Caught pt.2- Scott Mccall

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Shit this is bad. My brother officially hates me and Scott right now. The only reason why i didn't tell him was because of how he was going to react. Who's ever going to react positively about their sister dating their best friend, huh? No one.
"Stiles hates me now." I mumbled and sat down on my bed with my hands on my face. I could feel tears prickling my eyes. Stiles never hated me before.
"Y/n, Stiles doesn't hate you okay. He loves you. He's probably just confused." Scott tried to reassured me but i know that he's pissed off.
"I've been hiding a secret from him for four months. A-and he always tells me everything." I sobbed and felt Scott putting me on his lap. I clutch to his shirt and started sobbing.
"He hates me." I mumbled into his shirt who was now filled with my tears.
"He doesn't hate you, baby. He's only mad. But we'll talk to him and everything would be fine." Scott stated and kissed your forehead. If only it's true.
Stiles even said that he was disappointed in us which in other words could also mean that he now hates me. If this situation was reversed i guess i would hate me too. Lying to someone who's always been there for me. Who always come up to me first when there's a problem going on in his life. I failed him. I failed my brother. I sniffed and looked up at Scott.
"We should talk to him." I suggest and got off Scott. I walked towards the mirror trying to get rid of the smudges of makeup. I want to make things right again with my brother.
"I'll go talk to him. You stay here." Scott advised and walked towards the door.
"wait!" I yelled and made him stop in his tracks. He turned around and looked at me confused.
"Let me talk to him. Afterall he is my brother. Not yours, so you know it's better if i go." I explained and was ready to walk out the door.
"Excuse me?" He scoff and looks at you as if you were talking shit. "He is also my brother. And he happens to hate me too! So i have the right to talk to him."
"You know what i mean by brother. As in blood related and all. Also he's family and i don't want him to stay mad at me, Scott. You can fix it with him later. But not now!" I argued and pushed Scott behind me so i can leave the room and head towards Stiles.
"He's my bestfriend. I don't want to lose him y/n. Let me see him." He whines like a 5 year old and i sighed.
"How about we both go and talk to him. Taking turn everytime before we run out of something." I suggested and could see Scott face lit up.
"This is why i like you." And with that we left my room to go find stiles.
Knock. Knock.
"Stiles, you in there?" I asked and looked at Scott with a worried look. I really want to fix things with my brother.
"Go away!" I heard Stiles say behind the door. I sighed and move out the way to let Scott talk.
"Stiles, dude. Please let us in. We really want to talk to you." Scott implored.
"I don't want to see the two of you." Stiles growled and Scott kicked the door out of frustration.
"God dammit Stiles. Stop acting like a 5 year old." Scott yelled and slid down on the floor.
"Told you he hated us." I mumbled and leaned at the wall.
"I don't hate you guys." Stiles said as he opened the door to his room. Me and Scott both jolted up and stood infront of Stiles.
"But you should. We lied to you." I pointed out and looked at him confused.
"Well i'm mad but i don't hate you. You're my sister and you're my best friend. I could never hate you guys." Stiles addressed.
"We wanted to say we're sorry. Sorry that we lied to you and sorry for not telling you everything. You're my brother for christ sake. I'm so sorry." I sobbed and Stiles took me in for a hug.
"It's okay. Don't worry. It's alright." Stiles assured me and played with my hair. Something he always does when he tries to calm me down.
"Are we cool man?" Scott asked and looked up at Stiles.
"Yeah we are." Stiles smiled.
"You forgive me too right?" I asked him as i looked him in the eye.
"Ofcourse babyboo." I chuckle at the nickname he always used to call me.

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