Accident- Mason Hewitt

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Your mom always told you, don't pay attention to anything except the road infront of you. If it's a text it can wait, if someone is calling you, answer them later. When your driving your eyes have to be open and on the road watching the cars around you, road signs, and traffic lights. Along with your mind on the road and destination. In a split second you could ruin your future, injure or kill others. Just because you decided to look at your phone for a while.
I was supposed to meet Mason at the library. We always studied on Thursday night and since the library stay open till late we decided to study. Afterall we do want to finish high school as soon as possible. I was driving way over the limit but there's no cops around here soo screw it. I was late and whenever i'm late Mason will be pissed at me. And a pissed Mason is never a good sign. As i was about to take a turn my phone started ringing.
I glanced at my purse to see where the sound is coming from. I leaned a little to the right and dig into my purse  trying to find my phone. Ah got it. "Hello?" I said into the phone and tried focusing on the road again.
"You're late. Again." I heard Mason said into the phone. Shit.
"I know and i'm sorry. I was watching a movie and I didn't see how late it was." I defended myself and giggled when i heard him sigh.
"I'm alone here you know. If they kill me, it's your fault." He tried saying in a serious tone but ended up laughing.
"You are a dork my friend. I'm on my way i pro-"
Before i could finished my sentence a giant truck came into my view. I heard screeching noises and the truck came dashing right to me. I screamed and hitted my head hard on the steering wheel. The windshield was broken and i was covered in glasses and some cutted deep into me.
"Y/n what's wrong?" Mason asked into the phone. I can hear him but i'm in to much pain to say anything.
"Help." I tried to say but it came out more as a muffled sound. I was falling in and out of consciousness. I was in so much pain. I couldn't move, i couldn't feel anything. Someone please help. Dear God, please help me.
It was getting hard to breath, the car was basically crashing me. I heard some sirens in the distance. Finally they're coming to help me, i don't want to die on a road. Atleast let me die at the hospital.
"There is a severe car accident on Route 75 near Beacon Hills High School." I heard someone said in the distance. The woman kept saying something but after that you blacked out and your world went black.
Mason pov
I heard her scream and i hear some tires screeching. This isn't a good sign. "Y/n what's wrong?" I asked in the phone panic taking a toll on me.
I started panicking, i didn't know what to do. My fucking best friend got into a car accident, ohno.
I quickly dialled 911 and waited for them to answer. "911, what's your emergency?" They asked and i took some deep breaths, trying to calm down a bit.
"M-my bestfriend, she.. She, uh." I stutter trying to form a sentence.
"Sir please stay calm and tell us what happened." The officer on the other line said trying to calm me.
"My best friend." I took a deep breath. "S-she got into a car accident. I don't know if she's alive or not. But ohgod she got into a car accident." I sobbed into the phone.
"Do you know where she got her accident? Addres , anything?."
"No, no. I was talking to her on the phone, asking when she's coming at the library but last thing i hear is her screams." I explained and sniffed a little. This is bad. My best friend is some where, probably dying.
"Was she near the library?"
"Yes, yes she said she was. But please help her. Please." I sobbed and looked down at my shoes. Not knowing what to do.
"Help is on the way. Meet us at the hospital." They instructed and then the line went dead. Please god or anything that's is up there, please let her be save.
I quickly grabbed my things and headed out to my car. Before i reached the car, i grabbed my phone and dialled Scott. It went straight to voice mail, but I didn't care calling again so i left a message.
"Go to the hospital now! Y/n got into an accident." You said in the phone and then it beeped.
I arrived at the hospital and ran inside as fast as possible. When I entered i saw that the pack was there already.
"Where's y/n?" I asked them. Scott was about to answer but Melissa spoke for him.
"They're doing surgery now. She's unresponsive, but we'll see how she is later." She announced and went over and gave me a hug. I heard Lydia sob, and it broke my heart. Y/n is her best friend too. I looked around at everyone and they're all devastated. Who wouldn't be.
After a few hours a doctor finally came to us. "Any of you family of hers?" The doctor asked and looked at you guys.
"Her family is out of town. We called them and they said they were coming." I told the doctor. "How is she?"
"The surgery went well but she got a severe head injury from the impact. She's still unresponsive." The doctor announced to you guys and tears were streaming down my face. This isn't good news at all.
"Does that mean she's in a coma?" Stiles suddenly asked. And the doctor nodded and said something that you can see her. My best friend is in a coma. I sobbed harder at the thought of that. If only she didn't answer her phone, none of this would happen.
"W-who's going to see h-her f-first?" I stutter as i looked at pack.
"You go, Mase." Liam said and patted me on my back.
I was walking towards her room, trying to find it. Room 433,434. There it is Room 435. I don't want to go in, what if she decide to wake up and then she'll blame me for anything. Well it is my fault anyways. I sighed and opened the door.
There she was, laying on the bed. She looked peacefull but yet she was broken. There were scars and a bandage on her forehead and her leg was broken. How could i let something like this happened. She doesn't deserve to be here. No one does. I cried, that's the only thing i could do right now. I grabbed one of the chairs and sat next to her bed.
"Hi y/n."
Your pov
((this is going through your mind. You can listen to people and think but you can't communicate with them if you know what i'm trying to say here.))
All i felt was pain everywhere. It felt like a glass that have been shattered and couldn't be fixed. I heard noises beeping, where in the world am i?
I tried opening my eyes but i couldn't. Why can't i open my eyes? I tried moving my legs or hands or something but nothing. I started panicking, why can't i move or open my eyes? It's like i was alive but the same time i wasn't.
I could hear the heart monitor going crazy. I am panicking, just imagine when you're sleeping and you try getting up but you can't. You can hear and feel things but you can't move or see. It's scary thing to go through.
I heard the door open and the doctor was talking to a nurse. I didn't quite hear what the doctor said. But i did  heard what the nurse said to me.
"Here's the secret, baby. If you live, if you die, it's all up to you. So whatever fight you got in you, you gotta pull it out now." I hear a nurse say, talking quietly but urgently to my pale, limp, helpless form.
Does that mean i can die any time? I don't want to die. How am I supposed to decide this? How can I possibly stay? This is too much. I don't even understand how it all works, why I'm here in the state that I'm in or how to get out of it if I wanted to. If I were to say, I want to wake up, would I wake up right now? This seems a whole lot more complicated. But in spite of that, I believe it's true. I hear the nurse's words again. I am running the show. Everyone's waiting on me.  I decide. I know this now. And this terrifies me more than anything.
It was quiet after a while, only thing that could be heard are the monitors and nothing else. Where is everyone else? Then i heard the door open and someone walking in. That person started crying as soon he entered the door. What's wrong with the person? I heard one of the chairs move and then it stopped.
"Hi y/n." A young man said. Mason. Mason came to see me. I was so happy to hear his voice again.
"It breaks my heart to see you like this." He sobbed and i tried desperately to tell him that i'm okay. That everything is going to be okay.
"When i heard you scream on the phone, i knew something bad happened. We were suppose to be st the library right now, not here. Not in the hospital with you laying unconscious." He whispered and i felt him hold my hand. I tried moving it, a way to let him know i am alive and i am okay! But nothing, this is frustrating. Not being able to do anything.
  "The whole group is outside right now. They're waiting for me to finish so they can come in. I don't like to see you like this, y/n." He sobbed and that broke my heart. "I'm gonna go but i'll be back in the morning. Bye." He said and kissed me on my forehead. He was being so gentle with me, it was like i was a fragile doll and a wrong move, i can be broken in any minute.
I heard people come and go. Some crying, some not even saying a word. It breaks my heart that they have to see me like this. All broken and unresponsive.
Few days passed and i still couldn't move. I even heard the doctor said that there might be a big chance i won't wake up. But how could they know? Like the nurse said. I am running the showing, I can decide if i die or if i stay. They don't know that. Mason visted me every single day, every hour of the day. It was nice to see that my best friend was here with me. Not only him but the pack came. They told me what's going on and some shared some memories we had together, hoping that i'll wake up.
If it was easy to wake up, i would've woken up on the first day.
I knew there was someone with me in the room. But i didn't know who. He or she didn't spoke anything as soon as he/she walked in the room.
"You better not leave me like Allison did." It was Lydia. Lydia was sitting here with me.
"Well it wasn't her fault she died." She chuckles and then she was quiet again. "It's okay," she tells me. "If you want to go. Everyone wants you to stay. I want you to stay more than I've ever wanted anything in my life." Her voice cracks with emotion but she continues. "But that's what I want and I could see why it might not be what you want. So I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you go. It's okay if you have to leave us. It's okay if you want to stop fighting."
Would everyone else be okay with me leaving? Death doesn't sound to be bad right now. All i've been doing these past few days was fighting, fighting for my life. But what if i do want to die? Maybe it would be better, maybe i won't have to suffer anymore. I was still in pain and if i go, the pain would be gone. I realize now that dying is easy. Living is hard.
She didn't leave me. She slumps back into the chair and it's quiet again. So quiet you can almost hear other people's dreams. I remember what the nurse said to me. It is my decision whether i stay or i leave. Why does this have to be so hard.
Another few weeks has passed. I don't even know how long i've been out. Maybe days, weeks, months. Who knows. But this was torture in a way. Mason was with me in my room right now.
"Y/n please, it's been two months. You still haven't woken up. Please come back to us." I heard him say. So it's been two months of laying on a bed. Without a way to say that i am okay! Or that i am alive. Two damn months.
"Please wake up. We're slowly losing hope that you'll wake up. But I believe in you. You are strong and you're fighting. But please i don't want to lose my best friend." I heard him sob. Day by day he was getting worse. I couldn't see how he looked like. But by his voice i could tell he was also getting worse.
Mason is mumbling something now. Over and over he is saying: please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Finally, he stops and looks at my face. "Please, y/n," he implores. "Don't make me watch you die here."
"Just stay here with us, with your parents. I don't want to go to your funeral just yet. We have a long life ahead of us. You're supposed to get together with Liam and i'll find a nice guy. And we'll plan eachothers wedding. But please don't leave us." He pleaded and sobbed.
I didn't know what came over me, but i could start moving. At first it was my toes but slowly it was fingers and then my hand. And finally i could've move. Mason didn't realise this, because he was crying and maybe he wasn't even looking. I slowly opened my eyes and tried adjusting to the bright lights in the room. I shut them quickly and then open them again, getting used to the brightness.
I'm awake. I am finally awake! I looked around and saw my room. There were flowers and gifts on a table. Some balloons saying 'get well soon!' I turned to the other side and saw Mason sitting there with his face in his hands, probably crying.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily." I said sheepishly. His head snapped up and looked as if he couldn't believe it.
"You're awake! Oh thank god. You're awake." He grinned and hugged you thight, afraid if he lets go, you'll be gone.
"I'm not leaving any time soon." I reassured him. He chuckles and sat back down on the chair. Telling me everything that happened and i told him how i heard what everyone was saying to me.
"I'm glad you're awake." He said and squeezed my hand slightly.
"I am too." I smiled at him. It was my choice whether i lived or not. And i choose to live. Choose to see my family and friends again.

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