um, I've done a Jesse....

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it was cold, dark, grey and miserable the next day at bondi, nothing much happened which was pretty good as all the boys were moaning about the cold. So when Hoppo came over asking if one of us could get the marker bouys from the water nobody volunteered.

" right I need one of you to go out and get the bouys from the bay" Hoppo said

the tower was silent as everyone looked around wanting someone to volunteer.

" oh for gods sake I'll do it!" I said standing up, I could hear the boys breathe a sigh of relief as I went to the cupboard and got my wetsuit top and lifejacket. Me and Jesse took the ski down and I launched the ski into the cold water as the wave crashed over me. I climbed aboard and went over the next wave out into the bay. I went over to the first buoy and scooped it up quickly.

I went over to the second buoy and pulled up next to it, but I did the same mistake Jesse did a few years ago. I forgot to hit the kill switch.

there was a loud noise as the rope got sucked up the engine

" SHIT!" I exclaimed as the ski engine cut out. I dropped my head to my hands as I realised what I had done. I hit the kill switch and climbed off into the water, luckily it wasn't to late at night so there was some light, though not a lot.

I found the rope and gave it a tug to see whether I could just pull it out but it was well and truly stuck. I climbed back aboard and put the ski into reverse to see if it would blow it out. I was desperately trying to remember what Jesse did when he made the same mistake. There was no luck, the rope was definitely stuck.

I clicked the radio on

" guys, I, um, I've done a Jesse" I said

" what do you mean, you've done a Jesse?" I heard mouse say

" ran the ski over the rope, I'm stuck out here" I said sheepishly, the next thing I knew I heard hoppo's voice over the radio

" you're stuck?" he said sounding serious

" yeah, I'm so sorry hoppo" I said, I really didn't want to get on his bad side

" we're sending out the other ski to help you" Hoppo said, I couldn't tell how he was feeling.

" I am really sorry hop" I repeated into the radio.

I watched the tower as I saw 3 figures run down to the waters edge and launch the second ski. They got through the waves quickly and pulled up next to me, it was mouse, Jesse and itchy.

" hey babe" Jesse laughed as he pulled up next to me

" is hoppo pissed with me?" I asked straight away

" he looked more nervous for you to be honest" itchy said as he jumped off the ski and swam over to the mat. Mouse jumped off with a knife to cut the rope whilst I swam over to Jesse on the jetski, I climbed behind him

" I'm such a dickhead!" I groaned as I watched mouse and itchy pulled the anchor up, They passed it to us and gave me back the knife.

" oh hang on!" mouse said, he rummaged around under the water before he lifted his hand up showing a length of rope

" yewww!, thank f**k for that!" I exclaimed. Itchy climbed aboard and turned the ski back on, it started up and I breathed a huge sigh of relief and rested my head against Jesse's back. Hoppo's voice came over the radio

" Is it working?"

" yeah, mouse managed to pull the rope out, its up and running now" I said into the radio.

" right in that case give your lifejacket to mouse Jorja and he can go and get the rest of the buoys" Hoppo said. I undid my jacket and passed it to mouse, he climbed aboard and itchy held onto the mat as they went into shore. I wrapped my arms around Jesse's waist as we followed in after them, Jesse powered towards shore and took the ski high up the sand.

I climbed off and helped Azza and yatesy get the ski's in. walking up to the tower I kept my head low, I didn't want to have to face hoppo just yet, but I knew I would have too.

I walked up the steps into the tower where hoppo was

" fist things first, are you ok?" he asked

" I'm fine thanks, Hoppo I'm so sorry, it was a complete rookie error and it wont happen again" I said nervously

" I know it was, but at least the ski's working now and we didn't have to swim it in like we did with ernie" he said nodding his head towards Jesse " just make sure it doesn't happen again" he said before walking out the tower

as I heard the door close I breathed a massive sigh of relief, I felt the boys clap me on the back as I sort of crumpled over a chair in embarrassment

" well done simba!" I heard yatesy laugh as I groaned. could have been worse, I thought, at least the camera's weren't here!

I apologise for the extreme shitness of this chapter, I wrote this in about 5 minutes after having a extreme mind blank :P

also I REACHED 30,000 READS!!!! about 3 minutes after I posted last nights chapter I hit 30,000 and now I have 30,560!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!! it was only 18 chapters ago I it 20,000!!! I loves you all soooooooo much!!!!!

I will be making another youtube thanks vid and it will be a room tour for anybody who wants to peak around my boudoir ;) xxxx


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