Pregnancy pt.3- Theo Raeken

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It's been a couple of weeks since i last saw Theo. This time he was really gone, he was no where to be found. Not only that but Lydia has been missing too. I tried to talk with my friends to see what the hell is going on but like usual they don't tell me anything.
Theo's words kept repeating in my head over and over again. 'Something bad is coming', all i want is to know what that something is but i can't get my hands on it. I tried searching for Theo and see what he's up to but like always, i get no where.
I was sitting on my bed with my laptop infront of me looking through Beacon Hills News to see if i can find anything out of the ordinary. I looked down at my stomach and let out a sigh. I don't know how i'll be able to pull this on my own, i'm going to be the father and the mother at the same time.
"It's going to be okay." I whisper more to myself for reassuring. I put my hand on my stomach and smiled a bit, there's a human being being created inside of me. A sudden sadness washed over me, when i thought again that Theo won't be this baby's father.
I continue searching through my laptop when a news captured my eyes, "Teen slaughtered at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital." I opened the page and quickly read it through. I know there's freaky things going on here but someone killing a teenager.
I shut my laptop off and grabbed my stuff before getting out of my house. In the car ride to the hospital i kept thinking about everything. I just want one reason as why Theo don't want to be a father and what the hell is happening around here. I parked infront of the hospital and made my way inside.
"Melissa?!" I called out, clutching to my purse as i walked inside the hospital. I was about to call her name again when i saw her standing at the front desk. I walked towards her and put my purse on the counter.
"Hey sweetie, how can i help you?" Melissa asked giving me a smile which i returned. I looked around to see if there's anyone around so they wouldn't hear us.
"I have a few questions." I replied and she looked at me suspiciously before nodding her head softly.
"First of all, what happened here with the dead teenager?" I asked her, playing with the hem of my skirt. Melissa looked shocked before she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards an empty room.
"Do you know anything that's going on around here?" Melissa asked as she shut the door behind her. I looked down at my shoes and back at her when I realized something. I was always one of the first person to know everything but now i have zero clue to what's happening around here. I sadly shook my head as she gave me a sad smile.
"Scott didn't tell you? I thought you were friends." Melissa said and i shrugged as i sat down.
"We are friends but i've been so busy with other things that i didn't care but all of the sudden stuff happens and it all seems weird so it has something to do with supernatural." I explained and she nodded her head. She puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a bit.
"I'll tell Scott to come here." Melissa mumbled and i nodded my head. She left to the room to call Scott and i stayed there. I have so many questions to ask. What's going on around here, why is Theo acting like this and what's coming. I shudder at the feeling of something bad coming to Beacon Hills. The worse we went through was Stiles when he was possessed.
After a while the door opened, Scott and Stiles came inside and sat on the the chair infront of me. They seem more tired than the last time i saw them.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked them, looking at them up and down. Stiles sighed and shook his head yes while Scott remained silent. "Guys what's happening?"
"Bad stuff are happening, people are dying, teenagers are being used experiments." Scott answered, running his hands through his hair, clearly frustrated. I looked at Stiles and he got up to sit next to me.
"There's stuff you should know. Especially about your so called boyfriend, Theo." Stiles exclaimed and i could feel myself gettin nervous. What about Theo, what do they know that i don't.
"You guys can help me find Theo!" I exclaimed, gettin excited that i can find my boyfriend and find out what's going on in his damn mind.
"Why do you want to find him? Don't you know how evil he is? He hurted people for him to be powerful and you still want to find that lover boy of yours?" Stiles exclaimes looking at me as if i was crazy. Theo wouldn't hurt a single soul.
"H-he wouldn't hurt someone, that's not Theo. Scott please, i have to find him." I pleaded looking at Scott and Stiles scoffed at what i said. "For god sake he's the father of my child and i need to find him!"
"Wait what! Yo-you're pregnant?" Scott asked, looking very surprised. I let out a deep breath and nodded my head. "And Theo's the father?" And once again i nodded my head slowly.
"Please tell me what the hell is going on!" I exclaimed as Stiles and Scott both nodded their heads.
"Theo manipulated all of us and he broke our pack apart." Scott started to say and i looked down at the ring he once give me and wondered if everything we had was true.
"All he wants is power, y/n. On the day of the full moon he wanted Liam to kill me, he tried but Mason stopped him in time but then Theo came and killed me himself." Scott continued to explain and it started making sense why he wouldn't want to be apart of the child's life.
"That's the day he left, he told me that something bad was coming and he has to leave me." I muttered to myself and Stiles grabbed my hand giving it a light squeeze. "And that's also the last time i saw Lydia."
"Because of Theo, Lydia's stuck in eichen house." Stiles replied and i looked at him shocked, so many things happened because of Theo and all this time i thought he was a nice-sweet person.
Scott and Stiles told me everything about the dread doctors, Theo's chimera pack and a so called Beast. And how Theo hurted Lydia and now she's in Eichen House and all Theo want is power. I was shocked i never knew Theo would be capable of doing something like this.
"The person you're telling me about isn't Theo." I mumbled and Scott grabbed my hand squeezing it slightly giving me a sad smile. I knew he wasn't never the one for me. I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the hospital leaving Scott and Stiles in the room.
In the car ride to my house i couldn't stop thinking about how Theo lied to me and all he cared about was power and becoming an alpha, did i ever mean anything to him. I could feel tears pouring down my face but i didn't care.
I arrived shortly at my house and wiped my tears away but they wouldn't stop falling down my face. I slammed my car door shut and walked to my door. I unlocked the door and turned the light on as i threw my jacket on the couch, I turned around and let out a loud scream. Sitting on my couch was Theo with a small on his face.
"Hi babe, miss me?" He asked, arching an eyebrow as he give me a smile. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do or what i'll say. I put my hand on my stomach and tried calming myself down. I stood there for a while, wondering what the hell am i going to say to the 'monster' infront of me.

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