Broken Open

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My eyes slowly slid open to see Louis' pale and worried face. I yawned and looked at the room around me. I was in a hospital. In a room with the news on a small, dinky TV.
I turned to Louis. "I thought I died there," I muttered. Louis smiled weakly, gray streaks of eyeliner dried on his cheeks. I grinned as Louis moved a bit closer to me. "You should wash up your makeup, sweetie. You look like a depressed Joker."
Louis snickered and stood up. "Well, at least I know you didn't lose your brain." I laughed as he stepped into the bathroom. I heard water running and splashing. After a few minutes, the rarely revealed Louis Tomlinson came out. Not one dash of hair gel in his hair . Just the natural, beautiful Louis.
He plopped himself back on the hospital bed and I examined my body. My left arm was in a cast and so was my right leg. There was something around my ribcage and it went around my back. I gently moved my right arm up and felt the stitches in the back of my head. My middle finger of my right hand was also in a small cast.
"You'll have to use a wheelchair," Louis announced. "With the broken leg you can't walk, and with the fractured arm you can't hold crutches..."
"How many injuries do I have!?" I gasped after Louis drifted off. He answered right away. "Well, when I saw your x-rays, I got in a sobbing fit. My fault. Anyways, you have a fractured elbow on your left arm and a completely broken bone in your calf. I saw the pictures, and literally, the thickest bone in that leg was completely cracked in two pieces." I widened my eyes and glanced at my leg, wrapped in a cast. "Your knuckle in your middle finger was cracked slightly too, but it'll heal faster."Louis looked down at my hand. His index finger gently traced the cast cushioning my broken finger.
"One the worst injuries was your rib. It was crushed like someone pounded it with a mallet,"Louis looked down at the cast wrapped around my stomach. "You also pulled something in your spine, but thank God you didn't break it, or else they said you probably would of..." Louis didn't want to say it. "Died, I know," I finished his sentence for him.
"Then, of course, the worst injury was your head. It was weakened from the bruise you made yesterday, by the way... it's 2 a.m.," Louis informed me and I yawned again. "They stitched it up fast, though. Harry, it was the worst injury I've ever seen. And especially on you. Of all people... you." Louis' voice got slightly rigid and he gently separated my bangs with his fingers.
"You lost so much blood," Louis swallowed.
I stared into his eyes. "How much?"
"About all of it," he replied. "You needed someone else's blood."
"Who donated to me? Do you know?"
"Harry, I did."
"WHAT? Louis, you didn't have to do that!"
Louis smiled. "Harry, they barely had any blood left for anyone. They quickly examined me and said I was healthy enough to do it."
"Louis, you're... you're so pale!"
"That's just me being worried."
"Louis, if they just woke me up, I could look at you once and my heart would start beating again, then I'd be completely filled with blood in no time."
Louis chuckled and we were silent.
"Fans are outside of the hospital," Louis finally said and stood up. He stepped over to the window and separated the blinds with his fingers and looked through.
"They're holding vigil for you. They still don't know if you're alive or not." Louis murmured as he pulled his fingers from the blinds and came back to my side.
Instant cheering came from outside. "I think they found out," I whispered to Louis. I heard my name from the TV and turned my head to it.
"Recently, Louis Tomlinson, the eldest band member of One Direction, was kneeled by his dying band member's side. Harry Styles, was almost killed in a fatal car crash with a semi truck. Louis was apparently right behind him, and the minute the smashed car had stopped,Louis rushed to Harry's bleeding side. Rumors about these two celebrities being a gay couple still ring true to their fans everywhere, but it is not confirmed. Harry had injuries to his leg, arm, head, rib, finger and spine, but this lucky man survived. He is now in good hands."

As me and Louis watched, it showed pictures of the guys and I. Shivers flew through my body as I watched the semi slam into my small car, and I watched the car go tumbling down the road. Right before the clip ended, it showed Louis rushing to the car, and the camera started bouncing. My broken body got closer and closer.
It then showed pictures of Louis And I together. The last picture it showed was me, passed out, in casts and in the hospital. Louis turned to me. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead shook his head and leaned forward.
I got a kiss from Louis I've never gotten before. It was light and still, innocent and gentle. It was like a first kiss. My heart was defiantly working again. He pulled away carefully and a few tears rolled down his face.
"Harry, oh sweetheart, if you weren't alive..." Louis sobbed and I ended up crying too. Seeing Louis like this broke my heart. And if I wasn't alive, I thought of what Louis would be afterwards. Louis' scanner mind, well, scanned my mind.
"If you weren't alive, I'd stop singing. There'd be no reason to be happy. There would be no reason to live--" Louis stopped after the sentence came out of his lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say..."
"Louis' it's okay. That's exactly how I felt. If I didn't have you..." I broke into a hysterical sob. "I thought the whole thing with Eleanor was real and I did what I would've done if it was... now the result!" I lifted my available arm up and the flopped it back down. Louis wiped the tears from my eyes and I sniffed.
"The important this is that you're alive. That's all that matters." Liam choked out.
We were both silent as we dried our eyes. Not long after we both settled down, Liam, Niall and Zayn slowly crept in. They acted normal once they saw I was awake. "Harry!" Liam squealed and held out his arms. "I'd hug you, but you're... sort of..."
"Broken," everyone said in unison. I grinned.
"Well, Harry, the hospital said you can get in a wheelchair and let the fans sign your cast if you're okay with it!" Niall announced. We all cheered.
Louis was the one helping me in my wheelchair. Everything was stiff. I felt so weird. I've never broken a bone before.
As soon as the doors opened, the fans slowly approached me with Sharpies of all colors. I smiled and said, "Signature for signature?"
Everyone laughed and advanced forward. They signed my leg, arm and even my finger. I sighed people's notebooks and papers. Niall, Zayn and Liam were all happy to also sign papers. Louis got a lot of things shoved in his face as well.
Three girls cracked up in laughter and came closer. Two of those girls looked familiar...
I realized they were the two fangirls from the airport! The one with dark hair and the other with lighter. There was one more with them, though. She was much shorter and smaller with black,medium length hair.
As they came closer I smiled. "I remember the two tall ones that followed Louis and I in the airport!" I let them know. The two girls bugged their eyes and cracked in hysterical laughter.
"Yeah, about that..." The one with dark brown hair muttered and laughed some more. "Erm, you can remember me as Vix" I smiled and signed her poster of me. "Oh, sure thing!" I replied.
"She thinks your really hot!" The one with glasses announced and pointed at Vix. "So do you!" Vix retorted. I grinned at the arguing best friends. "My friends call me Moon," said the one with lighter brown hair after a moment of giggling, apparently biting and poking.
Vix poked Moon once more and brought the smaller girl to me. "Call me Diamond!!" She exclaimed. I laughed at her expression. "Cool nickname," I commented her. She smiled. "Thanks!" Moon was chasing Vix in circles with her mouth open. Vix looked terrified.
"Oh, they're always like that," Diamond mentioned as Moon stuck something blue on Vix's shoulder and demanded, "LEAVE IT," every time Vix moved her finger to poke it.
"Wow," I stated as Vix succeeded on getting off the blue object and running for her life. "They had a monster right before the accident," Diamond snorted and watched as the two girls hyperventilated. "They are mainly acting like this though because they think both you and Louis are the hottest people alive."
I cracked up and watched as Vix constantly poked Moon and acted as if she was getting shocked by lightning. Adam leaned forward over my wheelchair. "What if I go over there and hug them? Do you think they'll spaz out?"
Diamond bugged her eyes. "They spaz if they hear your name anywhere! Try it, I want to see what happens." Louis started to walk forward, but Diamond abruptly stopped him. "Louis!" She called. He stopped and turned around. "Make sure you make that little side-smile thing!" I stared at Louis has he placed the smirk on his face and went over to Vix and Moon.
"Diamond, do you mind pushing me to them?" Diamond smiled. "Not at all!" Without hesitation she bounced behind my wheelchair and pushed me to the two crazed fangirls.
"You two are crazy. I like that!" Louis smirked and leaned down. Vix and Moon blushed and Louis hugged them both. After he smirked again, Diamond shouted a warning. "Cover your ears!"
I couldn't cover my ears, but I was alright. Moon and Vix exploded in high pitched screaming, and Louis cracked up. Once Vix and Moon were in heavy breathing, Vix was silent and muttered, "Sorry..." Louis laughed again. "No problem, Vix. I'm used to it."
Niall, Liam and Zayn came over. Moon and Vix started uncontrollably bouncing. After the two girls got their posters signed, they talked to them for a while.
Vix separated from the group and hopped over to Louis and I. "I know you probably can't trust a crazed fangirl, but give me an answer. Any answer." I nodded, wondering what the question would be. "Are you?" She simply asked. Louis and I exchanged glances and nodded. "Yes," I said.
She grinned. "I'm so happy. But if you want to still keep it a secret, I swear, nobody else is finding out." Louis smiled. "Thanks for being so honest," he responded. Vix stared at him. "Any time for you and Harry!" She signed my cast and gave me a very gentle hug. Then she gave a normal hug to Louis and skipped back to her friends.
After around ten minutes, the three girls came back to us. "It was epic meeting you!" Moon exclaimed and smiled. "Yes, yes it was!" I tilted my head and grinned. "We have to go now," Vix sounded depressed. "But eventually you'll find us stalking you once again!"
I laughed and nodded. As Moon and Vix went to get in the car, Diamond turned and waved. I waved with my good arm. I wasn't going to forget those three.
"Back to the room?" Louis asked. "Back to the room," I murmured.

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