A Loaded Smile

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  I woke up to warm arms still wrapped around me. Louis was fast asleep, his body rising and falling. My heart swelled with joy. He truly was beautiful.
I reached a hand out and I let my fingers separate his bangs. His eyes opened slightly and a smile found it's way to Louis' face. Just seeing Louis happy made me happy, and my mouth also turned into a grin. "I had a wonderful dream," he murmured.
"What about?" I whispered.
"We were performing somewhere, and you were just singing your heart out." I chuckled. "You looked amazing." Louis told me. I blushed.
"You are really cute," Louis said. I smiled. "You too," I responded. Louis' leg slid on top of mine and I stoked his back. Our foreheads pressed together and we laid in silence, just listening to each other's breathing.
His hair was gently draped on my head and strand by strand his hair slid onto the pillow. Where was Liam, Niall and Zayn? I could care less right now. I was with Louis, and that's all that matters.
For some odd reason, I had a memory of Niall evilly laughing and taking pictures of us together, not as a couple but as friends, and me getting very pissed off and chasing after him with a spoon, threatening him I'd beat him with it. Louis was cornering him while cracking up, and I started hitting him with a plastic spoon while laughing, and Niall was laughing so hard he was in tears. Louis looked at me for a moment and our eyes locked, and we just kept having fun.
Another memory flashed by of me following Zayn around asking him, 'Why in the world do you want a glowing mirror? Why? Why? Why?' and Louis joined in and chanted 'Why? Why? Why? Why?' He held my hand for a moment and I flushed red, and he immediately let go, realizing what he did. We were both red and embarrassed, but we kept on asking why to cover our awkward moment.
I even remembered once when Liam, me and Louis had a pillow fight. Niall and Zayn were out at a bar, and we all were slamming each other with pillows. Liam kept complaining his hair was getting messy and decided to go to bed. Me and Louis were left alone, and we just acted like normal friends; except we were both very flirty here and there.
All of these little memories and more flashed by, and Louis was staring at me. "Whatcha thinking of, Hazza?"
"Memories." I simply replied through a yawn.
"Like what sort of memories?"
"Oh, me and you hitting Niall with a plastic spoon, me and you annoying Zayn of why he wanted light-up mirror, me, you and Liam having a pillow fight... and more of that stuff..." I explained to Louis.
Louis smirked. "I'm in every one?"
My face flamed up in bright red. "Oh, um, I guess so..."
Louis kissed me for a moment. "I can tell you're tired, sweetheart. Get some sleep."
I admit I was tired. I nuzzled against Louis and instantly fell asleep under his chin, my heart beating steadily.  

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