Glad to Be Back- Theo Raeken

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"What are you going to do?" My mother asked as I was grabbing an apple from the bowl. "Theo asked me to work out with him at the gym." "You're glad that he's back, aren't you?" "Yeah, I mean, it feels like he's never left Beacon Hills. It's just like 4th grade." She smiled at me and proceeded cleaning the kitchen counter. "Well, make sure you don't come home too late, I'm making your favorite." I had already made my way to the hallway to put the apple in my sports bag. "I'll try!" I yelled before walking out of my house. It was a pretty sunny day, just a few clouds in the sky, around 68 degrees. I was thinking about going to the gym with my bike, but eventually ended up taking my car. I threw my bag on the passenger's seat, started my car and drove towards the "big gray building", that's how Theo described it.
I found it in no time though. I mean, it's Beacon Hills, this is probably the only gym they have here. I drove my car onto the parking lot as I saw Theo's car already standing there. After entering the building and paying my entry, I changed myself into my sportswear, which consisted of a gray crop top, a black pair of leggings and my favorite black gym shoes. As I walked out of the changing rooms, I put my hair in a messy ponytail and started looking for my friend. But I already knew where he was.
I opened the door to the room with the weights, and I was right. He was there.
"Hello there hot stuff." I blurted out. Theo looked at me through the mirror and his lips parted just a few inches. "Well, this is much better than that ballerina outfit you used to wear." He placed his weights on the rack and walked over to me. "And you still seem to love being shirtless, don't you?" I answered and we both laughed. "That was one time! It was that stupid juice that had to spill itself on my shirt."
"Do you actually still play volleyball?" Theo asked as he sat down on one of the attributes. I bit my lips and shook my head. "Not anymore. I got an injury in the middle of a competition and I left the group as soon as the season was over." "But you were really good at it." Theo tried to cheer me up. I smiled a little and playfully his his shoulder. "I guess it had such an impact on me, I didn't want to do it anymore. I mean, twisting your kneecap isn't nothing, I had to walk with crutches for almost 3 months." I patted my hand on my right knee and smiled. "But this buddy is doing fine now."
After talking for a little while longer, we started doing some weightlifting. Well, I was trying while watching Theo's body. Having a crush on someone since 3rd grade sucked. On the inside, he might still be that exact same guy, but from the outside, damn. He's changed, in a very positive way.
"Y/N, are you staring at me?" He smirked and I blushed. "N- No, I was just, ugh, okay!" I focused on my dumbbells, which weighed around 11 pounds. "You're doing it wrong." Theo said as he stood up from his attribute, walking over to me. He rested his chest against my back and placed his hands over mine. "You need to pull them up a little higher." His nose was touching my ear as he murmured those words. I let out a shaky breath and pulled the weights up to my chest. "Like this?" I asked him and turned my head to the side. Our noses were touching right now and I could feel his heart beating at a fast pace against my back. He nodded, tickling my nose and I giggled at his action. I fully turned my body so I was facing him.
"Now I know why your heart is always beating so fast when you're around me. You're starting to like me." I blushed and started fiddling with the hem of my crop top. "Since when?" "Not long ago. I actually had a little crush on you when we were young." "So, if I understand it, you've been waiting for me to come back since we were 9?" Theo asked, placing a strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded. "Kind of, yeah, it sounds creepy." "No, it's not, because I'm starting to like you too." He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. "R- Really?" I asked, still a bit shocked from his answer. "Yeah. When I left Beacon Hills, I couldn't think about anything or anybody else but you." I chuckled and snaked my arms around his neck. "I'm glad you're back." I whispered before leaning in and connecting our lips. Theo's hands moved down to my ass and pulled me from the ground, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Theo, remember, cameras." I tried to say between kisses. He immediately placed me back on the ground. "Sorry, your lips are just so soft..." He pouted and I pecked his lips for the last time.
"How about we resume this... somewhere else?" I proposed. I thought I saw his eyes turn amber for a second and he nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of this room.

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