Truth Revealed- Stiles Stilinski

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Right now we are all standing in front of the nogitsune, who is sitting on the couch. Deaton just put kanima venom so he shouldn't be able to move for a while.
Now where all just trying to figure out a way to save my best friend.
I miss him. Stiles. He can make my day just as easily as he can brake it. I have known him for most of my life and seeing him trapped in his own body brakes me inside. Having to look into his eyes and not see the normal amber brown with a glint of gold is depressing. This whole situation is depressing.
I just want my stiles back. The Stiles that I love.
Not this monster.
It wasn't until then when I realized that the nogitsune had his eyes trained on me,not once braking eye contact.
Lydia then spoke up "Why can't you just take me instead. I mean apparently Stiles and I have that weird connection thing cause he loves me. So why wouldn't it work?" She asked the nogitsune.
My chest hurt when she said that Stiles loves her. I already knew it was true but having to be reminded about it at every given chance doesn't help my heartache any less.
Void shook his head as much as he could which still wasn't much.
"No no Lydia you are not the one he desires." He then shifted his sly gaze to me, which made me take a step towards Scott who was to my right.
"She is." Those words made me happy and scared at the same time.
Happy to know that Stiles shares feelings for me but scared because I might be valuable to the nogitsune.
"He begs and begs for nothing to happen to you. It's quite interesting know that you, A little dove could have this much power over him and not even be supernatural... Maybe shes more useful then I thought."
Scott being the protective and caring alpha he is stood in front of me and spoke up. "Your not taking her!"
Void just chuckled.

This is it we figured out a plan to save Stiles.
Scott was going to give him the bite.
We walked back to the living room to see void or maybe Stiles? pulling bandages out of his mouth. then a hand comes out and soon a whole body. Scott unravels the body to see Stiles.
I looked around noticed Lydia was missing. "Guys he took Lydia."
Melissa just took Stiles' vitals and says he's human so right now him and I are waiting for Mrs. Yukimora to show up with her little oni friend things.
The oni did that weird thing that made him fall to the ground. They then vanished. I checked his ear and saw the backwards five.
I looked up and nodded "Hes him."

We did it. We defeated the nogitsune. Sadly we lost two friends but the rest of us made it out fine.
Currently I'm in my room laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. My room door opens but I'm too lazy to look.
I hear some shuffling then the bed next to me dips. I get a whiff of old spice and know exactly who it is. Its my love Stiles.
I look over and smiled at him causing him to mirror my actions. I laid my head on his chest and sighed in content as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Hey Stilinski?"
"I love you and I missed you"
Stiles seemed surprised by my words and was even more surprised when I sat up and kissed him.
His breath hitched and it took him a few seconds before he kissed back moving his large hands to the back of my neck, the pads of his thumbs rubbing against my jawline.
It wasn't a kiss filled with lust but it wasn't passionless. It had plenty of passion. It was a kiss for us to show each other or love. It was for us to let out the emotions that we have been hiding from one another. The kiss wasn't long but wasn't short. It was perfect. Everything with Stiles was perfect.
He rested his forehead against mine and opened his beautiful brown eyes a smile etching on his face.
"I love you too, and I'll never stop till the day I die" He replied back.
We laid back down and cuddled all night while just talking about anything and everything. Who knows when the next time we are going to be able to do this.
The last thought on my mind was that as long as Stiles is with me, safe and loves me as much as I love him there isn't anything we can't survive together.

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