Confessions In the Dark- Jackson Whittemore

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Y/N= your name

Warnings: Swearing, fluff
"Man I can't believe we have to go on this dumb trip." Stiles moaned.
*Y/N* rolled her eyes knowing Stiles couldn't see her as she looked out the window. She had to admit, this was stupid. Since when did gym class equal a trip that made you get up at five in the morning so you could go hike up a mountain? Gym was supposed to be a flunk subject, but Coach obviously had different plans. Yay.
She bit her tongue to stop herself from turning around and replying with a snarky comment as she watched the blurry cars go past. Eventually she let herself turn her gaze to Jackson Whittemore. God that jawline should be illegal. She allowed herself to indulge in every beautiful curve of his impossibly gorgeous face. How is someone physically allowed to be that hot?
She had a crush on Jackson Whittemore. There was no denying that. But that was it, a crush. It wasn't like she was some sappy teenage girl who proclaimed to be in love with a guy she'd barely said three words to. No, it was just a crush. She had to admit, some of it had to do with his looks, but can you blame her?
But *Y/N* knew there was more to him than just his model like features. She had studied him over the years. The way he used to treat Lydia at school when he thought no one was watching. How he would care for her. And he was smart, like really, really smart. She knew he was adopted as well, she'd overheard it at parent-teacher night and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. That didn't excuse him for being a dick. It actually took skill to be such a dick. And he was the master of it.
She watched as he put his sunglasses on and checked himself out in the reflection of the bus window and she rolled her eyes.
Why did he have to be such an ass all the time?
"*Y/N* why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." Stiles sniggered and her face heated up knowing she'd been sprung.
*Y/N* was about to turn around and reply with an insult when the driver applied the brakes causing everyone to lurch forward in their seats. She suppressed a giggle as Stiles wacked his head against the back of her seat and loudly cursed. Karma's a bitch.
"Alright class, the field trip has been cancelled due to an expected storm. So we're going to have to stay overnight at the nearest hotel and then go tomorrow morning." Coach announced.
The class let out a collective groan and *yn* silently cursed her existence as people began to whisper frantically.
"I don't have pyjamas or even a tooth brush. What does he take me for some kind of animal?" A girl hissed in front of her.
"Alright everyone shut up!" Coach yelled before blowing into his whistle letting out an ear piercing noise. *yn* felt bad for the students at the front who had to endure the fountain of spit that came out of that whistle.
"The next person I hear complaining gets to spend the night on the bus!" He yells. Silence falls immediately across the students and Coach smirks in satisfaction. "That's what I thought." He said smugly. "Ungrateful jerks." He mumbles under his breath.
Finally the bus stops outside a run down looking motel and the students scramble out, all eager to stretch their limbs.
"Alright gather round class!" Coach calls.
"We managed to book the exact number of rooms to fit all of you in. But you're gonna have to buddy up, with a person of the same gender! I know what you hormonal filled brats are thinking..." He begins. Immediately everyone scrambles to find a partner, desperate to be with their friends.
Suddenly Coach blew his whistle again causing everyone to pause. "If you had let me finish." He scowls.
"There is an uneven number of boys and girls so one pair is going to have to be a boy and a girl, any volunteers?" He asked.
Immediately Scott and Allison's hands flew up and a few other couples did as well. *yn* giggled as she watched Stiles elbow Scott and mumble something about bros before hoes.
"Nice try, but I know what goes on in this school." Coach says. He knew they were all together and he knew what would go down. "Teenage pregnancy will not be happening on my watch!" He exclaims causing the class to give him weird looks.
"Since none of you can be trusted, I will pick the pair." Coach said. The class including *yn* withheld their breathes. *yn* was internally begging for it not to be her. She just wanted a good night sleep without having to think about some random guy that was near her.
Coach scanned the class and his eyes landed on *yn*. *yn* was one of his favourites, although he'd never admit to favouritism. She was quiet, unlike most other students and had no problem flicking Stilinski in the head when he was talking too much in class. He liked that.
"*yln*!" He called out.
"Shit." *yn* whispered under her breath. Of course it was her.
"And....." Coach said as he looked around for a boy.
He looked over to spot Jackson Whittemore at the back, chewing gum and not paying any attention. Coach knew Jackson was the pretty boy of the school but he'd never seen *yn* and Jackson talk. Plus maybe *yn* would give him a piece of her mind. It would be interesting to see what would happen.
"Whittemore!" He called out.
Some of the girls groaned and glared at *yn* with jealousy. This was going to be a disaster. She watched as Jackson took off his sunglasses when he heard his name obviously having no idea what was going on. His best friend Danny muttered something and he turned to look at her. Danny smirked and nudged him and Jackson just rolled his eyes and whispered something back. Great.
"Fuck me." She mumbles in annoyance under her breath.
"That's what you'll be saying to Jackson tonight." Stiles said smuggly obviously overhearing her.
"You know what Stilinski-" *yn* began but Coach cut her off.
"Alright everyone else buddy up and take a key! I'll see you all in the morning! And no funny business!" Coach repeats.
*yn* sighed and walked towards Coach. Jackson moved in front of her and snatched the key before she could grab it causing her to roll her eyes.
Things literally could not get any worse.
"Are you kidding me?" *yn* groaned as she walked into the room. There was only one double bed.
*yn* stood corrected, things could get worse. Much, much worse.
Luckily Jackson had just dumped his stuff outside the door before marching off to find his friends. *yn* sighed and placed her day bag on the armchair.
It only had a few things in it, her book, phone, exercise shoes, water bottle, sports shorts and singlet. Her jeans were beginning to grow increasingly uncomfortable so she decided to change into her exercise gear.
She rummaged through her bag, pulling out her exercise shorts but couldn't find her singlet.
"Fuck." She hissed when she realised she had forgotten it. She was wearing a tight-ish top with a coarse material. This was going to be the most uncomfortable sleep in her life.
She sighed and laid out her exercise shorts for bed. She ambled into the bathroom to examine it and started checking her hair in the mirror when the door opened.
"Dude I swear if McCall doesn't resign as co-captain, I'm kicking his ass." Jackson spoke as numerous chuckles filled the small space. "Oh come on Scott isn't that bad." *yn* heard Danny say.
*yn* peered out of the bathroom to see Jackson, Danny and three other meatheads from the lacrosse team standing in the room.
"Oh hey... roomie." Jackson said sarcastically causing her to roll her eyes.
"Listen my friends and I are going to hang out here so why don't you go hang out with the two losers you're normally with." He says referring to Stiles and Scott. Normally *yn* would have stayed quiet but she was fiercely loyal and when someone insults her friends, they better watch out.
"First of all, they aren't losers and second of all. No. I'm going to stay right where I am." She smiled sarcastically as she grabbed her book out of her bag. Jackson did a double take. Not many people told him no.
"No?" Jackson queried. "No." *yn* confirmed. "I"m going to sit here and read." She said before moving her bag and plopping down on the arm chair and opening her book to the marked page.
Jackson stared at her in shock, his mouth literally wide open. He knew who *yn* was. She was in a few of his classes. She was definitely hot there was no denying that but normally she was so quiet he'd never really bothered trying to flirt with her. He would watch her in class and notice how she was almost always silent. A completely different contrast to her friend Stilinski. So seeing this side of her was different. But he liked it. Although he'd never admit it.
"So you'd rather read a book then hang out with friends? wait do you even have any friends?" One of Jackson's friends piped up.
*yn* glanced up at him, her eyebrows raised.
"Wow you've got me, totally hit the nail on the head. I have no friends. Absolutely none. I'm forced to coop myself up in any room I can and read all my troubles away. Because books are my only friends. Books are what I use to escape from this horrible and cruel reality and escape to my fantasy land. I can't believe you exposed my deepest darkest secret. What will I do now? How will I go on?" *yn* quipped sarcastically as she flicked a page.
"Huh?" The jock asked, her sarcasm going way over his head.
Jackson couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto his features.
"Whatever boys, let's go." He announced. They all groaned but complied and one by one they filed out of the room until *yn* was left by herself in the quiet.
It had been a good two hours now and it was getting late. *yn* assumed that at any moment Coach would enforce a curfew and make everyone go back to their rooms. Almost right on cue the door opens and Jackson waltzes in.
"Have fun reading?" He asks nonchalantly. "Yep. " *yn* replies ending the word with a pop. "The ending was a little dull though." She sighed as she scrolled through instagram on her phone.
"Wait you finished it, didn't you only like just start it?" He questioned in disbelief. "Uh yeah?" She replied quizzically giving him an odd look and he let out a scoff. "What?" She asked.
"Nothing I just didn't realise my roommate  was a book nerd." He shrugged as he walked into the bathroom.
"Do you even know my name?" *yn* questioned in annoyance. "Yeah." He replied. "Really then what is it?" *yn* queried crossing her arms over her chest. He poked his head out of the bathroom to look at her. "It's *yn*." He stated and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not expecting him to know.
"And why would you assume that I didn't know it?" He asked.
"Are you serious? Are you aware of your reputation at school?" She scoffed and he raised a brow, inviting her to continue.
"First off you've barely ever said three words to me since freshmen year and you're kind of considered to be the rudest, self centred douche in the school. Of course I didn't expect you to know my name." She stated and he rolled his eyes muttering a 'whatever' under his breath before slamming the door shut.
"Well you asked." She mumbled under her breath before turning her attention back to her phone.
Ten minutes later she heard the bathroom door open but didn't bother to look up as she stalked numerous celebrity instagram accounts.
"You know I'm not a total douche all the time right?" Jackson suddenly spoke.
"Well so far I haven't seen anything that would suggest- oh my god!" She yelped when she looked up. Jackson was standing near the front door shirtless with only a towel hung very low on his hips. She dropped her phone on to the arm chair and covered her eyes with her hands.
"What's the matter? It's not like I'm naked." He chuckled at her reaction. He wouldn't admit it but he secretly found her innocence adorable.
Slowly she edged her hands down, finding it to hard to resist a little peek. She gulped as she watched him walk towards the cupboard where he had put his clothes. His abs were literally glistening from his shower. Glistening. It was like he'd stepped out of a fucking photoshoot or something. He wasn't completely dry and a few droplets that had escaped his towel were left on his tan abs. And oh my god that v-line. *yn* was practically drooling at this point.
"Maybe now you can see why I'm self centred." He smirked and *yn* looked down at the floor slowly turning scarlet when she had realised she'd been caught.
He turned to look at her a huge smirk plastered on his face.
"I know you like what you see." He winks playfully.
"I'm going to take a shower." *yn* stuttered, totally flustered. She stood up quickly and snatched her exercise shorts from the bed before hurrying into the bathroom.
As she slammed the door behind her she could still here Jackson chuckling at her suspense. She inwardly cursed herself for being such a hormonal teenage girl as she turned the shower on. She stripped off, relieved to be rid of her skinny jeans as she stepped into the hot shower. She sighed in relief as the hot shower soothed her muscles. This is exactly what she needed.
As she walked out of the bathroom she tugged at her uncomfortable top trying to adjust it.
"Why are you wearing that? You know you have to sleep in that right?" He asks looking at her top. "I'm well aware thank you, but I forgot my singlet." *yn* sighed dumping her jeans into her bag.
Jackson watched her as she continued to tug at the material and he couldn't help but feel bad. He sighed and stood up from the bed and began to pull his lacrosse muscle t-shirt off. "What are you doing?" She asked in alarm and he rolled his eyes. "Relax roomie I'm not trying anything. Here." He said handing her his shirt. "Why are you giving this to me?" She asks in confusion.
"So you can wear it. You won't be able to sleep in that top." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Thanks but-"
"Seriously. Take it. You want to be able to sleep right?" He says. She sighed and studied the top. Of course her first instinct was to say no but the opportunity of wearing a comfortable top was to good to pass up.
"Thanks." She mumbled as she grabbed it from him. "What are you going to wear?"
"I'll just sleep shirtless, I do it all the time." He shrugs. "Sometimes even less." He smirks winking at her and she scrunches her nose up in disgust.
"Yuck." She grumbles before ambling into the bathroom.
*yn* pulled off the uncomfortable top leaving her in her bra and exercise shorts. Of course she had chosen to wear a lacy bra as well which was now itching at her skin.
She held the shirt in her hands, it was massive compared to her. She bit her lip contemplating whether or not to take her bra off or not. Well if it's super big on her he won't know, she thought. With that she unclasped her bra and slid on the jersey. She sighed in relief at the soft, loose material on her skin.
The singlet was massive on her, passing her shorts and going down to her middle thigh. She liked it. With that she placed her bra underneath her shirt in hope that he wouldn't see it and realise she wasn't wearing a bra.
Jackson was lying against the bedhead staring at his phone. As the bathroom door opened he looked up and sucked in a breath. She looked so gorgeous. Her hair was still damp from the shower and his jersey was so big it made it look like she was wearing less than she actually was. He bit his lip when he spotted a glimpse of her lacy bra under her shirt and he gulped when he realised she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. He dragged his eyes away and kept them trained on his phone as she let out a sigh.
"So are you going to move?" *yn* spoke and he looked up at her with a confused look on his face. "Huh?"
"Are you going to move?" *yn* repeated. "Why would I move?" He asked.
"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you." *yn* stated and he rolled his eyes.
"Well I'm not moving so if you have a problem you can sleep on the floor."
"Wow how gentlemanly of you." She said sarcastically before walking to the cupboard. She reaches up and grabs a spare sheet from the top shelf. Jackson watches her as she snatches a pillow from her side and drops it on the floor.
"You're joking right?" He asks and she spins around to look at him. "No. You said if I have a problem to sleep on the floor." She says casually. He watches her in astonishment as she lies down on the hard carpet, lying her head on the pillow and pulling the thin blanket over her body.
"Lights out everybody! I'm not missing that hike because one of you punks oversleep!" Coach bellows from the hall. Jackson looked back at *yn* who was twisting around obviously trying to find a comfortable position.
Jackson sighed, even he wasn't that much of a dick. He couldn't just let her sleep on the floor, but he wasn't going to either.
"*yn* look just please come up and sleep on the bed." He murmurs and she turns around on the ground so she's lying on her side and facing him.
"We can put a barrier of pillows if you want?" He suggests and she narrows her eyes.
"Promise you won't try anything?" She asks. "I promise." He replies.
She nods and gets up off the floor, putting her pillow back on her side.
She hesitantly gets on the bed and pulls the covers over her. Jackson watches her as she grabs the two spare pillows and puts them in between the two of them. He resisted the temptation to roll his eyes and make a joke as he watched her.
"Well night I guess." She says before turning so her back is facing him and falling silent.
"Night." Jackson grumbled before shutting the lamp off causing the room to fall into total darkness.
*yn* lay wide awake on her side. The only sound she could hear was Jackson's steady breathing. No matter what she did she just couldn't fall asleep. She sighed moving onto her back staring at the ceiling as her eyes became adjusted to the darkness.
"*yn* are you still awake?" Jackson suddenly whispered causing her to jump. She had assumed he was asleep. "Yeah." *yn* whispered back. She could hear him shuffling around and she glanced over the pillows to see him lying on his back as well.
"I can't sleep." He stated. "Neither." She replied. The two of them sit for a while in silence until Jackson spoke up.
"I'm sorry about what I said earlier... in front of my friends. It was rude." He admits and *yn* turns her head towards his voice.
"It's ok.. you were with your teammates. I get it." She whispered.
"That doesn't make it ok." He said letting out a frustrated sigh. "Look... I just.. I just want you to know I'm not a bad guy. I know that I act like a huge jerk ninety percent of the time but.. I'm not one." He murmured. *yn* opened her mouth to reply but he cut her off.
"And I'm sorry for how I treat Scott and Stiles, I know they're good guys and they're your friends. They don't deserve that." He says. "It's just I have stuff going on at home and I know that isn't an excuse but-"
"Jackson it's ok-"
"No it isn't *yn* I-"
"No, Jackson. I know. I know about your parents and how you were adopted." *yn* whispered. The room fell into a tense silence as she waited for him to reply.
"How do you know about that?" He murmured. "I overheard your parents talking about it at the parent-teacher conference." She explained. When he didn't reply she sighed grabbing the pillows that separated them and chucking them on the floor.
She turned her body so she could look at him, or at least make out the outline of his face.
"I know what it feels like Jackson. To never feel good enough, to feel like you always have to impress them. I know that's how you feel about your real parents. Like they left you because you weren't good enough? I know how you feel. I'm always trying to impress my parents, trying to get top grades in everything. But I'm never as good as my brother. And even though they don't say anything I can tell they're disappointed in me. They make me feel like I'll never be good enough or worthy of their attention. I get it."
"Thank you." He whispers after a few moments. "I think you're the first person who actually understands me." He murmured quietly and her heartbeat faster and she smiled softly even though he couldn't see her.
The two talked and talked and talked for hours. They talked about everything and anything under the sun. They shared laughs, smiles, silent tears. Everything. It was perfect absolutely perfect. Every so often one would inch just a little bit closer just so they could 'hear' the other better. For Jackson it was the first time he'd ever actually admitted things to someone. He told *yn* things he'd never told anyone else. For *yn* it was a chance to be herself, she felt comfortable around him. She indulged him in her deepest secrets, things she hadn't even told Stiles or Scott. But for the two they were both thinking the same thing. What happens tomorrow?
"I don't want to wake up tomorrow and for this to be over." Jackson admitted. "I don't want us to go back to being strangers at school."
"Neither do I." *yn* whispered back.
"My friends will ask why I'm talking to a 'nobody' like you." Jackson spoke honestly.
"Do you care what you're friends think?" *yn* had whispered.
"Not anymore." He replied truthfully.
Their talking finally finished at one o'clock in the morning. *yn* had finally given in to sleep, her eyelids had grown to heavy. Soon she was lightly snoring into her pillow. Jackson smiled listening to her as he watched her chest move up and down in a soothing motion. Eventually his eyes shut, the thought of her the last thing on his mind.
Birds chirping. That was the first thing *yn* heard when she came to her. Her eyelids lightened and she scrunched them closed when the sun hit them harshly.
That was the second thing she realised. Skin that was on her. But wasn't hers.
She blinked a few times before looking up and she nearly let out a yelp but stopped herself. She was millimetres away from Jackson's sleeping face.
She looked down to see half of her body on his shirtless chest, her legs were entwined with his and his arm was wrapped securely round her waist.
She was about to edge out when he mumbled something incoherent as his face twitched.
"*yn*." He mumbled and she glanced up at him in surprise. She leaned closer as he continued to mumble under his breath.
Her lips were millimetres from his but she was to focused on hearing his mumbling to notice.
"Kiss me." He muttered and before she could comprehend what was happening  his lips were on hers. Her eyes widened, she was totally confused. He was asleep. Did that mean he was dreaming about her?
She suddenly realised what was happening and pulled her mouth away, almost reluctantly although she didn't want to admit that to herself.
Her face was heating up as she realised that Jackson Whittemore had just kissed her.
Suddenly a knock on the door startled her and she pulled out of Jackson's grip.
"*yln*! Whittemore! Open up we're leaving in five minutes!" Coach yelled.
"Oh shit." *yn* hissed when she realised how bad this was going to look. She was in his freaking jersey and he was shirtless.
"Jackson." *yn* hissed shaking him hard. "Wake up." She whispered loudly.
"Huh? What?" He groaned as he began to wake up. Coach banged on the door loudly. "Hello!" Coach yelled and that seemed to get Jackson up.
"What the hell is-"
"Shut up and listen. Coach is outside right now." She whispered quickly and his eyes widened.
"Oh fuck." He hissed scrambling out of bed, in doing so he fell on to the floor with a large thud. *yn* grabbed a pillow and a blanket and chucked it on the floor as Coach continued to bang on the door.
"I swear to God if you two don't open up I'm busting this door down!" He yelled.
*yn* grabbed her bag and sprinted into the bathroom. She ripped off Jackson's jersey and stuck her hand out the door and chucked it at him before shutting it.
Jackson quickly pulled it on over his head and ripped the door open just before Coach could knock again.
"Jackson! What the hell were you two doing in here?" He said.
"Uh sorry Coach, I was still asleep." Jackson stammered. Coach narrowed his eyes and poked his head through the door.
"You only had one bed!" He exclaimed.
"Uh yeah but uh I slept on the floor." Jackson lied pointing at the sheet and pillow on the floor.
Coach glared at him, trying to decipher if he was lying or not.
"Where's *yln*?" He questioned.
"Um she's in the bathroom getting changed." Jackson said.
Coach stood in silence for a while studying Jackson before nodding his head and Jackson withheld a breath of relief.
"Well come on then, get on the bus." Coach said cocking his head.
"Uh I can wait for *yn*-"
"No, she'll be out in a second. You can go."
"But Coach I'm not even dressed-"
"You look fine. Whittemore I'm not asking you again." Coach said firmly. Jackson sighed grabbing his backpack, glancing at the closed bathroom door one more time before heading out of the hotel room and towards the bus.
*yn* emerged from the bathroom to an empty room. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag the memory of Jackson kissing her replaying over and over in her head. She knew she looked like hell but frankly she didn't care. She just wanted to go home.
*yn* didn't even know if she could look at Jackson again. This morning was so embarrassing and confusing. She could feel herself reading in to it too much. He was probably dreaming about Lydia or something and she just happened to be there.
As she hopped on the bus she realised she was one of the last and that the bus was already full. She gulped when she saw a spare seat next to Jackson who was already staring at her. But there was one next to Stiles seeing as Scott was sitting next to Allison.
*yn* took a deep breath and stared at the back of the bus. She resisted the urge to look at Jackson as she walked past him to the back to Stiles.
"Hey *yn* how was you're night with Jackson?" Stiles smirked, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.
"Stiles if you so much as mention Jackson again I will cut your dick off and shove it down your throat." She said sending him a fake smile. His eyes widened and he nodded quickly.
"Got it. Steer clear of that subject." He confirmed.
"Alright class I've got some bad news, the mountain had severe mud slides due to the rain last night and is closed, so we're heading back home." Coach said and everyone began to cheer.
"I said it was bad news!" He shouted. "Damn kids." He hissed before taking a seat.
*yn* sighed as she glanced out the window, shoving her earphones into her ears. She could feel Jackson's eyes on her and she could feel the guilt eating her up inside.
But she just couldn't do it, she knew if she continued being friends with him it would lead down the love path and *yn* couldn't have that. Not with him. Not with the person that could have any girl he wanted. She would just end up getting hurt. She couldn't even look at him without thinking about that kiss and what it meant, so it was best to just steer clear of him all together.
It was Friday now and so far *yn* had managed to avoid Jackson for the whole week. It was painful, watching the look of confusion on his face when she turned a corner to avoid going past him.
Jackson didn't understand what was going on, she had said she wanted to stay friends. Well Jackson wanted more than friends but if friends was what she wanted, he would take it. It was Friday now and somehow she'd managed to avoid him for the whole week. But  not anymore. Today he would confront her and ask her what was going on.
"You know Jackson has been staring at you all period right?" Stiles whispered to *yn* during science.
*yn* glanced up to see that he was right, Jackson and *yn*'s eyes locked for a brief moment before she looked away in embarrassment.
"Like literally I don't think he's looked anywhere else this whole time." Stiles spoke. When *yn* didn't say anything he sighed and grabbed her hand to stop her from writing.
"I know that you said not to bring it up, but I have to ask. What the hell happened on that trip?" Stiles asked. "It's... complicated." *yn* spoke and he rolled his eyes. "That could mean anything!" He exclaimed quietly.
"Well did you have sex?" He questioned and she glared at him. "What no!" She exclaimed causing the teacher to glare at them. "No." She whispered again.
"Well then what is it?" He asked. She was about to reply when the bell rang. "Saved by the bell." *yn* grinned grabbing her stuff and practically bolting out the door.
She hurried down the hall clutching her books in her arms, that was last period and school was now over so hopefully she could get to her car in time.
"*yn*!" A voice yelled. She spun around to see Jackson hurrying after her.
"Shit." She hissed. She sped up her pace but she knew he'd catch up to her before she reached the parking lot.
Quickly she ran into the girls bathroom before he could catch up to her, going into a cubicle and locking the door.
*yn* waited for at least half an hour before she even considered leaving the bathroom. Jackson was persistent, she knew that. But even she believed he wouldn't wait for half an hour.
By now the whole school would be empty, students desperate to leave for the weekend.
With that in mind she quietly opened the door and peered out at the vacant halls. Deciding it was safe she ventured out and hurried to the parking lot.
Suddenly a hand gripped her wrist and spun her around. Her eyes widened when she saw Jackson standing angrily in front of her.
"Uh hi Jackson." She stammered awkwardly and his eyes narrowed.
"why have you been avoiding me?" He asked.
"Uh what do you mean? I haven't been a-avoiding-"
"Cut the bullshit *yn*. I know you have been." He spoke angrily and she swallowed nervously.
"I just decided that we shouldn't hang out you know we're both so different with different friends and-"
"No don't give me that shit *yn*. I know you remember what you said that night. You said that you wanted to stay friends at school."
"Yeah well maybe I changed my mind. Maybe I realised that it would never work. You have your popular friends and I have mine." *yn* spoke defensively before spinning around.
"No I know that isn't it!" He pestered. "Just tell me what it is!"
"You kissed me ok!?" *yn* yelled turning around on her heel to look at him. "You kissed me in your sleep and it totally threw me off!" She hissed.
"I- I what?" He asked in shock.
"Yeah I woke up and we were.. cuddling. You mumbled my name and then said kiss me and then your lips were on mine." *yn* explained awkwardly.
"I just I got confused because I didn't know what it meant... I didn't want to get my hopes up." She admitted quietly and Jackson looked at her in surprise.
"You know what it meant?" He asked softly.
"It meant that I was dreaming about you because I like you *yn*. And now I don't even get to remember my kiss with you." He sighed in annoyance.
"Y-you like me?" *yn* asked and he nodded.
Without thinking anymore *yn* marched up to Jackson. She was tired of thinking. Before he can ask her what she's doing she grabs his face in her hands and pulls him down to her lips.
Being the type of guy he was he immediately melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull him even closer to her.
As the kiss gets even more heated he backs her up and pushes her against the lockers. *yn* moans softly as he slips his tongue into her mouth, squeezing her hips tightly.
The two teenagers pull away breathlessly, their foreheads pressed against each other as they stare into each others eyes.
"Now you have a kiss to remember." *yn* smirked against his lips.

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