Sneaking In- Malia Tate

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It was a relaxing friday night, with nothing to do. Your friends are busy doing something supernatural, but not you. I wanted a day off, a day for myself. And that's exactly what i'm going to do tonight.
I was busy showering and taking my time in the bathroom when all of the sudden i heard a noise come from room. Shit. What if someone is stealing and i'm fucking naked. I quickly got out and grabbed my towel and putted around me.
I silently walked towards my room and on my way i grabbed my brother baseball bat. I was holding so thight so that when i open the door i'll be swinging at anyone. Okay here goes nothing. 1, 2 , 3..
I opened the door and start swinging at whatever is in my way.
"Stop!" Malia yelled and you froze. What the fuck was she doing here. It's freaking 10pm.
"What are you doing here!?" I shouted and closed the door behind. I putted the bat next to door and walked towards my closet, grabbing some pj's.
"I was alone at home and i wanted to hang out with you." She responded and gave you an apologetic look. I sighed and came out of the closet when i was finished getting dressed.
"You scared the living crap out of me you know." I told her and sat down on my bed.
"We have a door for a reason." I sassed and gave her a look.
"Your window was open, so I climbed in." She simply said and sat down next you.
"Well since you're here. Do you want to watch a movie and maybe sleep over?" I asked her as i was choosing a movie to watch.
"Yes i'll like that."
The rest of the night the two of you were watching any stupid movies you could find. Even tho she scared the living crap out of me, i was glade she came. Atleast i don't have to be alone anymore.

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