" hey Mr" I said as he wrapped his arm around my body, pulled me in front of him and close to his body. I put my hands on his chest and looked up at him. Koby walked away quietly leaving just me and Jesse there. I noticed it go silent as people snapped photos of us, I just giggled and blushed embarrassed by all the sudden attention.

A slow song came over the speakers and people started chanting for us to dance, I soon recognised it as ronan keating, when you say nothing at all. The crowd formed a circle around us as Jesse placed his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders and we began swaying to the music. People were cheering and clapping making me blush more.

its amazing how you can speak right to my heart, without saying a word you can light up the dark, try as I may I can never explain , what I hear when you don't say a thing, the smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me, the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall , you say it best when you say nothing at all

" come on and dance!" we urged people as the song continued on. Harries grabbed Emily and  debra got porky as people began to dance as well. I rested my head on Jesse's chest and listened to the rhythmic beating of his heartbeat as we danced slowly to the music. He kissed the top of my head as we danced, the ring caught the light making it dazzle around me, I couldn't stop looking at it, it was so beautiful.

The song ended and was replaced by Third D3GREE's different kind of love which some people tried to dance to. Jesse took my hand and we walked down to the waters edge, the sun was setting over the water as we walked along it. Jesse twisted me in front of him so we were both standing side on to the water, facing each other. I rested my head on his chest as I looked out over the water, I knew everyone was taking pictures but I didn't care. I turned to look up at Jesse and kissed him, again!, as we separated he smiled down at me. I suddenly had a idea which would make the photos even better! I reached up subtly and before he knew it, I grabbed his snapback off his head

" gottcha!" I laughed as he tried to grab it back off me. I could hear everyone laughing as I ran from Jesse with the hat on my head. I felt him grab me by the waist and pull me back into his body. I was laughing hard as he grabbed the hat back off my head and picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. He started to walk closer to the water

" if you even dare drop me in" I gasped wiggling my legs trying to get free

" or what?" I could hear him smiling

" if you drop me these shorts are being dropped Mr and with the amount of camera's on you right now you don't really want that to happen do you?" I threatened as I played with the waistband of his boardies from my position on his back just to prove my point.

I felt Jesse pull me back to his front, I wrapped my legs round his waist as he supported me, I kissed him softly before leaning forward and whispering in his ear

" well the shorts are definitely being dropped later" I lightly nibbled his ear as everyone walked over to us. I jumped down leaving him with my words in his ear before walking over to Koby and sunny.

The night continued on, at about 10pm, the group began to dwindle as people started to trickle off home. At 10:30 there was about 5 of us left on the beach, Me, Jesse, Koby, Sunny and Maxi. Me and Jesse said our goodbyes before walking off the beach and up to the car park. I was exhausted after the long day of rescues and the excitement at the end of the day. I got in the car and curled up on the seat, we drove home with the music playing softly. It still hadn't really sunk in that I was now engaged. I was going to get married. To the man of my dreams. I was the luckiest girl alive.

We got home and ran upstairs, Jesse opened the door but stopped me before I could walk in

" I want to do this properly" he smiled, Putting his arms under me he picked me up bridal style and carried me in

" um, wrong time babe, you do that after your married" I laughed as he placed me on the bed

" oh" he said confused " oh well"

He pulled his top over his head before leaping over me, I giggled and pulled him closer to me, kissing him. Jesse pulled back

" Mrs Polock... I like it" he smiled

" so do I " I smiled at him

Mrs Jorja Polock. I could get used to that name.

I'm sorry for abandoning you!

81,860 reads!!! :O omg fucking hell crapballs that's a lot!

no update tomorrow I'm going to see catching fire! ;D

> ring over there and the song they danced to, when you say nothing at all- ronan keating, its very good!

love you all starrfishes and hope you like this :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

As luck would have it (bondi rescue fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora