Hello Mum

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it had been another week since my last meeting and it looked like my visa would be coming through any day now. I had been through all my stuff and sold most of it to get some more money. My car was sold and the people who had bought it were ready to come and get it at a minutes notice. I had packed all of the clothes I needed and got rid of most of the really heavy wintery clothes that I wouldn't be needing in Australia as even in winter there it wasn't cold enough for snow boots!

There was new tenants ready to move into my apartment the minute I walked out. I had transferred all my bank details over to a new one in maroubra and I had dealt with any left over bills and had redirected any post to go to Jesse's. I had done pretty much everything apart from one final job.

I woke up one morning and knew that I would have to go and do it today. I washed and dressed slowly before walking out the apartment and going down to the car. it was a overcast day, the clouds where blocking the sun out and it felt like it was going to rain. I drove for about half a hour before pulling into a florists

I walked in and grabbed 5 bunches of colourful flowers, I took them to the till

" big event?" the young girl asked behind the till

" sort of" I mumbled before paying her and walking out the shop. I got back in the car and drove a bit further down the road before pulling over. I grabbed the bag of flowers and stepped out the car. I walked up the pavement a bit before turning into the cemetery.

I walked through the lines of gravestones before arriving at 5 ones that were the same

" hello mum" I said looking at the middle grave

I read the writing " here lies Amanda trini, a wife,mother and a friend to all, died march 12th 2006" i leant down and placed the flowers by the headstone. I walked to either side and placed the flowers down on each grave

" david trini, enid trini, allisa trini and toby trini" I said my fathers, grandma's, sister and brother name as I put the flowers down

I stood in front of the grave " hey guys, it was the 8 year anniversary last month. I miss you all so much" I said as a tear pricked my eye. " I've changed my life around since I was last here, I went to Australia.  got my dream job and I fell in love, although you probably would have scared him away dad!" I said laughing a little at the conversations my dad would have with me about if I ever brought a boy home to meet them " but, He's amazing, he treats me well and makes me feel loved, he was there for me from the beginning and supported me through so much recently. he was the first person I felt like I could open up to, I told him all about you and he helped me through so much. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him mum, I love him" .

I wiped the tear from my cheek " that's why I've changed my life around, because of him. I'm moving to Australia to be with him after this, I'm just waiting on a few things. That's why I came here today, I didn't get to say goodbye properly last time and I want to this time. I hope your all proud of me and I like to think your watching over me. I love you guys. Goodbye" I kissed my hand and placed it against each one of the gravestones.

I turned away and began to walk down the rows of graves, and at that point the sun broke through the clouds shining on the ground around me. Like a sign from my family. I smiled and walked back to the car, in that graveyard I left behind all the bad memories and emotions, I felt stronger than ever before, no more nightmares, no more crying, no more bad memories. Just happiness.

* Next day*

I was woken by my phone ringing at 8:30am, I picked it up

" hello?"

" hello Jorja, its scott, your visa arrived today, you can go back to Australia"

sorry this is short but it was planned to be a short one.

another day of being stupid- German - doing holidays and got a pic of bondi to describe, my teacher said " oh have you been as its better to write about a place you've been to, its just easier"  me in my head " bitch, I know this place than my own house"

English - reading aloud a play, mildly sexual innuendo. I had read ahead and got the giggles knowing I would have to say this, get to my part, " I cant say it hehehehe I want to open myself!" I thought everyone else would laugh as they had at a similar quote earlier on but noooo they laughed AT me........ fml :I

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