Safe In His Arms- Scott McCall

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It happened again. Your dad come into your room and hit you to the point you passed out. He always did ever since you moved to beacon hills. He was the reason the reason why you were afraid of other boys or men. Thinking that all men and boys would hit you like your dad. Which is why you planned on running away.

Sneaking out was a success. You walked further into the woods. Which wasn't the best idea. At least the full moon was giving light to the dark forest. You started running was you heard noise, trying to keep your breathing lightly. You were too focused on running away from the sound to realise that there was a root sticking out. Your foot got caught on it, making you fall on the ground. You let out a sob. As you slowly got up, you realised you weren't alone. Your breathing quickened as you saw red eyes glowing in the dark. "Please don't" you sobbed, getting up slowly, it walked further up to you. Your eyes widen as you realised it was a werewolf. You're back pressed against the tree. "Im not going to hurt you" the werewolf said. Hair disappearing, until it was completely human. He walked closer to you, noticing you sliding down to the ground. "Hey im not going to hurt you, I'm Scott" Scott said, Scott hold out his hand. You reluctantly grabbed it. "(y/n)" you quietly said, making Scott smile. Scott pulled you up. Just as he was about to say something, someone behind him talked. "Oh who's she?" Liam asked, nervously. You looked behind Scott to see a boy and a girl. Scott turned around. His hand still holding yours. "This is (y/n)" Scott said, you stood behind Scott, as the boy talked. "Im Liam" Liam said, smiling nervously at you. "Im Malia" Malia said. "Hi" you said, nervously, your hand holding Scott's tightly. "Not to be rude but can you's two can go now. I go this" Scott said, Liam and Malia walked away. Malia mumbling something. Scott turned to you. "Your hurt" Scott said, you looked at him funny. Scott's free hand came up to the side of your head touching the scratch lightly, his eyes wonder over your body until he spotted a large bruise on your forearm. His fingers touched it lightly as you flinched away. Scott's fingers went away from the bruise. His eyes full of concern. "Did I hurt you?" Scott asked, "It's just it hurts" you said, Scott knew what happened to you, what your dad did to you. He wanted you to tell him on your own terms. "Sorry" Scott said. Something about Scott seemed different to the other boys. Like you could trust him. "m-my dad abuses me" you whispered, looking down at the ground. Scott's hand gently touched your chin bringing it up gently so you could see him. He wiped a fallen tear. "Then he needs to go to jail (y/n), you need to tell the cops" Scott said, caressing your cheeks. "I can't, if I do I will have no one" you sobbed, Scott pulled you into his chest. "You would have no one either way if you were going to run away" Scott said, rubbing your back. "How about you tell the cops about what your farther has done and then you can stay with me for as long as you like. My mum won't mind" Scott said, "okay" you said, hugging Scott tighter, making the butterfly's in Scott's stomach explode.


You and Scott sat outside Sherriff Stilinski's office. You kept on shaking. Scott took a hold off your hands. Looking at him "hey, I will be right beside you" Scott said, making you nod. "Scott, what are doing here?" Sherriff asked, raising his eyebrows at him. "(y/n) needs to file a domestic violence complaint" Scott softly said, his hands still holding yours. Sherriff looked at you then back at Scott. "Come in" Sherriff said, opening his office door...

You sat down on the chair, Scott sitting next to you. "May I ask who the person is?" Sherriff asked. Your heart beat ran faster. Scott looked at you worried, "I-I um" you stuttered out, trying to get the images out of your head. "It was her dad" Scott answered for you. Sherriff looked at Scott, "Scott let (y/n) speak" Sherriff warned, "It was my dad" you said, gulping. You felt sick. You couldn't be in this small room anymore so you got up and left. You run outside, feeling lightheaded. "(y/n), are you alright?" Scott asked, you nodded your head no as you fainted. "We need an ambulance now" Sherriff said. Scott picked you up bridal style. "Where are you going?" Sherriff asked. "Im taking her to the hospital" Scott said.....


Melissa let out a sigh as she saw the rest of the pack sitting outside. "Is she alright?" Malia asked. "She's going to be alright, where just waiting for her to wake up" Melissa said, turning around. "We should go in there" Liam said, standing up. Scott come out of your room. "I don't think you should" Scott said, making everyone look at him. "She's frightened and I don't want her to be frightened" Scott said, before walking back into your hospital room. "Can I come in?" Melissa asked. Scott let out a grunting sound, sitting on the chair that was beside your bed holding your hand. "I should have done something sooner" Scott said. "Honey it's not your fault that her farther did this, it isn't hers, it isn't the packs, and it's her father's fault" Melissa said. "I just she's afraid of men and I feel like maybe if I come to her rescue in the first place" Scott said, looking down at your hand. "Honey don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control" Melissa said, walking to the door, "I'll be back in a moment" Melissa said...


"Why won't he let us in there?' Liam asked, no one in particular. "Because she's his mate" Stiles said everyone looking at him. "But he just meet her" Liam said. "No he didn't well he did but she's the girl that he was talking about to us. The girl that need help. Sounded hurt and scared. I think he wanted to help her more because he feels something for her". Everyone looked at Stiles, before looking down the hall to where your room was.


Melissa hurried in the room. "What's wrong, you pressed the call button" Melissa asked, then looked at you to see you were in shock. Melissa rushed towards you. "(y/n), it's alright, you fainted, but you are in hospital now, my name is Melissa" Melissa said, "You're quite the fighter" Melissa said, noticing you look at Scott. "What happened to my dad?" you asked, holding onto Scott's hand. Scott looked at his mum then at you. "They found marks on your body that indicated signs of abuse. They arrested him" Scott said, noticing you gulp. "Im going to go check other patience. I will check on you later, oh and by the way you can stay at our house as long as you please" Melissa said, existing the room. "Thank you" you said quietly, looking at Scott, "for what?" Scott said, stroking your cheek, "for convincing your mum to let me stay and for helping me" you whispered, "I'd do anything for you and your safety. You're safe in my arms" Scott cooed, "Can you stay?" you asked, "off course" Scott said, getting comfy in the chair, his hand holding onto yours.

Melissa walked in to see Scott next to your bed holding your hand as you slept a bit closer to the guard rail on the bed. She smiled to herself as she shut the door letting you's two sleep....

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