April Fools

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Minutes passed. Hours. Days. Weeks.
My leg healed, and so did my rib. I'm completely back to normal and so happy, too. About two days after I was out of the casts Louis and I went crazy. It seemed ages ago when I was in the accident. It's April now, for God's sake, and this happened in the middle of February. Normally, a ribcage shattered could not have healed that fast, but with all of the drugs and pills the doctors gave me; let's say they discovered a way to heal bones twice as fast as normal.
These thoughts are running through my head on April 1st. Wait... April 1st. It's April Fools Day? I thought for a moment about today. Eh, whatever.
Grumpily, I got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. Staring at my messy hair in the mirror, I literally started falling asleep again while standing.
Groaning, I opened the door again and flung myself back on the bed with Louis. I warmed up as Louis lifted his arm for me to snuggle into. Finally comfortable, I relaxed, Louis' chin on the top of my head, his arms around me. I could hear Louis' breathing and his heartbeat.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too..."
With that, I looked up at Louis and before we knew it, our lips were locked together. God, there is nothing else I want at all in the world. I have it all right here in front of me. The golden message was on a necklace around my neck. I wore it everywhere, and to concerts I keep it on my bass guitar case. It's my good luck charm.
My heart was hammering my chest as I kissed Louis. He is the best thing I've ever seen... ever heard... ever kissed... ever loved. I thought about all of our concerts and performances; before we were a couple. Louis always came to me and we went back to back. And it was always me. Nobody else. He still does this today, as a matter of fact, but it makes sense now. Louis was telling the truth; he's always crushed on me. The thought made me blush as we kept our lips in tact.
"Why are you so warm?" Louis asked in between breaths.
"Because I'm with you," I simply replied. It was true.
Louis smiled as our lips smeared together. "You do get a little warm, but not this hot," He stated after another long minute of kissing.
"Did you just call me hot!?"
Louis cracked up and so did I. I knew he meant the other hot, not... attractive hot. I laughed even harder. After a fit of laughter, we stared each other in the eyes and once again, kissed.
"So why are you so hot?"
"I was thinking about... before."
There was silence and more kissing.
"You're adorable, Hazzabear."
I blushed and instead of replying with words, I replied with lips, kissing Adam harder and faster.
Eventually, we got up and went into the kitchen.
"Guys, I'm officially going emo. Seriously." Isaac announced after a few minutes.
Zayn stared at her blankly, Niall's jaw dropped, Louis looked shocked, and I let out a small gasp.
Isaac himself ruined the whole silence in a fit of laughter. "April Fools, idiots!!" Everyone slowly joined in the laughter. We all were pretty naive for that! "You guys looked like deer in the headlights! Oh god, why didn't I have a camera!?" She giggled and laughed even more.
When she said camera, grief hit my heart. Lisa always loved taking pictures of all of our most embarrassing moments.
After breakfast, Louis said eh had to go somewhere and he'd be back. And the weirdest thing about this... he won't tell me where he's going.

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