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I smiled, seeing all of the families pouring in the door. Now was the wedding party! Vix slid inside with the lines of people, Diamond close behind. Ellie was poking Diamond, who looked very mad. Behind him was a tall, black haired girl with cobalt eyes. I wonder who she is? She looks like Adam's long lost sister. Seconds later came Moon, wailing, "Don't abandon me!!"
I slowly approached Vix and Moon, who started vibrating violently after swallowing some cake. "Hi..." I awkwardly said to the other girl. "I'm--"
"Harold Edward Styles, I know!" She finished my sentence for me and I gave a sheepish smile. "I'm Krys," She held out her hand and gave me a mischievous look that reminded me of Adam so much it scared me. I shook it and she continued, "Ellie is my little brother. I just happen to be one of Vix's close friends, and, well, we're all in the same circle of knowing each other..."
"Wow, that's weird!" I exclaimed as Krys drifted off. She nodded awkwardly and scooted away from Moon and Vix, who were still bouncing up and down uncontrollably, an empty paper plate in their hands, cake crumbs trailing off and down to the floor.
"You might want to go hide; they'll explode sometime in four seconds..." Krys gently pushed me as Vix and Moon were going so fast they were a blur. Whoa, no way. A BLUR?
"I'll go with you!!" Diamond squeaked in fright and leapt behind Krys, who was trying to drag Ellie from the table, which had a plate full of cookies on it. "But I want the cookie!" He whined, and Krys snorted. "After the dreaded Sugar High, okay?"
They dove under the table as Vix and Moon turned a bright red color. I backed away, nervous. What the hell are they going to do now?
Finally deciding to leave the hyperactive girls alone, I went to see who else arrived. A familiar voice was ringing through the crowd... I followed it, and set my eyes on... Josh!?
"Josh!!" I called. He grinned and hugged me. "Harry!! You two... you finally did it!" She held me tighter, and I let out a choking sound. She was squeezing the life out of me! She finally felt my shortness of breath and loosened her arms. Gasping, I stumbled backward slightly, almost losing my footing. God, how embarrassing to get flattened by a girl.
"Yeah... it was in a forest... pretty romantic..." I weakly trailed off and Josh held back some tears. "I'm so proud of you two!" Louis just happened to be walking by, and I have no clue how she did it, but she managed to grab me and Louis at the same time and suffocate us both.
After both of us talked to Josh for a good half hour, me and Louis casting glances here and there, we both walked around, looking to see who was here. Louis led me to his parents and we chattered for another half hour. I took Louis to my parents, and they had to talk about stuff I didn't want to discuss.
"And he had the CUTEST butt when he was a baby!" My mum said straight to Louis, who blushed and nodded. He gave a fake smile and glanced to me. I groaned and felt myself turning red. "Mum, really!?"
And to my horror, she pulled out the picture album; with me, as a baby, butt-naked. Louis defiantly was looking at every page carefully; the most embarrassing thing ever. My husband... looking at my baby pictures? I turned to the table with the cake and pretended to be completely interested in it. I heard my mum laughing and telling stories about me when I was a toddler, wearing underwear on my head and actually going out in public doing it.
It felt like hours when finally my mum shut up and ended up talking to Niall. I felt Louis' presence coming closer and my heart went frantic in my chest. I winced slightly as his hand slithered up to my shoulder, and his warm breath blew on the back of my neck. I slowly turned to him and met his azure gaze; those hypnotizing, oceany eyes. His palm stroked my jaw lightly and I smiled, completely comfortable. Anywhere is paradise with Louis by my side. He kissed me softly and I recognized Moon, Vix, Diamond, and Krys's voices going 'awwwww!' Krys's was cut off with, "Ellie! Take your finger OUT OF THE CAKE!!" Seconds later, Ellie's voice gave a disappointed groan. I smiled as Louis pulled away. After gazing into his eyes for another brief moment, I turned to our hyperactive fans, who were apparently falling over in a sentimental way.
Moon had her hands clasped together next to her face, her eyes droopy, her knees buckling, her mouth peeked open and letting out, "So cute!!" Vix had her eyes rolled up, her arms dangling on the sides of her body, swaying. She was leaning against Moon, and Diamond was starting and Krys and Ellie, who were in a girly slap-fight.
Despite the constant screeching and slapping from Krys and Ellie, about the whole party was staring at us. Eventually it was dead silent, and Vix screamed, "MORE CAKE TIME!!"
Well, it's settled! Louis and I cut the SECOND cake, and we all had a piece. Finishing my serving, I tossed the paper plate in the trash and strode over to Louis, who recently finished his cut.
Hours passed until the stars were scattered over the midnight-black sky. Person after person left, and the last ones left were, of course, Diamond, Moon, Vix, Krys and Ellie. They were apparently having races around the wedding room, Vix constantly winning, and Krys pushing Vix onto the empty tables, making her tumble. Vix got up right away and pushed her back; after only half a minute they were in a push fight. Moon crashed in between the two, making Vix squeal and fiddle with her hair franticly. Krys huffed and messed up Vix's hair again just to make her mad. Ellie tackle-hugged Diamond, who leaped back and screeched, "Stay away! I'm a germ-a-phobic!!"
After they FINALLY left, Louis pulled me aside and kissed me long and hard. Giving me his smirk, our fingers looped together. "Italy," he whispered. "Our honeymoon."

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