk, and pushing you against something -wall, bed, ground, etc.-. That gets me to feel like I just came from running five miles in gym class. I just realized I haven't blinked ever since Liam left. My eyes started to hurt, and I bet Louis' did too. But you can't blink. You can't look away. Once you're stuck, you are STUCK.
His words replayed in my ears. 'Don't be afraid, Harry.' Louis was about to kiss me; I could feel it. My lips loosed and I sucked in air like I was about to dive under water.
I whipped to a side without thinking. Louis stopped abruptly as the spell was broken. He gripped my arm. He leaned forward to my ear. "Why don't you want to kiss me, Harry? Is something wrong?"
I didn't dare turn my head or the trick would be played all over again. I hesitated. Why didn't I want to kiss Louis?
Louis' fingers danced impatiently on my arm.
"I told you, I'm straight."
Louis breathed hard on the back of my neck. "Sorry, baby, but I don't believe that from you."
I turned but didn't connect with his eyes. I looked at his eyebrows instead so I wouldn't be fooled again. "Why don't you believe me?" I forced myself not to stutter.
Louis' eyebrows raised.That made me think of what to say. "Maybe I'm just a little hot from the performance... ya know, jumping around and singing isn't that easy..."
Louis could tell I was lying. He knows me so well it's like he reads my mind without thinking. Like a scanner. Scan, copy, show.
Louis stretched his neck to a side to get a cramp out, then moved it back up straight.
"Look, if I admit if I'm gay or not, can we discuss it in private!? We're still in a public building with other people... and right now you all know I'm straight. I don't want any rumors going around!" I sternly told Louis, and his eyes seemed to change from sexy to innocent.Louis paused for a moment.
I was about to apologize to him, but he just let go of my shoulder and walked away. I swear I heard his heart cracking, and I felt terrible.
I hung my head, still leaning on the wall and muttered, "Louis..."

How was my first chapter guys i think its coming along quite well actually. The next chapter will be better i promise.

HelplessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon