Opposites Can Be Similarities

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(This Chapter is from Diamond's Eyes)

I watched carefully as Vix opened the furnace and crawled inside. I was worried she would get stuck or something, but she got inside with no problem. I sighed in relief as she got to the note, but was surprised at the next action. She picked up the note, but as she raised it, a latch pulled back from inside. My eyes widened as Vix tensed, slowly looking down at her feet.
"Vix?" I squeaked, but she didn't hear me. Her eyes bugged and she leapt to the entrance, but flames rose high and I couldn't see her. Oh no...
"VIX!!" I gasped, trying as hard as I could to see through the fire. I couldn't see anything, but I heard her agonized scream. Oh, god... please tell me she's okay and just got scared... how will she ever get out now? What can I do...? I called again in the fire, but there was no answer. My heartbeat increased in fear after the silence lasted...
Moments later, there was another cry, and Vix flew out of the furnace. She crashed to the ground and immediately started rolling, killing all flames that got caught on her clothes. I gasped and fell to my knees by her side, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"V-Vix?" I murmured. "Are you o-okay?" I didn't get an answer for a minute. I was going to ask again, but she turned over and held a shaky thumbs up. I smiled and let out a breath in relief. She shakily sat up, looking herself over. But she grinned and held up a small piece of paper- the note!
"You got it!" I cheered, and she nodded, obviously proud of what she did. The fire in the furnace was still going, and I stood, gazing into the fire. I sighed and pushed the door closed so the fire would run out of oxygen soon and eventually stop. I glanced back down at Vix, who's gloves were a little scorched.
"The damn fire ruined my boots," she snickered and held up a foot. Sure enough, there was a huge burn mark on the toe. She smirked and I giggled a little, happy she was okay. If I lost Vix, I don't know what I'd do, or what Moon would do, or what Louis and Harry would do... she was the good side of the family conscience. She always makes the right decisions and supports us all in any situation.
"What does the note say?" I asked, kneeling down and looking at the paper in her fingers. She held up the small message and raised an eyebrow.
"'If you want to go down, sometimes you have to go up. Opposites can be similarities,'" Vix read aloud, and gazed up at me with big, deep blue eyes. Her eyes changed color often; when she went into the fire her eyes were an emerald green, now they are an ocean blue.
"We went down into the basement," I stated, "but the opposite of a basement is..."
"An attic," we concluded in unison. Both of our eyes widened, and Vix shot to her feet. Wow, she must feel a lot better all of a sudden.
"Upstairs!" Vix demanded, and went right to the stairs. I scurried after her as she stomped up the stairs and out of the door, and I flicked the lights off behind us. When we got to the first floor I closed the door behind us and followed Vix up the next flight, back to where we started. Instead of turning right, which was to the door we came in from, she went left. I followed, and my jaw dropped. Instead of leading to a dead end or another door, the hall kept going but to the right. Vix kept walking down the hall as if she's been here before, and as we turned right, there was yet another hallway that turned right again. I sighed a little as we got to the end of that one, which turned left.
We finally got through the next four turns, and there was a door. Vix stopped, staring at it.
"This is it," she murmured. "It has to be."

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