Mute- Liam Dunbar

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"Scott!" Stiles called as he spotted his bestfriend at the lockers. The alpha turned towards him at the sound of his voice and gave him a wave.
"Hi, Stiles" He smiled, grabbing some of his books and placing them into his bag. Stiles seemed excited as he stopped next to his bestfriend.
"She-she's coming home" He blurted out, his eyes shining with happiness. Scott looked at him a bit confused before he realized who "she" was.
"Y/N's coming home?" The werewolf raised his eybrows in surprise as a huge smile searched its way onto his face. "Congrats dude, that's awesome" He said, clapping Stiles on the shoulder. Stiles smiled.
"I know, I can hardly believe it's been so long since, since you know..." He stopped and looked down on the floor. Scott knew he was refearring to the accident and he felt bad for Stiles.
"It's gonna' be alright dude. Your little sister is finally coming home!" He tried to cheer him up. Stiles nodded as he pushed the horrible memory away. He needed to focus on the present, not the past. "Come on, we're late to class" Scott said, closing his locker.
Everyone was talking about it. Everyone knew Y/N was coming home. And everyone remembered the accident. Stiles could hear them whisper in the halls but he didn't bother to care. She was coming home and that was all that mattered to him.
"Stiles, we're leaving now!" Y/N called as she grabbed her jacket and her carkeys. She had gotten her drivers license 2 weeks ago and she loved the feeling of freedom. She loved that she could drive to any place she wanted. This night, she and her bestfriend Amelia were going to a concert outside town. They were already late, and Y/N felt a little bit stressed out.
"Okay, see you later!" Her older brother answered from upstairs as she opened the frontdoor. Y/N didn't know about the supernatural, and Stiles wanted it to remain that way. He thought she would be safer if she didn't.
Noone really knew what had actually happened after they left the house. The police had found the car completely ruined, upside down in a ditch next to the road. Amelia was dead a few meters away. She had multiple injuries and was almost hard to reqognize due to the scars on her face and body. The police couldn't tell what had caused them, but Scott and his pack knew it must have been something supernatural. Y/N was found unconscious deeper into the woods, she was bleeding from her face and arm. She had giant bruises and scratchmarks around her neck, but she was alive. The ambulance brought her to the hospital and the doctors said it was a miracle that she was still alive. She had lost a lot of blood. Her arm was broken, and some of her ribs but she would recover. Except from one injury. She had damaged her vocalchords, which meant she would never be able to talk again. Y/N was mute.
Y/N wasn't her self after that. She used to be so happy, always smiling and laughing but now she just kept on a blank expression. She had to stay at the hospital for several weeks before the sheriff convinced the doctors to release her. Her father had somehow hoped that she would become her usual self if she got to be at home. That didn't happen. Y/N stayed inside everyday, she never went to school, she just stared at the wall all day. She didn't eat or drink and she had trouble sleeping.
Stiles hated to see her that way, so sad and alone. He tried to teach her sign language but she refused to even try. When people would try to ask her what had happened that night, she would just shake her head and turn the other way. Stiles tried everything to cheer her up. He told her jokes, he danced to random music with really weird dancemoves, he even tried to sing. Nothing worked. That's when the sheriff desided to send her away for a while. He figured it would be good for Y/N to leave the town, to recover. He knew she missed her bestfriend and he knew that Beacon Hills reminded Y/N of her everyday.
Y/N was sent to a home for other people like her. People who struggled with something in their lives.
Stiles sat in his room, waiting for Y/N and his dad to come home. He tried to focus on his homework but he had trouble concentrating. It had been 4 months since he last saw his sister. He remembered how she used to lay in bed, her eyes glued to the white ceiling. He used to watch her from the doorway, wondering what she was thinking about. Both him and his dad tried no to talk about the accident. They were afraid she would get more upset than she already was.The sound of his dad's car outside brought Stiles out of his thoughts. He got out of his seat and raced downstairs. He opened the door and spotted his little sister standing next to he car, helping their dad with her bags.
"Y/N" Stiles called, causing her to turn around. A smile searched its way onto her face. He ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I missed you" he whispered.
"Stiles, can you help me with these bags?" The sheriff asked, which caused the two of them to break apart. Y/N smiled at her older brother.
"Yeah, of course" Stiles said, taking two of the bags from his dad. Y/N followed as the three of them made their way inside. She closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of home. Stiles watched her with a smile. She looked healthier now, her eyes were clear and she seemed to be full of life. That made him happy. "Come on, I got you something!" Stiles said, taking her hand.
He led her into the kitchen. "Wait here" he said and rushed into the livingroom to get the gift. Y/N wondered what he had bought for her. Stiles returned a moment later, holding something behind his back. "I thought you could use this. It makes it easier to communicate with others" he said as he gave her the gift. Y/N looked down at it with a smile. It was a small whiteboard with a blue ribbon attached to it.
"You didn't need to" Y/N signed with her hand. Stiles smiled.
"But I wanted to." He had learnt sign language right after she was sent away, since he knew she would learn it while she was gone. He even teached their dad, so that they all could talk without writing anything down.
"I really missed being home" Y/N signed, looking around.
"We missed having you home" Stiles said to which Y/N smiled.
"Stiles, Y/N do you guys want pizza?" Their father called. Stiles looked over at his sister who nodded eagerly.
"Yeah, dad!" Stiles responded.
"I'm going out to buy it, you kids stay here"
"Alright, see you!"
"So, what about a movie?"
"Sounds nice" Y/N smiled.

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