Pregnant- Derek Hale

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Being pregnant is one of the most amazing thing ever. It's like falling inlove all over again with someone. The feeling of carrying a little soul inside of you. Becoming a mother is one of the most enriching and soul-satisfying experience in anyone's life.

"I can't believe i'm pregnant. We are going to be parents." You grinned and hugged Derek. "I'm excited to have a little Hale running around the house." He said and kissed you. This was great. You're with the love of your life, you're even pregnant and you have amazing friends. What else would you want in the world?
"Did you tell the pack to come over?" You asked as you were doing the table for tonight occasion. "Yes i did. I told them to come at 8." Derek answered as he was cooking the meat for tonight.
"That is fantastic." You said and slapped his ass before continue cleaning the place. "Aren't i supposed to be the one slapping your ass." He joked and continued making the food. You stuck your tounge out at him and shook your bum and walked away. If only life could be this perfect everyday. The place is ready, the food is ready, you guys are ready. Now all that's left is for you to tell the whole pack you're pregnant.
You were basically pacing around the loft waiting for your friends to get here. "Babe relax, everything will be fine." Derek reassured and gave you a heart warming smile. "I know, i'm just nervous." You admitted and went to sit down next to him.
"I love you, you know." You said and pecked his lips. "And i love you." He was about to kiss you but the doorbell rang. "They're here. Okay lets do this." You said and took some breaths while walking towards the door. You opened the door and saw the whole pack there. Lydia, Stiles, Kira, Scott, Isaac, Malia and Liam. Your second family, whom you love so much. "Come in, come in." You said excitedly and moved aside to let everyone in.
"What's the occasion, huh y/n?" Stiles asked you and looked around the place, which was beautifully decorated with a table in the middle of the loft with candles and food in the kitchen. "It's beautiful." Scott told you and hugged you sideways. So far so good.
"Why won't you guys go get cozy on the sofa and i'll go get the food. After all it is kind of a dinner party." You giggled and hurried to the kitchen.
"So what's up man? What's this whole thing about?" Isaac asked Derek and looking at him confused.
"Well we kind of have something planned for tonight, but you'll find out later." Derek told Isaac and patted his back. 
"You guys are leaving us in suspense ." Lydia joked and got up to help you in the kitchen.  "That's the point." Derek called out at Lydia and Lydia only laughed in respond.
"So ladyy, are we going to find out from you? What's going on?" Lydia asked you as she was leaning at counter.  "How about you help me get this on the table." You told her and gave her the bowl of food. She mumbled something under her breath, but she did it anyways.
"Hey Liam, can you help me in here." You yelled/asked him. You heard him get up and walked in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what do you need?"
"I heard from a birdy that you can make lemonade." You hinted to him.
"Yeah i can make lemonade." He chuckles and went to stand beside you. "Do you want me to make some?" He asked you and started looking for ingredients to make the lemonade.
"Yes please, i didn't have time to make any. Also it gives me time to hang out with you." You answered. You and Liam were in the kitchen making lemonade and just talking and having fun.
"Okay guys, it's time for dinner." You announced and clapped your hands to get everyone's attention. You putted the foods on the table and everyone starting grabbing little of each things.
"Looks good y/n." Malia commented as she was filling her plate with food. Everyone was eating when suddenly Derek spoke up. "Don't guys see anything about the foods." Derek tried to hint at the group of friends.
Everyone looked so confused and kept looking at eachother and the food. "You know.. Lambs chops, baby carrot, baby potatoes. We're trying to hint something here." Stiles and Isaac's eyebrows knitted trying to figure out  what's going on. But everyone was else was shocked and happy, except from Liam. He was frowing and looking quiet sad.
"Omg shut up." You heard Lydia squeaked and she got up from her chair and gave you a massive hug.
"What's going on here?" Stiles asked confused and looking between you and Derek.
"I'm pregnant!!" You announced and you saw everyone face lit up and started talking and smiling, but not Liam. He was frowning and looking mad, like he didn't want you to be pregnant.  They all got up and gave you and Derek hugs and congratulate the both of you.
"I'm going to be an aunt." Lydia smiled and hugged you once more.
"That baby is going to have the coolest uncles and aunts." Scott said and hugged you.
"Liam you're quiet." Derek pointed out and all of you guys attention was now on Liam.
"Congrats." Liam said dryly and stormed off to god knows where. Why was Liam acting like this? He's supposed to be happy for you. And for Derek. 
"I'm going to talk to him." You said to everyone and grabbed your coat to go outside. "Wait." Derek stopped you and grabbed your hand.  "It's cold outside. You're not going, let him calm down and when he comes inside you'll talk."
"No Derek. I'll be fine, but it's Liam we're talking about and i care about that boy." You told him and shrugged him off and walked outside.
Thankfully Liam was sitting right outside the door.
"Hey Liam, everything okay?" You asked him and sit beside him.
"Why do you care?" He scoff, not looking at you.
"Because i'll always care about you Liam. Ever since you almost died it became my responsibility to care about you Liam. So ofcourse i'm going to care about you now." You told him calmy and rubbed his back lightly.
"I don't like it that you're pregnant." He mumbled and not looking at you.
"Why not?"
"Because you're not going to care about me anymore! You're going to leave me, just like everyone else!" He snapped and got up from his place.
"Why do you think that?" You asked him and got up yourself to go to him, to comfort him.
"When you have that baby all you'll think about is about him or her. You won't care about me anymore, you won't listen to me anymore. Because all your attention will be for the baby." He sighed and looked down. "I never had a mom figure in my life before. When you came into my life, it was like you were my mom. You truly acted like a mom, it's like you were my mom. And i don't want a baby to ruin that. I still want you to care and worry about me. And help me with stuff, but with a baby around that isn't happening." He finished and sat down on the floor again.
"Oh Liam. I'll always care and worry and love you. And i'll always be there for you. With a baby or not, that means that you'll be around here alot and we'll hang out like we always do but this time with a baby." You said trying to calm him down.
"You'll always be one of my baby. And i promise i'll always take care of you and love you with all of my heart. You're like a son to me. Now don't be angry that I'm expecting, we'll be having a little one running around here. And you'll also be in the picture." You told him and gave him a smile.
"I'm happy for you, by the way. I want the baby to be born already." Liam said and smiled at you.
"Come here, give mama a hug." You told Liam and gave him a huge hug. Atleast now everyone is happy again and excited for the baby's arrival. 

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