Crash And Burn

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This chapter is from Vix's P.O.V

"Do you not get it!? JUMP!!"
I stared up at my best friend, Moon, through a misty vision. "Wh-What?" Harry's arms were not as strong anymore... I tilted my head to see him. He was unconscious. Just great! "Vix, can you hear me!?"
Moon was shouting over the screams of the passengers in the falling plane, quickly descending to the ground. "Jump?" I whimpered, seeing Diamond rushing to Moon in fear. "Where's Louis?" She was repeating and tears started falling from her brown eyes. I've never seen Diamond cry before... she was always so cheerful...
"GRAB ONTO ME AND GET OUT OF THE PLANE!" Moon screeched and grabbed my arm. I was almost lurched from Harry's limp arms, but I thought it would be smart to take him with. We can't just leave him behind! I made sure I had a firm grip on Harry's arm as we were jerked from our spot.
We were falling.
Out of the plane, the machine got smaller and smaller as we hurdled to the ground. "WHAT ARE WE DOING!?" I heard Diamond wail in distress as the grass got clearer and clear. Harry's long hair was fluttering in all directions from the strong wind.
I let out a loud 'UMPH!' as our bodies slammed the ground forcefully. Harry broke my fall slightly, but I'm sure I earned a huge bruise on my ankle. My foot was throbbing, and I grunted while staggering to stand once again. "Moon, what the hell..." I snarled while glancing to Diamond, and thankfully she was okay.
"Did you WANT to crash-land?" Moon hissed back, obviously irritated with me. I didn't care right now. "We might have landed--"
There was huge crash in the mountain right next to us, and we saw fire. Yes... a lot of fire. So much... it was an explosion. And right in the middle of all the heat and flames was the plane, sinking to the ground in ravage flames, eating every living thing inside. "Oh... oh my god..." Moon whispered, her eyes watering in fear. "Oh..."
"We could of been in there if you didn't save us," Diamond's small voice said behind us both, the fire reflecting in our eyes.
"What... happened?" Harry was now back in consciousness, rubbing his head tenderly. "I never... what... who am I?" He moaned, trying to stand, but kept falling to a side. "Harry," I put my hand on his shoulder. "You're Harry Edward Styles," I patted his back and smiled. "Don't play stupid."
"Who are you?" Harry tilted his head to a side and studied my face. "Vix," I replied, snorting a little. "Harry, what's wrong with you, no time for games..."
"Who are they?" Harry pointed to Diamond and Moon. "Where am I? What happened? Why am I on the ground?" Harry asked countless questions and glanced around at about everything.
"Memory loss..." I whispered, terrified. "He got memory loss..." Moon's mouth was cracked open. "No way... there's no way! Not Harry!" Moon's breaths came short as she leapt forward and wrapped Harry in a tight hug. "You didn't forget Harry..."
"Who's Louis?"
That made me sob.
"You..." I sniffed, my eyes red and puffy. "You're... husband! You love him so much! More than anything!" I ended up screaming at him... the mountains repeated my words, echoing endlessly...
"I don't know him," Harry pouted and looked at the sky. "What's that?"
"Oh... my... gosh," Diamond knelt down next to the helpless 28-year old. "That's the sky, and that big yellow thing is the sun," She whispered calmly like a pre-school teacher. Harry's eyes were wide with wonder. "What does the sun do?"
"Warms the planet," Diamond explained. "Planet?" Harry squeaked. Diamond face-palmed, wishing she had never said the word 'planet.'
"Louis?" I called helplessly into the distance. "LOUIS?"
No answer.
"Is he..." I couldn't say it. "D..." I looked to the mountain where the plane crashed, seeing small sparks still flickering on the side. "Did he get off of the plane?"
"I saw him fall," Moon sounded horrified. "He fell... I don't know if he survived..."
"If we, 12-year-olds and a helpless 28-year-old fell to the ground and lived, then Louis can too!" I stated, stomping my foot in the grass. "I'm 28? What does that mean?" Harry's child-like questions rung behind me. We didn't answer. Harry shrugged and watched an ant crawl up a blade of crass. He poked it every now and then, making it fall and crawl back up again.
"What is this thing?" Harry looked up, pointing at the ant. "An ant," I grunted, and I started to walk away from everyone. They stared at me, concerned. "Where are you going!?" Diamond shouted and dashed after me, accidently crushing the ant and making Harry gasp. "What happened to it?" Harry tilted his head to get a better look at the crushed ant. "It's dead," Moon informed him.
"Dead?" Harry whimpered and looked up at Moon, his blonde bangs dangling in front of his eye. "It's up there now," Moon pointed to the sky. "In the sky? But I can't see him!" Harry looked frantically around the blue atmosphere, trying to spot a small, black spot. "Once you are dead, your body," Moon gestured to herself, letting him know what a body is, "stays here, and your spirit, which is inside of you, goes up to Heaven, which is in the sky. But we can't see it happen."
"Oh!" Harry smiled, understanding. "Okay!"
I finally replied to Diamond's question. "South," I held up my finger, tipped with black nail-polish. "We'll find Louis, dead or alive," I swallowed a lump in my throat. "We may be looking for days, weeks, months or years, but we'll find him."
"Why don't we just call someone?" Diamond snorted with a smug expression. "Good point," I whipped out my cell phone, only to gasp as the black-and-blue portable phone crumbled to dust. "What the hell!?" I snarled, whipping my hand around to shake off the dust. "How did that happen!?"
"It probably got crushed from the collision with the ground," Diamond said flatly. "South!" I shouted to Moon and Harry, beckoning them to come with us. Moon helped Harry stand and eventually Harry re-learned how to walk. "We're heading South!" I repeated, and Moon and Harry caught up with me and Diamond.
Little did we know Louis went North.

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