Sticky Battle- The Pack

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It was Saturday night and the pack was taking a break from their hard work. The Nogitsune had been defeated, so there wasn't any threat at the moment. We were sitting around a fire pit, talking and laughing. I really loved these peaceful times. There weren't a lot of them and that's why I cherish these moments so much.
Kira had her head on Scott's shoulder and he was talking to Stiles. Isaac and Derek were talking and Lydia was braiding my hair. "Hey, I've got an idea!" I yelled and turned my head. My hair left Lydia's hands and she groaned. I knew she didn't mind though. My hand disappeared in my bag and pulled out a bag of marshmallows. Everyone clapped and laughed. We still had some branches next to the fire pit and used them to stick our marshmallows on.
It was delicious, even though some were burnt or fell into the fire. Everybody's belly was filled with marshmallows and there were still a lot left.
And then someone began throwing them, turning the place into a battlefield with flying food. I even caught some with my mouth.
We even went further. We began building a tower with marshmallows and set it down in the fire pit. "Oh my god, it's alive!" I said as I was laughing hysterically. They literally swelled.
And turned black.
"What are you guys even doing?" Lydia said as she pinched her nose. Scott, Stiles and Isaac were stacking some marshmallows. "It looks like a penis!" Stiles yelled and everybody laughed.
I had an amazing time, I had almost peed my pants because of laughing too much. Even though there were still some marshmallows stuck in my hair, I loved it. I still hope we could have more normal moments like this.
But yeah, in a world full of supernatural, nothing is normal.

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