Arguments- Theo Raeken

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It's not everyday where you fight with your friends. It worse when everyone is going against you. But it even worse when one of your best friends calls you something horrible. If none of this happened i wouldn't be here right now.
It all started because of Theo fucking Raeken. When he came to town i had this "i will ignore you at all cost" plan but that failed miserably. At first he only started greeting me but then that turned into talking with eachother which caused us to become friends and now we're dating.
No one knew ,except my parents, that we were dating. First of all my friends hates him and think he's evil and second yeah they fucking hate him!! So if they found out they will kill me. In my defence i don't see anything wrong in dating Theo. He's the nicest and caring guy i ever met. Whenever we hang out we had to extremely careful.
I was making my way towards Scott's house because he said that we had something 'important' to discuss about. When i arrived at his house the whole pack was already there. Guess they're early for once.
"Hey guys!" I greeted them as I entered Scott's house. They all mumbled a hi but they avoided looking at me. Is this something wrong? Did i do something? All these question going through my head.
"Everything okay?" I asked them as i sat on the couch next to Lydia. Lydia gave me a small smile but soon turned into a frown.
"We need to talk to you." Lydia exclaimed as she shifted slightly. I looked around and Stiles was basically giving me a death stare.
"Uh what's wrong?" I asked nervously. A million things came into my mind. I tried thinking of everything that i could have done wrong that they needed to talk to me.
"We know you're dating Theo." Scott commented and i could see that he was clearly disappointed.
"Look he's not bad, he's ac-"
"Bullshit! That guy is evil and you know it! He works with the fucking Dread Doctors y/n! And you dare to say he's not evil?!" Stiles suddenly yelled and got up from his seat. It's true Theo did worked with the Dread Doctors but he's trying to change and trying to be a better person. They'll never know how he is now.
"Stiles is right y/n. That guy did some pretty shitty things and we don't trust him one bit. And we don't want you to date the enemy." Kira said quietly as i laughed lighty. This is pure bullshit.
"You guys are unbelievable, i can date who i want. If i get hurt it's my fault." I remarked and shook my head, still not believing these people.
"We're doing this for your own good y/n! There's many guys out there. Nicer and sweeter guys. We demand you to broke things off with that jerk." Scott demanded as he flashed his red eyes to me. Sucks for him cause that doesn't work for me, i'm just human. Not one of his little betas.
"I'm not going to break up with him to make you guys happy." I said calmly and grabbed my bag ready to leave this damn house.
"As your alpha i'm telling you to break things off with him." Scott growled and i rolled my eyes. Friends aren't suppose to be this way. They should support you with whatever decision you make and they need to be okay with who you date.
"You're not my alpha Scott. I can make my own decisions." I said through gritted teeth.
"Stop being a fucking bitch and listen to what we're fucking saying. Did Theo do something to your head? God dammit y/n! Stop acting like a bitch and be mature for once and listen to us." Liam bursts. Ouch that hurts. I looked at him surprised at his sudden outburst and could feel tears prickling my eyes. They think i'm a bitch too.
"You guys can't be happy for me atleast once?" I wept and could feel tears falling down my face. I could see that Lydia was feeling bad about this.
"Do you have anything to say Lydia?" I asked through tears and i saw her looked at me with a sad face.
"I want what's the best for you, we want you safe." She answered quietly as i scoff at her answer.
"You guys ar-"
"If you don't do what we tell you, you're out of the pack." Scott exclaimed and i looked at him shocked. Kick me out of the pack? That means i won't have any friends anymore. Are they really going to do that, i wonder...
"Guess i'm out of the pack then. Don't worry you guys don't have to worry about me anymore and clearly you don't need to look out for me. You guys have less problem to deal with. Good bye." I sobbed and with that i left Scott's house and probably out of their life.
I got into my car and looked at the house before driving away. I couldn't stop crying and i couldn't stop feeling sick to my stomach about this whole situation. Friends aren't suppose to act this way especially them. I was lost in my thoughts that i ran through a red light and when i realized i was going to fast already. It was too late and my car crashed into another car and i could feel my body get thrown out of my car and onto the ground. And then everything went black.
Scott's pov
"We were harsh on her!" Lydia exclaimed as she got up from her seat and went to grab her bag.
"I know and I shouldn't have said that. She's a great a friend and she's always helpful. God i'm so stupid to say that." I yelled and ran my hands through my hair. She was always willing to help and i fucking kicked her out of the pack just because she's dating someone we hate. Her happiness is what's important.
"I wish i could go back in time and changed what i said." Liam mumbled under his breath as he puts his face in his hands.
"We should apol-"
All of the sudden the phone started ringing and i quickly grabbed it and picked it up.
"Hi mom." "What?! We'll be right there!"  I couldn't believe what my mom just said.
"What's wrong?" Stiles asked as he quickly got up from the couch.
"Y/n got into an accident." I yelled and quickly grabbed my keys before leaving the house to go see y/n at hospital. This was all of our faults if we didn't fight with her she should be safe at her house now. How stupid can you be Scott, you're a god damn alpha, i protect everyone. I fucking failed her.
we all arrived at the hospital and quickly made our way inside.
"Mom?!" I yelled out and i saw her walk towards me.
"She's in surgery right now but she has a few broken bones and bruises but she'll be alright. I'm glad that nothing worse had happened to her." My mom informed us and i gave her a hug, thanking her.
"What happened?" She asked and looked around for answers.
"It's our fault. If we didn't yelled at her she wouldn't be here right now." Liam exclaimed and sat down on one of the chairs.
"We'll talk about this later. You guys wait here." She instructed before walking away, going somewhere.
We were all sitting in the waiting room,waiting for any information and if we could go in and see her. We were all clearly guilty. Lydia was crying on Stiles shoulders, Stiles was looking at the ground probably thinking about something. Kira and Malia was crying, Liam was angry and i could see that he's trying not to turn. And i'm feeling guilty and anger. This was all my fault.
A few moments later my mom came towards us and said we could see her. So me, Stiles and Lydia made our way into her room first.
"She's in coma right now, she did hit her head real hard. But i know she'll be fine. She's a fighter." She said and i gave her a small smile.
As we walked into her room we saw her laying there. She looked so peaceful. But this is our fault, because of us she's in here.  I looked at Lydia and Stiles and i could tell that they feel the same way as i'm feeling right now.
"Hi y/n." I greeted her as i made my way towards her bed. I took her hand in my mine and tried taking some pain away.
"I'm sorry. Sorry for everything that i did to you. This is my faulty." I sobbed and hold her hand tightly, not wanting to let her hand go. Stiles came and stand behind me and patted me back lightly.
"We should have accepted the fact that you liked Theo. Your happiness is what matters and god i failed you. I'm so sorry." I sobbed and tears were streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled and leaned forward to give her a kiss on her cheeks and then i left her room, leaving her with Stiles and Lydia.
Nothing that anyone tells me, i know this is my fault and it'll probably always be my fault. If we didn't yell at her she would be fine and not in the freaking hospital. Now all we have to do is hope she'll be alright.

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