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I followed Agent Henriksen into the command center "Lieutenant Robards,"


"Special Agent Henriksen and Special Agent Mulder,"

"Well at least he's considerate to remember me," I thought to myself

"Let me guess. You're lead dog now, but you would just love my full cooperation,"

"I don't give a rat's ass what you do, you can go get a donut and bang your wife for all I care. What I do need is your SWAT team locked and loaded,"

"Listen, Agents. Something's not right about this. It's,'s not going down like a usual heist,"

"That's because it isn't one," I stated, stepping in front of Henriksen "There is a monster in that bank, Robards,"

I felt a pull on my arm "Excuse us," he glared at me but I did not cower "You talk when I say you can talk,"

"With all due respect sir. You brought me here for my expertise on the supernatural and paranormal...."

"I brought you to find these boys and you have..."

"Then why drag me along," I smirked at his speechlessness "You may not believe in my beliefs and believe the X-Files to be nothing more than a sham. But maybe before you make such accusations about me and my brother's work, I suggest you check our track record and find the number of people we've saved, along with the number of people we put away..." I walked back into the command center as Agnet Henriksen took the phone.

"This is Special Agent Victor Henriksen," I notioned to one of the officer's to give me his headphones and he handed them over.

"Yeah, listen, I'm not really in the negotiating mood right now, so-"

"Good. Me neither. It's my job..." I scoffed causing him to eye me "to bring you in. Alive's a bonus but not necessary,"

I looked at one of the officers "Lieutenant Robards?"

He nodded "Yeah?"

"By any chance do you record these conversations?"

"Of course, every time the phone gets picked up,"

"Great, I'm going to need copies of these," and he nodded again as I listened to the remainder of the conversation.

"I want you and Sam out here," Henriksen told Dean "unarmed. Or we come in. And yes, I know about Sam too. Bonnie to your Clyde,"

"Yeah, well, that part's true, but how'd you even know we were here?"

"Go screw yourself, that's how I know. It's become my job to know about you, Dean." I glared at him "I've been looking for you for weeks now. I know about the murder in St. Louis, I know about the Houdini act you pulled in Baltimore. I know about the desecrations and the thefts. I know about your dad,"

"Geezus, fudgen..." I groaned as I shook my head. Henrikson wasn't looking for a peaceful resolution, he was looking to set this man off.

"Hey, you don't know crap about my dad," Dean told him darkly.

Henriksen snapped his fingers and glanced at me as I tossed him John Winchester's file "Ex-marine, raised his kids on the road, cheap motels, backwood cabins. Real paramilitary survivalist type. I just can't get a handle on what type of whacko he was. White supremacist, Timmy McVeigh, to-may-to, to-mah-to,"

"You got no right talking about my dad like that. He was a hero,"

"Yeah." Henriksen snorted "Right. Sure sounds like it. You have one hour to make a decision or we come through those doors full automatic," he hung up "Scramble you men, five minutes, then we go in,"

"What? Henriksen, they've let out one hostage so far. They've hurt no one as far as we can tell," Robards stated

"You don't know these Winchesters. They're dangerous, smart, and expertly trained,"

"We can't risk the lives of all those people,"

"Trust me, Dean's a greater risk to 'em than we are,"

"This is crazy,"

"Crazy's in there. And I just hung up on it,"

"I have to agree with Detective Robards on this one," I stated "I've read the file as well. If Dean killed those women...surely there'd be a body count with the hostages and he wouldn't have let the hostage out,"

"Agent Mulder do I need to remind you of our previous conversation..."

I balled up my fists as I glared at him "No, sir," once Agent Henriksen left the room, Detective Robards looked at me.

"Your partner's a dick,"

"He's not my partner, but I agree with you one hundred percent,"


An officer walked towards us after we cleared the building of the hostages "Sir? My team said it's secure. They're gone,"

"You tell your team to tear it apart!" he growled "The ducts, the ceilings, the furnace, everything,"

"I don't think that's necessary,"

"Why not?" I questioned. The officer led us to a broom closet, where we found two SWAT men stripped to their underwear and handcuffed back-to-back on the floor. I couldn't help but chuckle as I walked away.

"Agent Mulder," I looked up

"Lieutenant Robards," I greeted

"The tapes you wanted," he handed them over and I nodded

"By any chance did Agent Henriksen want these as well,"

"He wanted them trashed,"

"Did you?"

"I just did," he nodded to what was in my hands and I nodded

"Thank you, Lieutenant," I turned around when I heard the engine of a 1967 Impala take off and couldn't help but grin "See you around boys,"

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