Mute pt.4- Liam Dunbar

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"Woah, woah, where are you going?" The sheriff asked as Y/N grabbed the door handle. She turned to look at her father.
"I'm just going to the library with Liam" she signed. Her dad nodded.
"Alright, just be home before dark"
Y/N smiled and waved at him before running outside, holding the whiteboard in her hand. She and Liam had become friends after that night a few weeks ago. Stiles didn't really like that she spent so much time with the boy but he could see that Y/N had gotten happier after meeting him, so he stayed silent. Luckily for Y/N, it was a sunny day so the walk to the library was pleasant.
"Hi Y/N!" Liam greeted as she walked inside the building.
She used the whiteboard to write "Hi Liam" with black letters. He smiled at this and the two of them made their way towards the tables, taking a seat in front of eachother. Liam was helping Y/N study, since she was pretty far behind with schoolwork.
Hours later, Liams phone interrupted the silence and he checked to see who had sent him a message. Realizing that Scott and the rest needed his help, he sighed before looking up at Y/N.
"I'm so sorry but I really have to go. It's an emergency. Are you going to be fine by yourself?" He asked, not really wanting to leave her alone.
Y/N nodded before she wrote "Yeah, I'll just finish this paper".
"You sure?" He asked again, thinking about how dangerous the town could be at night. Y/N nodded.
"It's really no problem Liam, I'm not afraid of the dark" she wrote.
Liam didn't look convinced but nodded anyway.
"I'm sorry. And I promise I'll help you tomorrow again" he excused himself and gave Y/N a hug before leaving the table. As he reached the exit, he turned to look at her once again, but her eyes were already back on the books.
A short while later when Y/N looked up again, she noticed how dark it had gotten. She got up on her feet and walked to turn on the light. The room turned much brighter, only the aisles were still hid among darkness. On her way back to the table, she felt as if someone was watching her. Looking around, she couldn't see anyone but the feeling only grew stronger. Y/N tried to shake it off, she hadn't seen anyone entering the room. Deciding that it was just her wild imagination making things up, she sat back down and continued working.
A loud and sudden bump behind her caused Y/N to jump in her seat, her heart stopping for a short second. It sounded like a heavy book, falling down. Turning around with her hands shaking she looked towards the dark aisles of books, but she couldn't see anything there. She realized that she had lied to Liam earlier, she was afraid of the dark.
Telling herself that she had nothing to fear, Y/N began walking in the direction of the sound. As she got closer she spotted a book on the floor, and sighed in relief. It must have fallen down by itself. That's when someone placed a hand over her mouth and an arm around her waist, forcing her towards the end of the aisle. Being mute, she had no chance to scream for help, and even if she could, who would hear her? She tried to wiggle free but the person was too stong. Fear clouded her mind and she felt tears burning in her eyes as she was pushed against the wall, causing her to end up on the floor.
"I thought he'd never leave" She didn't recognize the voice, but as she looked up she could feel her blood turning cold in her veins. It was him. Pictures from that night flashed through her mind, images she thought she had forgotten. And there he was, clear as day. He who had murdered her bestfriend, the monster that had taken her voice away from her.
"I think I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Theo. Theo Raeken. I must say, I really thought you weren't going to make it. Those injuries were meant to kill you. So when I heard you were still alive, you could imagine my surprise. "
Y/N felt her hands shaking with anger and fear.
"Like a miracle you were alive, much to the happiness  of your family. But not to me. You know why? Because now you're a witness. An obstacle in my way." He said as he looked down on her, shaking on the floor.
"I really should kill you right now. But I won't. But only if you promise not to tell a soul. If you value your life, and the life of your family, you'll do as I say. Or else I'll kill your brother and father."
"Tell no one and your family will live"
And just like that, he was gone and Y/N was left alone in the darkness. She was panicking, reliving that night over and over. Tears streamed down her face while she wished for someone to find her. Someone to bring her out of her misery. Y/N could hear Amelie screaming in her mind, calling for her to save her. But she couldn't.
The sheriff sighed as he once again looked at the clock on the wall. Y/N wasn't home yet, and he was beginning to worry. It was already dark outside and she had promised to be home before that. Picking up his phone, he dialed Liam's number and placed the phone to his ear. After a few signals the beta finally picked up.
"Hello?" Liam answered, sounding distracted.
"Is Y/N there?"
"Y/N? I thought she would be home by now?" The sheriff felt his heart stopping.
"She's not with you?!"
"Something came up and I had to leave her-" Liam didn't have time to say anything else before Stilinski had ended the call. His fingers quickly dialed another number, knowing that the deputy was close to library and would be able to get there faster than he would.
"Parrish, I need your help right now"
"Y/N?" Jordan called, entering the library with quick steps. He spotted her things on the table and walked to search the aisles. He turned on his flashlight and directed the light towards the shelf. Nothing there. He moved on to the next one, the light landing on Y/N's lifeless body.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, kneeling down next to her, turning her body so that he could see her face. Her eyes fluttered open, and she embraced the deputy in a tight hug.
"It's okay. You're safe now" he soothed her as more tears made their way down her face.

Teen Wolf ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora