Pregnancy- Theo Raeken

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One little sign can change your life forever. Especially if you're a teenager and still in high school. Your whole life turns upside down and i don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I was at my locker with Lydia, putting some books away as she was telling me one of her stories. All of the sudden my stomach grumbles from hunger and school even started yet.
"I'm craving some pizza or hamburgers right now." I cutted Lydia off, placing my hands over my stomach. I closed the locker and looked over at Lydia.
"Hamburgers? It's the morning, y/n." Lydia exclaimed with hey eyebrow raised. I started searching through my bag for some snacks, finally founding one. I opened a nutrition bar and started eating it.
"I know but i'm starving." I mumbled, taking a bite of the nutrition bar. Normally i'm not this hungry in the morning afterall i already ate breakfast, but maybe my period is near and that's why.
"I almost forgot do you have a tampon with you? I need one asap." Lydia said and i shook my head no, finishing my snack. I threw the package in my bag before wiping my hands on my jeans. 
"Aren't you suppose to be on your period?"
"Well yeah but guess i'm late." I shrugged, playing with the strap of my bag. Lydia was about to say something before the bell rung. I told her goodbye and made my way towards my class.
The next few periods went by really slow. I was making my way to the next class when Lydia grabbed my arm and pulled me next to her.
"We need to talk." Lydia exclaimed, folding her arms over her chest with a serious look on her face. I frowned, wondering what the hell i did wrong.
"Did i do something?" I asked and Lydia shook her head no.
"I think you might be pregnant." Lydia announced and i almost choke on my spit. I can't be pregnant, me and Theo are always safe. So there's 0% chance of me being pregnant.
"Yeah right." I started laughing, not believing Lydia.
"Y/n, you are craving food and you're late with your period. You should be worried." Lydia said, holding me on both of my arms. I am craving weird food lately and i am late with my period. But it doesn't mean anything.
"Lydia you're crazy." I chuckled and nudge her a bit. I looked at the end of the hall and found Theo standing there with Josh and Corey. "Oeh there's Theo, bye!"
Lydia yelled something but I couldn't quite hear her. I made my way towards Theo and his friends. I smiled at Corey and said hi to Josh.
"Hey babe." I greeted Theo and kissed his cheeks. He gave me a smile before leaning in and planted a kiss on my lips. I heard some feet shuffling and i knew that the two boys walked away.
"How are you?" Theo asked.
"I'm good just very hungry it feels as if i could eat a whole cow." I exclaimed and Theo laughed slightly at what i said. "But i just ate and i'm still hungry."
"You never eat this much. Not even when you're on your time of month." Theo chuckled and i was about to answer when it hits me. He's right, i've never ate this much in just the morning and i'm pretty late with my period. What if i'm on my period.
"Yeah you're right." I mumbled and felt my heart drop at the thought of being pregnant. But i know i won't be, we were safe. We're always safe.
"Theo i'll talk to you later, i have stuff to do." I said, giving him a small kiss on his lips before walking away to find Lydia. It wasn't hard to find her, she was with the pack but i managed to get her away from them for a while.
"What if you're right?!" I asked feeling my heart beat beating fast, from panicking. "What if i'm pregnant?"
"But you may not be." Lydia replied and i sighed, running my hands through my tangled hair. I sat down on the table in the cafeteria and held my face in my hands with Lydia slowly stroking her hand up and down my back.
"I'm never this hungry and my period is one week late Lydia." I explained and could feel tears prickling my eyes. "I don't know what to do if i am pregnant."
"If you are, you have amazing friends that will help you!" Lydia shrieks in excitement and i laughed softly at her.
"Theo would probably leave me." I whisper and Lydia wrapped her arms around me, taking me in an embrace which i returned.
"If he does, he's an ass." Lydia said and i chuckle softly. I got up and told her that i was going home and probably get a test or something. On my way home i went to the drugstore and bought a test.
I got home and quickly make my way to the bathroom. I opened the package and sat on the toilet, I stabilized the cup in my hand to pee in it. I placed the stick in the pee and waited. It feels like years went by as i waited for the stick could show the results.
I don't know what i would do if i am pregnant. Would i want to keep it? Does Theo want to keep it? Or should we not. So many questions and thoughts running through my mind. My phone started ringing signaling that i'll find out if i'm pregnant or not.
My heart started beating fast and my stomach was turning around. With my clammy hands i grabbed the stick to see what the answer is.
I silently cursed to myself and i could myself about to puke. I took about 3 more test and all of them came out positive. Tears were streaming down my face as i was sitting on the floor with the tests in my hands.
There's too much that's going on to have a child right now. There's school and each time there's people or supernatural things trying to kill us and the baby would be in great danger.
I got up from my spot and putted the pregnancy test in the drawer in the bathroom and made my way to my room. I picked up my phone and was about to dial Lydia when i thought Theo. The father of my child.
"Come over asap x" I texted him and waited on his arrival.
A few moments later there was a knock at the door and i knew it was Theo. I took some breath before opening the door.
"Theo!" I exclaimed as i pulled him for a hug and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I moved aside so he can enter inside.
"How are you babe?" Theo asked, taking a seat on the couch. I looked at him and studied his features. He's not ready to have a child.
"I'm fine." I mumbled as i looked down at my shoes. "Theo, babe, i need to tell you something."
"You know you can tell me anything right?" Theo reassured and i nodded my head. I ran my fingers through my hand, feeling extremely nervous. I don't know how he'll take it or if he even wants it.
"I'm pregnant." I blurted out and closed my eyes, so i could not see his reaction. After i said that all you could hear are our breathing and probably my heart that's beating too fast.
"Wh-what?" Theo stutter and i slowly opened my eyes. He didn't say anything else and his face didn't show any emotion.
"What you're pregnant?" Theo asked, getting up from the couch and start pacing around. In the way he asked that question i don't know if he's happy or not. "I- i can't be a father y/n." Theo mumbles and he grabs his jacket and leave the house, leaving me all alone with my thoughts and probably alone with a baby.

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