Isaac Lahey

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It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment you fall in love with somebody. Was it the first time you saw him, quietly reading in the back corner of Chemistry? Or maybe it was the first time he saw you cry, his skin glowed under your porch light, and his voice was so soft as he coaxed you to sleep. It even could have been after your first big fight, you were both so angry you couldn't even look at him, but then he made some dumb joke and you guys were fine, just like that. But most likely it was when you realized you could never have him, because he was leaving, and then he was gone, and you never told him; because I guess maybe you didn't even know until he was thousands of miles away.

You were feeling down to put it lightly. This was just like you; you always wanted what you couldn't have. You bit your lip and frowned, because for once it was more than that, you wanted him; you were in love him; and he was in France. You groaned and flopped backwards on your bed, debating on whether it was worth it to get up and walk down stairs to get the Rocky Road ice cream in your freezer; but it was so much effort. The Bat Man theme song echoed about your room before you could make a decision; you answered your phone, not bothering to check the collar ID, "Hey Stiles", you murmured into your phone glumly.

"Hey, you weren't in school today, what's up?" He asked, sounding uncharacteristically serious.

"Stiles, I've lost the will to go on." You droned, only half joking, rolling onto your stomach.

"How bad is it? On a scale of you-reread-the-seventh-Harry-Potter to the-time-Justin-Kolinsky-"

You shuddered and quickly interrupted Stiles, "Hey, we don't-"

"Mention the Justin Kolinsky Incident, I know, sorry. But seriously, Y/N, what's wrong?" Stiles asked quickly, started to sound a little more than concerned.

You squeezed your eyes shut, and contemplated how to put your feelings into words, "I miss him Stiles." You said quietly.

Stiles let out a soft sigh, "I know you do." He said gently.

"I just, I feel like he chose the easy way out instead of me." You murmured shakily, swallowing the lump that had started to build in your throat.

"Y/ order for him choose Paris over you, he has to know you're a choice." Stiles reasoned softly, not wanting to upset you.

"I know, I should have told him, I just...if he said no, I don't think I could bounce back from that." You said quietly.

Stiles paused for a moment, he was never good with words and he was racking his brains for the right thing to say, all he wanted to do was make you smile, "I'll be over in 20 minutes with pizza."

You smiled slightly, Stiles had been your best friend for as long as you could remember and he always knew what to do for you, "But it's date night." You said, frowning as you remembered is was Saturday night, which was technically Malia's night.

"Malia will understand." Stiles reassured.

"For the third week in a row?" You questioned, with your eyebrow quirked.

"Yeah, one of the good things about dating someone who was a coyote for most of her life is she doesn't get jealous about things like that." He said quickly; you could hear him start his jeep form his end of the line.

"She's still a girl Stiles." You lectured, knowing from experience any girl would be pissed after getting canceled on for the fourth time in a row.

"You let me worry about Malia, I'll see you in 15." He said, hanging up before you could protest again. You placed your phone on your bedside table, a small smile still lingering on your face. Stiles may be a stupid boyfriend, but he was the best friend you could ever ask for.

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————You walked into school, feeling a lot better after Stiles came over Saturday; he had this amazing knack for making you forget about all the bad things in the world. You smiled once you saw Stiles walking towards you, but as soon as you noticed the panicked expression on his face your smile fell.

"Hey, we need to talk." Stiles said urgently, grabbing your forearm and tugging you towards an empty alcove.

"What's wrong?" You asked quietly, placing your hand on his shoulder.

He took a deep breath and glanced around before murmuring, "So apparently like usual, you were right and I was wrong. Malia's pissed about Saturday and now she's convinced that you and I..." He trailed off.

You shuddered once you realized what he was trying to say, "Oh, God." You muttered, almost starting to gag.

He nodded rapidly, "That's what I said! But she was all like, "You two are so close, and I'll never understand that level of intimacy", and then she stormed out." He explained, using exaggerated hand gestures to convey his frustration.

You crossed your arms and bit your bottom lip as you tried to think of a way to make Malia understand Stiles was like your little brother, sometimes even your little sister, "Did you tell her that we've known each other for like, what? Fourteen years?" You questioned.

He nodded again, "Yeah, I even told her that you were the one that convinced me to ask her out for real, but she's just so insecure when it comes to things like this, you know?"

You nodded, tugging on your backpack straps nervously, "I'll talk to her, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? She's-"

"A jealous werecoyete that has the ability to rip out my throat. Yeah, I'm aware." You interrupted, swallowing nervously. "Listen, I'll be fine, she's my friend and I'll see you in English." You said semi-confidentially, not sure if you were trying to convince Stiles or yourself.

You turned on your heel and headed into the hallway, looking for Malia. But instead you found someone else, and you never understood what people meant when they said their heart skipped a beat until you saw Isaac walking towards you with the most beautiful and bright smile you had ever seen gracing his face. You forgot all about Malia, and Stiles, as you pushed passed the crowd of people heading to first period. "What, what are you doing here?" You asked shakily, once you reached Isaac.

He pulled you into a tight hug, "Well, I discovered something about Paris." He whispered in your ear.

You shivered, smiling widely, "What's that?" You asked quietly.

"Paris doesn't have you." He said softly, pulling out of the hug to smile at you.

You smiled again; ducking your head so you he couldn't see the blush making it's way across your cheeks, "That so?" You questioned quietly.

He nodded, still giving you that smile that made your heart pound and your ears ring, "Listen, I have to go get my schedule, but I'll see you at lunch." He said, giving your shoulder a squeeze before walking off towards the office.

You stood there in the middle of the hallway with a stupid smile stuck on your face.

"Hey." A voice murmured, snapping you out of your Isaac induced trance.

You glanced up and swallowed nervously, "Hey, Malia." You paused, sucking in a deep breath, "Listen, about Stiles-"

"It's okay, I get it. You guys are just friends." She interrupted smiling.

You let out a sigh of relief, "What changed your mind?" You asked, linking your arms together as you two made your way to English.

She smirked, "Let's just say your reunion with Isaac was enlightening." She said, giving you a knowing smile.

You felt your cheeks grow hot, "What are you talking about?" You asked, pretending not to know what she was hinting at.

She just smiled as she said, "Don't worry, you looked cute with your red cheeks, and from what I could see, Isaac thought so too."

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