Pickup- Kira Yukimura

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Kira stood at her locker, rifling through her books even though she had long since gathered her things. Her next class was going to begin soon and she really didn't need to stand in the hall any longer, but she was waiting for something, something she might even call the highlight of her day.
Some people might have thought it was stupid and Malia told her that she did every day, but Kira didn't care. She loved moments like this, when she anticipated the sound of soft footsteps coming up behind her, even though her stomach felt like it was turning in on itself.
"Hey, Kira," a voice said from behind her, causing the kitsune to turn around.
She shut her locker with a bright smile and turned to face you. "Hey, what's up?"
You took a deep breath as you looked at her brown eyes, hoping that today would finally be the day Kira picked up on your very obvious hints.
"Well, I really value my breath," you began. "And it would be nice if you didn't take it away every time I saw you."
You looked at her hopefully, expecting her to blush, but she only giggled. "That was good one, Y/n. You should use that on someone."
"I...thanks," you said slowly.
"I guess I'll see you later."
Kira flashed you a smile and held her books against her chest, and it was almost painful to see her lips turn up. Once again, Kira had simply brushed off your painfully obvious attempts at flirting.
Nearly every day, you stopped by Kira's locker with some new pick up line. They were always cheesy and cute, but Kira never seemed interested enough to take you up on your attempted offers.
Every day she congratulated you on how cute the lines were or how you should use them, and then she walked off to class, her dark curls bouncing behind her. That was exactly what she was doing right now, and you couldn't help but feel your stomach sinking as she flounced off to class.
You frowned as you watched her dark head of hair disappear around a corner, but you weren't about to let yourself get discouraged. You knew you would be back at her locker tomorrow with something even better. Maybe then she'd finally yes to you.

Kira walked into her trig class with a dreamy look in her eyes, nearly bumping into a tall, freckled boy standing close to the doorway. He gave her a dirty look and she quickly apologized, rushing to her seat and sliding into it before the bell rang.
Malia caught sight of that spacey look on her face and immediately rolled her eyes, knowing she was going to have to hear about how cute and pretty you were. That was all Kira ever really talked about in their trig class, and it wasn't exactly helping Malia's grades.
"What was it today?" Malia asked.
"She said I took her breath away," Kira gushed.
Malia watched as Kira's face brightened, remembering the moment before her lips fell into a frown again. "But she was just kidding."
Malia rolled her eyes again. "Kira. What's wrong with you?"
"What?" the kitsune asked. "Nothing. Well, nothing that I know of..."
"Y/n is into you," she stated.
"What?" Kira repeated again. "Malia, no. She's just kidding. Y/n's amazing and I don't even know why she talks to me. I'm probably just her practice run."
"She gives you a new line every day," Malia pointed out. "I've been there sometimes and I can smell the disappointment on her when you walk away."
"Malia, if you're just being nice-" Kira began.
"I think you know by now that I don't do nice," Malia told her. "And Y/n is gorgeous. I'm honestly surprised she's still single. I mean, if I wasn't dating Stiles..."
Kira tilted her head as Malia trailed off, thinking about what the coyote had said. "Wait, wha-"
"Anyway," Malia interrupted. "She's not kidding. I'm pretty sure she's actually into you. You're just too awkward and self-conscious to see it."
Kira blinked. "Thanks."
Malia shrugged, not understanding the sarcastic tone of Kira's voice. "No problem."
"Then I guess-"
"Alright, class," Kira's teacher announced. "Today we'll be discussing triangles. Ms. Yukimura, Ms. Tate, I suggest you two be quiet unless you want a failing grade."
Kira blushed and turned around in her seat, but thoughts of you kept running through her head. If Malia was right, Kira had been foolishly turning you down every day for the past few months when all she had wanted to do was go out with you.
Now she knew what you really meant when you used those cheesy pickup lines on her, and she was determined to make up for every time she had brushed you off.

You walked down the hall, taking a deep breath as you caught sight of Kira standing at her locker. You gripped the straps of your backpack as you called out "Hey, Kira."
She turned around and flashed you that bright smile, all pink lips and white teeth. You opened your mouth to spout out another pick up line, but before you could even speak, Kira beat you to it.
"You wanna know what I look forward to seeing every day?" she asked you. "The first word of that sentence."
You blinked, nearly stumbling back in surprise. "Me?"
"You, Y/n," she told you with a nod. "I looked forward to this time every day, because I know you're going to show up. And I know you're going to say some cheesy pickup line and make me smile."
"Really?" you asked softly.
Kira nodded. "I'm sorry I never realized that you actually liked me. I thought you were just kidding, but I'm going to make it up to you tonight."
"How?" you asked with a soft laugh.
"It's a surprise," she told you with a smile. "But it's going to be good. I'll text you, okay?"
You nodded and she flashed you another smile, causing your heart to swell. You watched her walk away, feeling excitement flowing through you. You couldn't wait.

"Okay, okay, how about this one?" Kira asked. "Do you have a bandaid? Because I cut my knee falling for you."
You giggled, nearly choking on your ice cream at how cheesy that one was. "What about this? You must be a keyboard, because you're just my type."
Kira smiled as she laid on her bed next to you, gazing over at you occasionally. She had promised she would make up all those missed chances to you and as far as you were concerned, she had. Taking you out for ice cream was sweet enough, but going back to her house and talking for hours was the highlight of your night.
Kira was glad Malia had talked some sense into her, because she certainly wasn't giving anyone else the chance to steal you away from her.
"Okay," Kira said. "This is the last one. Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?"
You grinned, setting the cup of mint chocolate chip onto her night stand. You rolled over onto your side and reached out to grab her fingers in yours. "Yes. Yes, you can."
Kira smiled and leaned forward, gently pressing her lips onto yours. She half-expected to fall off her bed or accidentally hit you in the face, but for once, Kira seemed to be very coordinated. You smiled against her lips, but even if she had done something like that, it wouldn't have mattered to either of you.

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